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223 policies
  1. Making sustainable development a part of all government policy and operations

    • 4 July 2014
    • Defra
    • Policy
    • Environment, Government efficiency, transparency and accountability
  2. Improving the transparency and accountability of government and its services

    • 3 July 2014
    • CO
    • Policy
    • Government efficiency, transparency and accountability
  3. Making roads safer

    • 3 July 2014
    • DFT, DVLA, VCA, TC and DVSA
    • Policy
    • Transport
  4. Reducing and managing waste

    • 2 July 2014
    • Defra and EA
    • Policy
    • Environment
  5. Improving the adoption system and services for looked-after children

    • 1 July 2014
    • DfE
    • Policy
    • Children and young people
  6. Increasing options and improving provision for children with special educational needs (SEN)

    • 1 July 2014
    • DfE
    • Policy
    • Children and young people, Schools
  7. Helping to reduce poverty and improve social justice

    • 26 June 2014
    • DfE and DWP
    • Policy
    • Welfare, Community and society
  8. Making legal aid more effective

    • 25 June 2014
    • MOJ
    • Policy
    • Law and the justice system
  9. Making the construction and maintenance of school buildings more cost-effective

    • 24 June 2014
    • DfE
    • Policy
    • Schools
  10. Growing the social investment market

    • 24 June 2014
    • CO and HMT
    • Policy
    • Community and society
  11. Improving the quality of teaching and leadership

    • 23 June 2014
    • DfE
    • Policy
    • Schools
  12. Improving opportunities for older people

    • 13 June 2014
    • DWP
    • Policy
    • Pensions and ageing society
  13. Helping people to find and stay in work

    • 13 June 2014
    • DWP and HMT
    • Policy
    • Employment, Welfare
  14. Making consumer credit markets fairer

    • 11 June 2014
    • HMT
    • Policy
    • Consumer rights and issues
  15. Supporting social workers to provide help and protection to children

    • 10 June 2014
    • DfE
    • Policy
    • Children and young people
  16. Reforming qualifications and the curriculum to better prepare pupils for life after school

    • 9 June 2014
    • DfE
    • Policy
    • Schools
  17. Managing, improving and investing in the road network

    • 5 June 2014
    • DFT and HA
    • Policy
    • Transport, UK economy
  18. Keeping the UK safe in cyber space

    • 5 June 2014
    • CO, BIS, FCO and National security and intelligence
    • Policy
    • National security
  19. Sustaining and enhancing trees, forests and woodland

    • 4 June 2014
    • Defra
    • Policy
    • Environment
  20. Making schools and colleges more accountable and giving them more control over their budget

    • 29 May 2014
    • DfE
    • Policy
    • Schools
  21. Increasing opportunities for young people and helping them to achieve their potential

    • 28 May 2014
    • CO and DfE
    • Policy
    • Children and young people
  22. Improving the quality and range of education and childcare from birth to 5 years

    • 20 May 2014
    • DfE and HMT
    • Policy
    • Children and young people
  23. Reducing the threats of flooding and coastal change

    • 16 May 2014
    • Defra and EA
    • Policy
    • Environment
  24. Protecting animal welfare

    • 13 May 2014
    • Defra
    • Policy
    • Wildlife and animal welfare
  25. Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy to ensure a fair deal for farmers, consumers and taxpayers

    • 8 May 2014
    • Defra
    • Policy
    • Food and farming
  26. Helping troubled families turn their lives around

    • 1 May 2014
    • DCLG
    • Policy
    • Community and society
  27. Improving high streets and town centres

    • 29 April 2014
    • DCLG
    • Policy
    • UK economy
  28. Bringing people together in strong, united communities

    • 28 April 2014
    • DCLG
    • Policy
    • Community and society, First World War Centenary
  29. Reforming and managing marine fisheries for a prosperous fishing industry and a healthy marine environment

    • 22 April 2014
    • Defra
    • Policy
    • Environment, Food and farming, Wildlife and animal welfare
  30. Adapting to climate change

    • 17 April 2014
    • Defra and EA
    • Policy
    • Climate change
  31. Making mental health services more effective and accessible

    • 3 April 2014
    • DH
    • Policy
    • National Health Service, Social care
  32. Reducing bovine tuberculosis

    • 3 April 2014
    • Defra
    • Policy
    • Food and farming, Wildlife and animal welfare
  33. Protecting and sustainably using the marine environment

    • 2 April 2014
    • Defra
    • Policy
    • Environment
  34. Protecting and improving people’s enjoyment of the countryside

    • 31 March 2014
    • Defra, EA and NE
    • Policy
    • Rural and countryside
  35. Promoting social action: encouraging and enabling people to play a more active part in society

    • 27 March 2014
    • CO and HMT
    • Policy
    • Community and society, Equality, rights and citizenship
  36. Protecting animal health and preventing disease, including in trade

    • 26 March 2014
    • Defra
    • Policy
    • Food and farming, Wildlife and animal welfare
  37. Creating a fairer and more equal society

    • 25 March 2014
    • DCMS, DfE and GEO
    • Policy
    • Equality, rights and citizenship, Children and young people
  38. Encouraging businesses to manage their impact on the environment

    • 25 March 2014
    • Defra, DECC and EA
    • Policy
    • Business and enterprise, Environment
  39. Providing effective building regulations so that new and altered buildings are safe, accessible and efficient

    • 21 March 2014
    • DCLG and BRAC
    • Policy
    • Planning and building
  40. Managing freshwater fisheries

    • 20 March 2014
    • Defra and EA
    • Policy
    • Food and farming

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