RYA Scotland Annual Awards Dinner 

RYA Scotland invites you to its Annual Awards dinner at the Glasgow Science Centre on Saturday 1st February 2014

The RYA Scotland Annual Awards are extremely important to RYA Scotland as an organisation and we hope that as many people as possible from all areas of the Scottish sailing community will be able to join us.

It is our way to say thank you to the many people who have gone above and beyond to help our sport, and a big well done to all the sailors in Scotland who have achieved so much during 2013!

The Glasgow Science Centre is a fantastic venue and will make the evening even more special. The location of the Science Centre is quite central and Glasgow provides a good selection of transport and accommodation options making it easier for those travelling from further afield.

RYA Scotland really hopes that you, your friends, your family, your club and many more will be happy to join them in this special celebration for the evening.

The Glasgow Science Centre has provided a great package enabling us to offer you a three course meal including wine in this unique venue for just £45 per ticket. If you plan to come as a group you can save money by purchasing a table of ten for just £400.

Over the course of the evening we will be announcing the winners of each of the annual awards and also recognising those who were shortlisted. We will also be awarding prizes to the RYA Scotland National Ranking winners who are part of the RYA Scotland performance programme.

Please help to make it an evening the winners will never forget and bring along as many people as you can to join them for the evening.

Please also help to spread the word and share this page on your Facebook page, Twitter accounts, club newsletters and generally tell as many people as you can.

I look forward to seeing you in February. If you have any queries about the Annual Awards Dinner please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at claire.caffrey@ryascotland.org.uk

Claire Caffrey, RYA Scotland Marketing Officer.


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Article Published: December 19, 2013 11:38

Article Updated: December 19, 2013 15:44


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