
Each year we take on a small number of trainees who join us for a fourteen-month Internship Programme. During their time with us, these Interns shadow our full time Instructors and undergo a wide range of training courses in yachting, powerboating and watersports. The combination of work experience and high level RYA training makes our Interns highly employable. We have a new intake of Interns every September.


Stormforce Coaching specialises in providing sail and powerboat training to leisure boaters and professional seafarers from its newly refurbished training centre in Southampton. We also offer charter, racing and superyacht training from the UK and the Caribbean.


The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the UK governing body for sailing and powerboating, RYA qualifications are the industry standard across the globe. Stormforce Coaching is accredited by the RYA, as well as a number of other governing bodies, and offers a wider range of RYA courses than any other commercial training centre in the world. If your aim is to progress your skills and knowledge within the watersports, yachting or superyachting industries then RYA training and certification is undoubtedly the best route to take. In the sailing and powerboating industry, RYA certificates are effectively your passport to travel!

Stormforce Coaching Internship Programme

If you are serious about getting ahead in the yachting industry, are well motivated and looking for a head start in the work place, the Stormforce Internship programme could be for you. The internship is a ‘train to work’ programme, which provides candidates with a large number of yachting and watersports qualifications alongside valuable practical work experience. There are a small number of Internship places available each year, beginning in September and lasting fourteen months. The Stormforce Coaching Internship programme is highly regarded within the yachting world - indeed, we believe it to be the best way to enter this competitive industry and have proven results to demonstrate the success of the programme. Interns are based in Southampton for the majority of their placement, although they may also gain experience working at boat shows, at other UK marinas and even overseas. 


The Stormforce Coaching Internship Programme was launched in September 2007 and has been growing and evolving ever since. Whilst the ethos remains broadly similar for each Intern, the specific programme is tailored to suit and reflect the needs of each individual candidate. As testament to the success of previous programmes, Stormforce Coaching has recruited several Interns as full time members of staff following the successful completion of their Internship. Over the years, competitors have been in touch to find out how the programme works. Many other RYA Training Centres have tried to emulate the success of the Stormforce programme. Flattering as this is, we are confident that no other commercial RYA Centre in the world can match the diversity of training and quality of experience that is on offer at Stormforce Coaching.

What is the difference between a Fast Track Course and the Stormforce Coaching Internship?

A number of RYA schools offer ‘Fast Track’ courses designed to equip students with a large number of qualifications in a very short period of time. Such courses can last anywhere between six and seventeen weeks and typically focus on one specific activity, such as the ‘Fast Track to Keelboat Instructor’ or ‘Fast Track to Yachtmaster’ course. A fifteen-week ‘Fast Track’ course costs in the region of £8k to £11k and some centres may have over 50 students participating in a Fast Track course at any one time. At the end of such a course, candidates will have acquired the relevant qualifications, but have no experience of working within the industry.

Recruitment is one of the key differences between the Fast Track Courses and the Stormforce Internships. In order to book a Fast Track Course, you will simply need to apply with your credit card; to become a Stormforce Intern, you will need to go through a similar recruitment process to that of our permanent staff. There is an extremely high demand for a small number of places and it is vital to Stormforce Coaching that the right candidates are selected. Interns working & training with Stormforce Coaching are just as much part of the team as the paid staff. The Internship is "on the job" training and Interns are expected to play a key role within the team. This programme is therefore not suitable for everyone! The Stormforce Coaching Internship lasts fourteen months, during which time the Interns will become highly qualified, desirable employees who work alongside our Senior Instructors. Interns become involved in many aspects of the business, including; fleet and site maintenance, launching craft, exhibiting at boat shows, charter handovers, meeting customers, marine engine servicing, skippering and instructing. By the end of their Internship, Stormforce Interns have over a year’s worth of genuine, valuable work experience to add to their CV's, a wider range of transferable skills, are better qualified and, crucially, are much more employable. All this, as well as training in a wider range of activities than any Fast Track course covers and for a fraction of the price.

Recognised Qualifications

The Stormforce Coaching Internship Programme is not an exact package; there are no standard qualifications that students’ emerge with. Instead, Stormforce Coaching works closely with the Interns, identifying individual strengths and developing those areas candidates show a keen interest and aptitude for. The list below is for guidance only and therefore may be subject to change.

Typical training courses undertaken during the Internship programme:

Interns who join us with relevant experience may also have the opportunity to complete one or more of the following:

Practical Experience - In addition to the vast experience gained working in our Southampton Centre, there will be numerous opportunities to gain diversity of experience on various placements. These may include: 

  • Crew position on board a Caribbean yacht Regatta
  • Crew position on board European yacht delivery
  • Crew position on board racing keelboats and yachts
  • Instructor for RYA Powerboat, Keelboat and PWC Courses
  • Skipper/Driver for Honda Race-boats experiences
  • Skipper for Southampton Try A Boat


  • Interns attend 5.5 days a week on average (this may include Bank Holidays or weekends)
  • Typical hours are 0900 to 1715, although these hours vary, particularly when on yachting and night navigation courses
  • Interns receive 28 days annual leave (pro-rata) spread over the year at times to be agreed with the Principal
  • If opting to join a Caribbean or Trans-Atlantic passage, flights and transfers are not provided
  • The fee for joining the Internship programme is £495 (payable on accepting a place)
  • Interns are provided with various books, staff shirts and wet weather gear which will become their property upon successful completion of the Internship programme

Valuable Work Experience

In addition to the comprehensive training you will undertake as a Stormforce Coaching Intern, you will also have the opportunity to learn about many other aspects of the business. Whilst not certificated, this experience will be beneficial in terms of career progression and will help to improve your employment prospects. It is important to realise that there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work in this industry and that Skippers and Instructors must be multi-skilled in order to secure full time employment, particularly in areas such as office, sales or maintenance skills. As part of their programme, Interns will be allocated work experience in and around the Training Centre as required. These jobs may include boat cleaning, fleet maintenance, IT, boat show preparation, site maintenance and anything else that may be necessary to ensure the smooth day to day running of the centre. As the programme progresses, Interns will have the opportunity to become involved with skippered RIB charter, safety boat work and the teaching of different courses. Thus providing the chance to put those new qualifications into practice and develop skills under the guidance of our experienced Senior Instructors. Interns will also have the opportunity to join one of the Team Stormforce race teams on board either our SB20s keelboats or race yachts, helping to make these craft perform and place well!

A Selection of Our Former Interns

Please click on each former Intern to learn more about their time at Stormforce, and what they do now:



First Officer
M/Y Talitha


Ifan James

Chief Instructor
Stormforce Coaching


Adam ONeill

RNLI Trainer
RNLI College


Isaac Erdman

Beach Manager
Ocean Elements, Greece


Tom Hemsley

Skipper & Instructor
Stormforce Coaching


Alex Sawdon

Deck Crew
Private superyacht


Jonathan Tyrrell

Lead Skipper
Saber Powersports


Alex Gooch

Race Skipper
GBR Sonar Youth Team


Brad Bradbury

Freelance Instructor &
Marine Photographer


Roz Farr

Dinghy & Keelboat
Race Crew


Stuart Mackie

Lead Flotilla Skipper
Sunsail, Greece


Freelance Power

Blake Turczak - First Officer, Motor Yacht Talitha, Med & Caribbean

Before joining the Stormforce Coaching Internship, Blake already had experience teaching watersports at various exotic locations and was a qualified RYA Dinghy Instructor and Kitesurf Instructor. After graduating from the Internship programme, Blake remained with the Stormforce team for a few months before pursuing his dream of working on board a superyacht. His first job was as the “watersports deckie” on board a 220 foot motor yacht in the Caribbean. He has since been head-hunted and is now the First Officer on MY Talitha, spending summers in the Med and winters in the Caribbean.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail
  • RYA Ocean Shorebased
  • RYA Windsurf Instructor
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • BSAC Boat Handling Instructor

Blake's Testimonial

There were over 200 applicants for my first superyacht position; I was selected for the diversity of watersports I was qualified to deliver. I have no doubt that anyone graduating from the Stormforce Coaching Internship will easily find work within our industry.

Ifan James - Chief Instructor & Race Skipper, Stormforce Coaching

Prior to joining the Stormforce Coaching Internship programme, Ifan had worked in the industry for eight years as a Senior Dinghy Instructor, Multi-hull Instructor, Windsurf Instructor and Powerboat Instructor. During his Internship, Ifan was appointed first mate for the Fastnet Campaign aboard the Stormforce First 40.7 and skippered various other events. Ifan was also the mainsheet trimmer on board Vader, Stormforce’s 1720, as part of the winning team in the RSYC Frostbite Series. After completing his Internship, Ifan accepted a permanent position with the Stormforce team, working as a full time race Skipper and Instructor. As part of this role he skippered a number of race events including Antigua Week. During his Internship, Ifan was chosen by the RYA as ‘Yachtmaster of the Year’ and presented with the prestigious trophy by HRH Princess Anne. More recently, he was appointed as our Chief Instructor and now heads up our team of Instructors and Interns.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail
  • RYA Ocean Shorebased
  • RYA Sail Cruising Instructor
  • RYA Adv. Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA Senior Keelboat Instructor
  • BSAC Diver Cox'n Assessor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • 1st Mate - Fastnet Campaign

Ifan's Testimonial

I had been an Instructor for a number of years before I joined the Stormforce Internship and had done a fair bit of yacht racing. The Internship gave me the chance to develop the skills I already had in order to become a race skipper. Since working with Stormforce, I’ve been lucky enough to compete in many international events, whilst still teaching the odd course.

Adam O'Neill - RNLI Trainer, RNLI College, Poole

Adam was enrolled on our first ever Internship programme back in 2007, on graduation we offered him a full-time position. Over the next five years he progressed onto our Senior Instructor role, taught several generations of newer Interns and qualified as both a Yachtmaster Instructor Power and Sail with us. He delivered our customer's yachts across the Med and Baltic before accepting a position with the RNLI College last year.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • RYA Dinghy Instructor
  • RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Sail
  • RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • BSAC Boat Handling Instructor

Adam's Testimonial

Towards the end of the Internship I was unsure which direction to pursue, I was lucky enough to be offered a full-time job at Stormforce where I worked for a further five years. This allowed me to continue dinghy sailing, yachting, racing, powerboating and jet skiing. I now work as an RNLI Lifeboat Trainer in Poole!

Isaac Erdman - Beach Manager, Ocean Elements, Porto Heli, Greece

Isaac was involved in tall ship sailing before joining us for the Internship. He came down from Orkney to spend thirteen months in southampton and one month at our former centre in Greece, where he went on to work full-time. He recently returned to complete his RYA Senior Instructor course and has gone from a trainee Watersports Instructor to Beach Manager in just two years.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Dinghy Instructor
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • BSAC Diver Cox'n
  • BWS Ski Boat Driver

Isaac's Testimonial

During my Internship I spent a month in Greece on placement at Poseidon Sports, teaching dinghy sailing, windsurfing and paddleboarding. This inspired me to follow a career in the Watersports Industry. After completing the Internship, I was offered a job at Porto Heli and I am now the Beach Manager there (now owned by Ocean Elements). The Stormforce Coaching Internship gave me all the skills and qualifications I need to manage an entire beach and team, and more importantly - the direct introductions to my first beach job.

Tommy "Rodders" Hemsley - Full Time Instructor, Stormforce Coaching

No prizes for guessing who ‘Rodders’ resembles! Rodders was already a powerboat owner before he joined us, having also tried his hand at keelboat sailing a handful of times. After a few years of working in various different jobs, Rodders decided that working with people on board boats was more for him and joined the Stormforce Internship programme. Following his graduation, Rodders worked full time with the Stormforce team for a winter and went on to gain his MCA Yachtmaster Offshore qualification. He then became the lead skipper for a Mediterranean flotilla and ran a fleet of fifteen yachts, sailing among the islands of the Aegean sea. Just over a year ago he returned to us, qualified as an Advanced Powerboat Instructor, Motor and Sail Cruising Instructor and is now one of our permanent staff.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Sail
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Dinghy Instructor
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased
  • BSAC Boat Handling Instructor

Rodder's Testimonial

I was unsure which direction my career was taking me in, so I decided to find out if I could have a successful career doing something I love. The Stormforce Internship gave me loads of hands on practical experience as well as the necessary qualifications. It was the Internship that led to me getting a job I love, working with people and boats and spending my days in the sunshine!

Alex Sawdon - Deckhand, Private Superyacht, France & Italy

Alex previously worked at a Multi-activity centre in the USA before joining us for the Internship. He came to us with the aim to enter the superyachting industry and be well equipped to teach Watersports on board if required. He achieved his goal and now works aboard superyachts in the Med and Caribbean.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • STCW '95 Basic Safety
  • BWS Ski Boat Driver
  • BSAC Diver Cox'n

Saw's Testimonial

When looking for an internship it was an easy choice for me. Where else could you find skilled and friendly staff and instructors, a great venue and such a plethora of yachting and watersports equipment? Since completing the Internship, I have found my way into the superyacht industry. I found that the wealth of experience gained in maintenance and instructing whilst at Stormforce Coaching definitely makes me stand out in the crowd.

Jon Tyrrell - Senior Powerboat Skipper, Saber Powersports

Jon was an active Dinghy Instructor, with two seasons under his belt when he applied to join us. He progressed through the Internship quickly, taking sole charge of the SB20 fleet. Jon now works as our Senior Skipper for Saber Powersports, he is in control of all their Powerboat Experiences which is run through Stormforce Coaching. He also works as an instructor for Stormforce teaching powerboat, PWC and keelboat courses and runs our youth keelboat sailing evenings.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • RYA Adv. Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Senior Instructor
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • RYA Racing Instructor
  • BSAC Boat Handling Instructor

Jon's Testimonial

I began my career as a Dinghy Instructor before joining the Internship. Even having been in the marine industry for a couple of years, I learned so much and was surprised by how many doors being an intern opened to me. I am now the Senior Skipper for Saber Powersports, a partner company of Stormforce Coaching.

Alex Gooch, Sonar GBR Youth Skipper, UK

Alex was a keen South coast club sailor and Dinghy Instructor before he met us. He joined a number of our inshore and offshore races, both in keelboats and yachts. Towards the end of his Internship, he took his team to the United States for the Sonar World Championships. He now works in the marine division of a graphic design company and races regularly.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased
  • RYA Safety Boat
  • BWS Ski Boat Driver

Alex's Testimonial

Joining the Internship gave me many opportunities to pursue my dream of competitively racing. I had the amazing opportunity to be part of the Sonar Youth Team and raced at the Sonar World Championships held in the USA. Since completing the Internship I have been a guest speaker at the RYA Dinghy Show 2014 and I now coach at my local sailing club and plans are being made for me to coach the UK Sonar Team in the near future.

Brad Bradbury- Freelance Instructor & Marine Photographer, UK

Before joining us, Brad had spent the previous twenty years working in the Royal Navy. Having come to the end of his career as a photographer within the Navy, he felt it was time to re-train and pursue his love of all things nautical. During his time with us Brad made a conscious decision to follow the Power route, although he still completed a large number of sailing courses. During his Internship, Brad joined one of our senior staff members for some PWC training in Spain and worked on various jet boats and motorboats as well as our own fleet. Since completing his Internship, Brad has gone on to gain his RYA Radar Instructor qualification with us and now works for us as a freelance Instructor. He combines his teaching for Stormforce Coaching with his work as a freelance photographer.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Power
  • RYA Motor Cruising Instructor
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA Adv. Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • BSAC Boat Handling Instructor
  • RYA Coastal Skipper Sail

Brad's Testimonial

I was looking to retrain after leaving the Navy and wanted to continue spending my days doing a job I enjoy and working on the water. The Internship with Stormforce was a really useful way for me to gain the qualifications I needed to forge my own career in the industry. I now work for myself and teach regular courses for Stormforce, which is a nice way to stay in touch and spend time afloat!

Roselle Farr - Dinghy and Keelboat Race Crew, UK

Roz had sailed all of her life in Wales before coming to Southampton for the Internship. She was already qualified as a Dinghy instructor and enjoyed racing so was the perfect candidate for the Internship. She gained qualifications to aid her love of racing and now crews a B14.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Coastal
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA Safety Boat
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC
  • HSE First Aid at Work
  • RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased
  • BSAC Diver Cox'n

Roz's Testimonial

The internship with Stormforce coaching was a great way to learn more about the marine industry and gain qualifications. I had a love of sailing from a young age and when I saw this internship after finishing my A levels, I thought it was a great opportunity to add to my current qualifications. There were times when it was challenging being a female in a very male industry but also very rewarding. I now work for Skandia, the previous sponsors of Cowes Week and Olympic sailors and I am crew on a B14 and regularly race.

Stu Mackie- Lead Flotilla Skipper, Sunsail, Greece

Stuart came to us as an Intern after deciding he wanted to change career paths. Having spent fifteen years working in the building trade, Stu was able to bring many useful skills to his Internship and indeed to his resulting employment. During his Internship programme, Stuart amassed a wealth of qualifications, some of which are listed below. He left us as one of our most qualified Interns ever. Whilst training with us, Stu had the chance to cross the Atlantic on a delivery trip from the Caribbean back to the UK which proved to be invaluable experience for him. He graduated from us and stepped straight into a position aboard a classic luxury superyacht. Former Intern Blake (see above), who is First Officer of the same yacht, contacted us when he was looking for new staff and we were able to recommend Stuart to him. After a couple of seasons in superyachting Stu decided to get back to sailing and has since become a flotilla skipper with his partner.

Qualifications gained during the Internship

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Power
  • RYA Ocean Shorebased
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • STCW '95 Basic Safety
  • STCW '95 Medical Care
  • 1st Mate on Trans-Atlantic
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC

Stu's Testimonial

Not only did the Internship programme with Stormforce get me all the training I needed for a new career, but a personal introduction from Stormforce also got me my very first job! Doing the Internship is the best way to get all your tickets and to learn about the industry in a short amount of time. I had some great experiences as part of my Internship that I wouldn’t otherwise have had and I walked straight into a job as a result of the contacts I made.

Sam Howells - Freelance Instructor

Sam had sailed for many years with his family before joining our Internship programme. At the end of the Internship he joined our full time office staff for a year and consolidated his skills. He has since gone on to mange an IT team, utilising the leadership skills he gained as a skipper and instructor. Now, he teaches powerboating for us and skippers the Honda raceboats on a freelance basis as a second job. He still sails regularly, both racing in the Solent and on cruising holidays.

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA PWC Instructor
  • RYA Keelboat Instructor
  • RYA Dinghy Instructor
  • BSAC Boat Handling Instructor
  • RYA Shorebased Instructor
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC

Sam's Testimonial

I never imagined how much I would learn in a year, or how quickly I would advance through the courses. By the end of the Internship I was qualified to instruct in multiple disciplines and had experience of putting it all into practice. Then progressing into the office team at Stormforce gave me transferrable skills in people and server management.


Additional Expenses

When considering your suitability for the Stormforce Coaching Internship programme, it is important to consider the level of commitment involved. Interns need to be able to support themselves financially for the fourteen months of the programme, whether from parental contribution, savings or a loan. Many potential Interns view this programme as an alternative to University or career training and many receive help from their families as such. It is important to remember that if you do not live locally to Southampton, you will also need to budget for accommodation. Stormforce Coaching Interns receive the same training as our other customers - for many courses, this includes certification and a handbook. There are, however, between £500 and £750 worth of external exam and licence fees that Interns will need to pay for during their programme. During the 14-month internship, candidates receive training courses to the value of £20k to £25k. There is a one-off non-refundable fee of £495 to be paid upon confirmation of the position. This payment is put towards personal kit provided to each candidate when commencing the Internship programme in September. This kit includes:

  • Branded offshore jacket / smock
  • Branded offshore trousers
  • Branded shore jacket
  • 5 Branded polo shirts
  • Various RYA Course Logbooks & Handbooks

Interns are welcome to keep the kit upon successful completion of their programme. It will be necessary to purchase some other specialist kit during the Internship, such as:

  • Sailing wellies
  • Wetsuit boots
  • Fleece & thermals
  • Gloves, hat, sunglasses
  • Sailing knife
  • Additional books

The loan of life jackets, buoyancy aids and impact vests is provided. Further information on additional expenses will be provided upon recruitment.

Additional Employment

During the Internship, there is limited time for an external part time job, such as bar work. The nature of the training means that set hours are not followed; Interns work some evenings and spend some nights at sea. This means that any part time employer has to be flexible and accept that you will not always be available. It is important to recognise that this is a full time (44+ hours a week) training position. It should go without saying that the Internship must take priority over any part time work. Any work taken on must be agreed with the Principal; working for Stormforce Coaching’s competitors during the Internship will not be allowed.

Improved Employment Prospects

Why choose an Internship? The Stormforce Coaching Internship programme will form a sound basis for many a career within the yachting industry. Whichever direction you choose to pursue, be it deckhand work on superyachts or teaching the RYA syllabus, you will be well equipped for work following your graduation from the Internship. If you are off to University after the programme, you will be perfectly suited for summer work in either the UK or the Med.

How to Apply

If you would like to apply for the Stormforce Coaching Internship Programme, download an application form from the ‘Working with Stormforce’ section on the Stormforce Coaching website, fill it in and email it back to us at: Please attach a recent passport photograph of yourself. We will reply by email. Applicants will be shortlisted and then invited to attend a short selection course and interview. Applications made by parents on behalf of their children will not be accepted.

Internship Pre-Requisites

  1. Minimum age of 18 years 
  2. Experience or qualifications to meet at least one of the following:
    1. An advanced level or Instructor Certificate in at least one of the RYA schemes OR
    2. Top 20% of the fleet placement in a national dinghy or yacht event OR
    3. A professional qualification in boat building OR
    4. Professional experience as a marine or automotive engineer OR
    5. Professional experience in a skilled trade (carpenter, electrician, builder etc) OR
    6. Similar experience to be discussed with the Principal
  3. Competent Swimmer
  4. Current passport
  5. Ability to self-fund living expenses for 14 months
  6. Non-Smoker 
  7. Successful applicants will be required to take a ENG1 or ML5 medical assessment before the programme starts, however if you are in good health, you can apply now, without a medical certificate.


We are accepting applications now, The closing date is 1200 on the 14th July 2014. Please ensure your application is submitted by this time.

Those shortlisted will be invited to attend a two-day residential selection course at our centre in Southampton. Meals and accommodation are provided for those on selection. The 2014 selection takes place on the 23rd and 24th July 2014.  All candidates who attend selection will be notified within three working days of whether they have been successful or not.

Make an Enquiry:

Full Name
E-mail Address
Telephone Number
Your Enquiry:
Preferred Contact Method

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Latest News:

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