Keep your eyes peeled and anchors at the ready 

Lessons to learn from two incidents on the Thames.

Tony Roome

The Port of London Authority publishes regular Safety Bulletins for users of the tidal Thames.

Is your anchor ready to use?

Recent Bulletins have reminded recreational boaters of the need to ensure that anchors are securely fixed to the boat and have sufficient chain and rope attached to provide good anchoring on the river in case of emergency when cruising the tidal Thames.

How good is your lookout?

The most recent of the Bulletins covers an accident earlier this year when a narrowboat was struck by a pleasure cruiser. Glad to say that the crew of the narrowboat acted in exemplary fashion throughout and no blame was attached to them for the accident. The fact that they were carrying VHF (rather than relying on a mobile phone) and used it correctly, meant that help was with them in moments, no-one was hurt and an accident which could have resulted in something much more serious did not do so.

It’s a good reminder though, of the need to keep a sharp lookout on the Thames, particularly when operating in the areas used by the trip boats.

The Bulletins can be found at:

Tony Roome, Chair RYA Inland Navigation Panel

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Article Published: October 30, 2013 14:45


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