Websites that work harder for you

Web Design & Digital Marketing in Basingstoke


User experience

Your customers demand excellent online experiences. Your business needs to increase website visitors' engagement, satisfaction and conversion rates. Purple will ensure your digital presence fulfils your users' needs as well as your business objectives, giving you greater reach while reducing support costs.


Information architecture (IA)

We develop websites that are consistently structured, with clearly signposted pages. Remember: if the customer can't find a product, the customer can't buy it. Having the right navigation, structure and labels on your site is essential for directing visitors to the content they seek, quickly and logically.


Responsive web design

Purple's developers pride themselves on keeping clients' websites steps ahead of the latest devices. By making use of fluid design and crafting your site to respond optimally to the size and dimensions of the screen it's viewed on, we will ensure your website looks picture-perfect regardless of device or environment.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Our mission is to increase your visibility via optimised search results to deliver high quality, targeted traffic to your website. First, we'll gain an understanding of your unique businesses challenges and objectives. Then we'll build a tailored SEO strategy to meet your exact requirements, whilst providing an exceptional return on your investment.


Mobile applications

We design and develop native and web-based mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms. A deep understanding and passion for technological advancements enables us to create secure, seamless, user-friendly experiences across all mobile devices. Our future-proof apps can be designed to work standalone or to integrate with an existing application or website.


Email marketing

Whether you're looking for the perfect email marketing strategy, email design and content, or someone you can trust to take on your outsourced operations. We can help you to create targeted high-impact email campaigns that can be tracked and analysed to effectively monitor your customers' behaviour for future planning.