Day Visitors

If you wish to sail your boat on Whitefriars Lake in the heart of the Cotswold Water Park, Day Membership (Day sailing) is available by prior arrangement with our Membership Secretary - by email is ideal. Please complete the Insurance Indemnity and Application for Day Sailing form, giving details of your sailing experience, the type of boat you intend to sail, your home sailing club and details of your boat insurance.

The Day Membership charge is £15 per day and should be paid in advance to the Membership Secretary

It is a requirement to sign-in to the Visitors Book in the Clubhouse, contact the OOD and obtain permission to launch your boat. We do not operate a tally system but you are requested to advise the OOD or any Duty Staff when you are safely off the water. You will need gate access codes to get access to our waters. These will be provided by the membership secretary on receipt of payment.

Day Membership is only available when organised Safety Boat cover is present, unless agreed in advance. Usually this means Wednesdays, Sundays and some Saturdays. You are expected to familiarise yourself with the club's operating procedures, particularly with regard to any other events that may be ongoing, but also with the operation of Safety Boat cover. You are required to wear buoyancy aids at all times on the water.

Relevant sections from the Club Rules are extracted here for your convenience. In the event of a discrepancy between those rule extracts listed here and the current Club rules, the latter will prevail.

5.2 Day sailing by non-members will normally be available on Sundays and/or by appointment only, at a fee to be set by the Management Committee. .. Day sailors may only visit the Club when Safety Boat facilities are in operation and under the direction of a Club Officer and sign the Insurance Indemnity and Application for Day Sailing form.

9.1 All members MUST wear adequate buoyancy aids when on the water.
9.2 All members are advised to wear adequate wet or dry suits during adverse weather conditions.~
9.3 All craft must carry third party Insurance to the minimum value of £3,000,000. Check your Insurance cover.
9.4 All boats must have adequate buoyancy and be maintained in a seaworthy condition. This is the boat owner's responsibility.
9.5 All craft should keep at least 25 metres from any angler fishing from the banks.

11.2 There is no restriction on class of boat being sailed in the Club except the practical limit of 5.5m in length. Inflatables, Cabins and multihulls are not permitted, other than those approved by the Management Committee for use by disabled members.


Whitefriars does not at present have any environmental restrictions with respect to invasive aquatic weeds, crustaceans or molluscs.
If your home sailing waters have problems with any of the following, then please let us know before visiting

  • Water Primrose - Ludwigia grandiflora
  • Killer shrimps (Killer shrimps - D. villosus and D. Haemobaphes)
  • Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha)
  • Quagga Mussels

We can only accept from boats from waters with these problems if suitably treated.

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