US politicians join Pfizer scrutiny

Prominent senator threatens retroactive action on tax ‘loophole’

Murdoch eyes pan-European Sky combination

Deal is under consideration but no talks are taking place

Expectations raised for’s US listing

Interest in China’s online retail market lifts figure to $1.7bn

Advertising titans’ merger of equals fails

Life as separate groups brings challenges for Omnicom and Publicis

Beats move marks break with Apple’s past

Widespread scepticism over proposed $3.2bn deal for Beats

Amazon’s UK tax bill rises to £4.2m

Controversy over charge, as sales hit $7.3bn

Google victory against Oracle overturned

Court’s software ruling will introduce new uncertainty for Android

reflection in shard

Shard becomes London’s ‘eyeful’ tower

Some hotel rooms come with potentially revealing views of guests

Convicted rogue trader Jérôme Kerviel, formerly of French bank Société Générale, on his pilgrimage from Rome to Paris after meeting Pope Francis. ### Jérôme Kerviel, ex trader della Société Générale, in pellegrinaggio da Roma a Parigi dopo aver incontrato Papa Francesco.

Warring South Sudan factions agree truce

Deal stipulates both a ceasefire and the formation of a transitional government

University students in Edinburgh on a programming course run by Code First
©Sally Davies

Girls crack code to storm land of geeks

Programming helps young women leap tech sector’s gender gap

Allergan poised to reject Valeant bid

Move could set up hostile takeover battle in US drug industry

goldman sachs

Goldman probed over Asia hiring practices

Bank also discloses high-frequency trading investigation

Comment and Analysis

Cook’s Apple marches to new Beats

Watchers agree on one thing - nobody saw it coming

Illustration by Luis Grañena of boom times
©Luis Grañena

Even boom times get the blues

‘The poor will be forgotten amidst talk of rising tides lifting all boats, and how much the neighbour’s house went for’

Nigeria: Beyond reason

The surge in Boko Haram violence has sparked international concern and domestic criticism in Africa’s largest economy

Best comments from our readers

"Coming from a country that is widely known for its 'liberal' stance towards drugs, I can only testify to Mr Soros's article in terms of prevention and treatment. On the supply side there are only two options as far as I am concerned. War on drugs or legalisation. The war on drugs is failing, that much is clear."
By Pieter, Netherlands on A futile war on drugs that wastes money and wrecks lives

"I think it's right to say that Thatcher wanted to replace corporatism with popular capitalism. And my experience was people responded to that. They construed it as the right to 'get on'. What is happening now is that ordinary people no longer have a sense that that's possible. They find themselves stuck, not getting on, doing their best not to go backwards."
By Simon Weil on Tory tax on property is perfect for the Piketty age

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