Twitter developer events: Summer 2014

Summer is now in full swing and like many others, our developer advocates are on the road to meet you at a number of upcoming events. You can track where in the world our Developer and Platform Relations (DPR) Team is through our events page as well as @TwitterDev.

Here’s a breakdown of our current summer calendar. Stay tuned, as we’ll continue to add more events to the list.

France HTML 5 User Group (Paris, France): July 2, 2014
Join our Developer Advocate Romain Huet at the largest web meetup in Paris. He is speaking to the latest innovations in HTML5 and how developers can get connected to the pulse of the entire planet.

International Startup Festival (Montreal, Canada): July 9, 2014
Real-time data analysis with the Twitter Streaming API and Elasticsearch. Learn how to work with real-time data found in public social conversations. This workshop will include an end-to-end tutorial on data collection, storage, retrieval and analysis. Come meet Developer Advocate Sylvain Carle.

Twitter Japan Dev Meetup (Tokyo, Japan): July 10, 2014
Join us for our @TwitterDevJP Meetup and come hear from Developer Advocates Ryhoei Miyata and Vincent Isambart. This event is open to anyone in the Tokyo developer community who is interested in learning more about Twitter. 

Open Web Camp (San Jose, U.S.): July 12, 2014
Join Developer Advocate Ryan Choi as he speaks to people who are focused on open web technologies.

ESRI User Conference (San Diego, U.S.): July 14-16, 2014
The Gnip/Twitter Data Team will be showcasing new ESRI + Gnip integration tools along with live demos of the connectors in action. Located in the ESRI User Conference Start-Up Zone, the Gnip/Twitter Data Team will share some sample applications showcasing the commercial value found in merging social and geo data. Be sure to say hi to Will Mayo and Developer Advocate Andrew Noonan at the Gnip/Twitter Data booth.

Twitter UK Dev Meetup (London, UK): July 14, 2014
Come see our new @TwitterUK London office, where we will be hosting drinks and networking conversations with the local DPR Team as well as some other Twitter folks visiting from our HQ. Stay tuned via @TwitterDev for registration details.

TwitterHQ: Dev Pod Meetup (San Francisco, U.S.): July 15, 2014
Follow us via @TwitterDev for registration details to come.

OSCON (Portland, U.S.): July 20-24, 2014
The Twitter Open Source Programs Team (@TwitterOSS) is co-sponsoring OSCON this year and will have a booth at the show plus an awesome coding challenge. The Twitter DPR Team will be there to answer any questions, and we’ll have some fun giveaways at the booth. While you’re at the show, also be sure to check out Andy Piper’s talk about Internet ALL the things — a walking tour of MQTT.

We’ll also host a Twitter Thank You (#TTY) gathering on Tuesday, July 22. It’s one way to express our gratitude to the open source community. (TTY is a reference to the UNIX terminal, for those not aware.) Ping us via @TwitterDev if you can join us there.

#NettyMeetup at Twitter HQ (San Francisco, U.S.): July 28, 2014
We want to bring together Netty committers and adopters to discuss their experiences and where the project is headed. Read about how Twitter built Finagle, a protocol-agnostic RPC system, on top of Netty.

#SFScala at Twitter HQ (San Francisco, U.S.): July 29, 2014
This meetup will be focused on three of the Scala libraries that we developed to make the architecture more scalable and intelligible to engineers. Be sure to also take a look at these blog and Github posts featuring Finagle.

Women in Engineering Event (London, UK): July 31, 2014
Follow us via @TwitterDev for registration details to come.

#MesosCon (Chicago, U.S.): August 21, 2014
#MesosCon is an event designed to foster user collaboration around Apache Mesos. The conference brings together users and developers to share ideas as a means for accelerating the growth of the project’s ecosystem. Be sure to connect with Chris Aniszczyk from our team.

This list will continue to grow throughout the summer, so be sure to check back on both our events page as well as via @TwitterDev for the latest DPR Team events.

Did we miss something that you think the Twitter DPR Team would be interested in joining? If so, please contact Katie Penn or Lauren Schutte with the details of your event. We look forward to hearing back from you!