Who are the Google Developer Experts?

The Google Developer Experts (GDE) title recognizes the outstanding developers who exhibit great expertise in one or more Google technologies and share it with the developer community.

GDEs are gurus, mentors and evangelists; they create tutorials, code samples, and write books and blogs; they publish videos, drive community projects, and present at events large and small. These independent developers bring their real-world experience and knowledge working with Google technologies to developer communities worldwide.

What kind of activities do GDEs do?

GDEs aren’t just expert developers in a Google technology of their choice – they spend a lot of time and energy sharing their enthusiasm and expertise with their local communities.

Here are examples of activities that GDe program members participate in:

  • Create content (news articles, blogs, books, technical documentation, translation, etc.)
  • Give talks at local and global events, in-person and online
  • Create videos, podcasts, and screencasts
  • Help developers on community forums (Google Groups, Stack Overflow, etc.)
  • Write code (open source projects, code samples, etc.)
  • Run community events, online or in-person (user and developer groups, hackathons, code labs, etc.)
  • Share their knowledge (tutorials, step-by-step guides, pro tips, etc.)
  • Submit detail-rich and relevant bug reports

Becoming a GDE

Expert developers who share their knowledge and passion for Google technologies with their communities can be nominated by their peers to apply for the GDE program if they are doing one or more of qualifying activities listed above.

We currently accept applications for the GDE program from developers focused on the following products:

Android Angular JS Chrome: Dart Chrome: HTML5
Google AdWords Google Analytics Google Apps APIs Google Apps Script
Google Chrome Google Cloud Platform Google Drive SDK Google Glass (US only)
Google Maps APIs Google+ Platform UX & Design YouTube APIs

Once nominated, a GDE candidate will go through a thorough evaluation process designed to ensure that only the best of the best are admitted to the program. The evaluation takes up to 10 weeks to complete and consists of the following steps:

  1. Submit a Community CV listing GDE-qualifying activities; should document an extensive body of work already completed.
  2. Interview by an existing GDE who specializes in the same technology as you.
  3. Interview by a Googler subject-matter expert in the same technology.
  4. Review and approval by regional Google Developer Relations lead.

If the candidate passes all the above steps, they will be accepted into the GDE program.

The GDE title is awarded for one year, and all participants must continue contributing to the community to maintain it.

GDE program benefits

The GDE title recognizes the expert developer’s contribution to their community, and comes with a number of benefits.

  • GDE program badge - Every GDE receives a badge that shows the product and the year for which they are a member of the program. The badge links to the GDE directory and serves as a way to certify their membership. The badge may be used on websites, business cards, etc. as per the badge use guidelines.
  • Listing in the GDE Directory
  • Early access to confidential information - Every incoming GDE signs a non-disclosure agreement and agrees to the Terms & Conditions of the program. Following that, Google product teams can share roadmaps, upcoming product features and other confidential information about products with GDEs, both to get their feedback and to keep them informed.
  • Closer relationship with Google Developer Relations - GDEs participate in regular, exclusive hangouts with Google engineers and developer advocates and let them know about bugs or any issues within the community. GDEs can also provide their insights on products and prioritize outreach programs for their regions.
  • Travel to local conferences and events - If a local event/conference has impact on the local developer community, the GDE could be reimbursed for some of their travel cost to their speaking engagement at the discretion of Google Developer Relations regional lead.
  • Annual GDE Summit - GDEs get an all-expenses-paid trip to the annual GDE Summit at Google HQ in Mountain View where they get to meet Googlers and other GDEs face to face, share and learn best practices, get product updates and insights, present the activities they've been working on, and get feedback.
  • Invitation to Google I/O - GDEs also receive an invitation to attend the annual Google I/O conference in San Francisco. GDEs must be members of the program for three (3) or more months at the scheduled date of the conference in order to qualify. Newer members may be provided invitations at their regional lead’s discretion.

Nominate a GDE

Know somebody who’d make an excellent GDE? We’re currently accepting applications for the GDE program from developers focused on the products highlighted in the table above.

Submit nomination

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