Channels: update

Updates a channel's metadata. Note that this method currently only supports updates to the channel resource's brandingSettings and invideoPromotion objects and their child properties. Try it now or see an example.

Quota impact: A call to this method has a quota cost of approximately 50 units in addition to the costs of the specified resource parts.


HTTP request



This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes (read more about authentication and authorization).



The table below lists the parameters that this query supports. All of the parameters listed are query parameters.

Parameter name Value Description
Required parameters
part string The part parameter serves two purposes in this operation. It identifies the properties that the write operation will set as well as the properties that the API response will include.

The API currently only allows the parameter value to be set to either brandingSettings or invideoPromotion. (You cannot update both of those parts with a single request.)

Note that this method overrides the existing values for all of the mutable properties that are contained in any parts that the parameter value specifies.
Optional parameters
onBehalfOfContentOwner string This parameter can only be used in a properly authorized request. The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter indicates that the authenticated user is acting on behalf of the content owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access to all their video and channel data, without having to provide authentication credentials for each individual channel. The actual CMS account that the user authenticates with needs to be linked to the specified YouTube content owner.

Request body

Provide a channel resource in the request body. For that resource:

  • You must specify a value for these properties:

    • id

  • You can set values for these properties:

    • brandingSettings.image.backgroundImageUrl.default
    • brandingSettings.image.backgroundImageUrl.localized[].value
    • brandingSettings.image.backgroundImageUrl.localized[].language
    • brandingSettings.image.bannerExternalUrl
    • invideoPromotion.position.type
    • invideoPromotion.position.cornerPosition
    • invideoPromotion.defaultTiming.type
    • invideoPromotion.defaultTiming.offsetMs
    • invideoPromotion.items[].id.type
    • invideoPromotion.items[].id.videoId
    • invideoPromotion.items[].id.websiteUrl
    • invideoPromotion.items[].timing.type
    • invideoPromotion.items[].timing.offsetMs
    • invideoPromotion.items[].customMessage
    • invideoPromotion.items[].promotedByContentOwner

    If you are submitting an update request, and your request does not specify a value for a property that already has a value, the property's existing value will be deleted.


If successful, this method returns a channel resource in the response body.


Note: The code samples below may not represent all supported programming languages. See the client libraries documentation for a list of supported languages.


This example uses the Java client library.

 * Copyright (c) 2013 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.



import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;

 * Add a featured video to a channel.
 * @author Ikai Lan <>
public class InvideoProgramming {

     * Define a global instance of a Youtube object, which will be used
     * to make YouTube Data API requests.
    private static YouTube youtube;

     * This sample video introduces WebM on YouTube Developers Live.
    private static final String FEATURED_VIDEO_ID = "w4eiUiauo2w";

     * This code sample demonstrates different ways that the API can be used to
     * promote your channel content. It includes code for the following tasks:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Feature a video.</li>
     * <li>Feature a link to a social media channel.</li>
     * <li>Set a watermark for videos on your channel.</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param args command line args (not used).
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // This OAuth 2.0 access scope allows for full read/write access to the
        // authenticated user's account.
        List<String> scopes = Lists.newArrayList("");

        try {
            // Authorize the request.
            Credential credential = Auth.authorize(scopes, "invideoprogramming");

            // This object is used to make YouTube Data API requests.
            youtube = new YouTube.Builder(Auth.HTTP_TRANSPORT, Auth.JSON_FACTORY, credential)

            // Construct a request to retrieve the current user's channel ID.
            // In the API response, only include channel information needed for
            // this use case. The channel's uploads playlist identifies the
            // channel's most recently uploaded video.
            // See
            ChannelListResponse channelListResponse = youtube.channels().list("id,contentDetails")

            // The user's default channel is the first item in the list. If the
            // user does not have a channel, this code should throw a
            // GoogleJsonResponseException explaining the issue.
            Channel myChannel = channelListResponse.getItems().get(0);
            String channelId = myChannel.getId();

            // The promotion appears 15000ms (15 seconds) before the video ends.
            InvideoTiming invideoTiming = new InvideoTiming();

            // This is one type of promotion and promotes a video.
            PromotedItemId promotedItemId = new PromotedItemId();

            // Set a custom message providing additional information about the
            // promoted video or your channel.
            PromotedItem promotedItem = new PromotedItem();
            promotedItem.setCustomMessage("Check out this video about WebM!");

            // Construct an object representing the invideo promotion data, and
            // add it to the channel.
            InvideoPromotion invideoPromotion = new InvideoPromotion();

            Channel channel = new Channel();

            Channel updateChannelResponse = youtube.channels()
                    .update("invideoPromotion", channel)

            // Print data from the API response.
            System.out.println("\n================== Updated Channel Information ==================\n");
            System.out.println("\t- Channel ID: " + updateChannelResponse.getId());

            InvideoPromotion promotions = updateChannelResponse.getInvideoPromotion();
            promotedItem = promotions.getItems().get(0); // We only care about the first item
            System.out.println("\t- Invideo promotion video ID: " + promotedItem
            System.out.println("\t- Promotion message: " + promotedItem.getCustomMessage());

            // In-video programming can also be used to feature links to
            // associated websites, merchant sites, or social networking sites.
            // The code below overrides the promotional video set above by
            // featuring a link to the YouTube Developers Twitter feed.
            PromotedItemId promotedTwitterFeed = new PromotedItemId();

            promotedItem = new PromotedItem();
            promotedItem.setCustomMessage("Follow us on Twitter!");


            // Call the API to set the in-video promotion data.
            updateChannelResponse = youtube.channels()
                    .update("invideoPromotion", channel)

            // Print data from the API response.
            System.out.println("\n================== Updated Channel Information ==================\n");
            System.out.println("\t- Channel ID: " + updateChannelResponse.getId());

            promotions = updateChannelResponse.getInvideoPromotion();
            promotedItem = promotions.getItems().get(0);
            System.out.println("\t- Invideo promotion URL: " + promotedItem
            System.out.println("\t- Promotion message: " + promotedItem.getCustomMessage();

            // This example sets a custom watermark for the channel. The image
            // used is the watermark.jpg file in the "resources/" directory.
            InputStreamContent mediaContent = new InputStreamContent("image/jpeg",

            // Indicate that the watermark should display during the last 15
            // seconds of the video.
            InvideoTiming watermarkTiming = new InvideoTiming();

            InvideoBranding invideoBranding = new InvideoBranding();
            youtube.watermarks().set(channelId, invideoBranding, mediaContent).execute();

        } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
            System.err.println("GoogleJsonResponseException code: " + e.getDetails().getCode() + " : "
                    + e.getDetails().getMessage());

        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("IOException: " + e.getMessage());



The code sample below calls the API's channelBanners.insert method to upload an image. With the returned URL, the sample calls channels.update method to update channel's banner to this image.

This example uses the PHP client library.


 * This sample sets a custom banner for a user's channel by:
 * 1. Uploading a banner image with "youtube.channelBanners.insert" method via resumable upload
 * 2. Getting user's channel object with "youtube.channels.list" method and "mine" parameter
 * 3. Updating channel's banner external URL with "youtube.channels.update" method
 * @author Ibrahim Ulukaya

// Call set_include_path() as needed to point to your client library.
require_once 'Google/Client.php';
require_once 'Google/Service/YouTube.php';

 * You can acquire an OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret from the
 * Google Developers Console <>
 * For more information about using OAuth 2.0 to access Google APIs, please see:
 * <>
 * Please ensure that you have enabled the YouTube Data API for your project.

$client = new Google_Client();
$redirect = filter_var('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],

// Define an object that will be used to make all API requests.
$youtube = new Google_Service_YouTube($client);

if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
  if (strval($_SESSION['state']) !== strval($_GET['state'])) {
    die('The session state did not match.');

  $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
  header('Location: ' . $redirect);

if (isset($_SESSION['token'])) {

// Check to ensure that the access token was successfully acquired.
if ($client->getAccessToken()) {

    // REPLACE with the path to your file that you want to upload for thumbnail
    $imagePath = "/path/to/file.jpg";

    // Specify the size of each chunk of data, in bytes. Set a higher value for
    // reliable connection as fewer chunks lead to faster uploads. Set a lower
    // value for better recovery on less reliable connections.
    $chunkSizeBytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

    // Setting the defer flag to true tells the client to return a request which can be called
    // with ->execute(); instead of making the API call immediately.

    $chan = new Google_Service_YouTube_ChannelBannerResource();

    // Create a request for the API's channelBanners.insert method to upload the banner.
    $insertRequest = $youtube->channelBanners->insert($chan);

    // Create a MediaFileUpload object for resumable uploads.
    $media = new Google_Http_MediaFileUpload(

    // Read the media file and upload it chunk by chunk.
    $status = false;
    $handle = fopen($videoPath, "rb");
    while (!$status && !feof($handle)) {
      $chunk = fread($handle, $chunkSizeBytes);
      $status = $media->nextChunk($chunk);


    // If you want to make other calls after the file upload, set setDefer back to false

    $thumbnailUrl = $status['url'];

    // Call the API's channels.list method with mine parameter to fetch authorized user's channel.
    $listResponse = $youtube->channels->listChannels('brandingSettings', array(
        'mine' => 'true',

    $responseChannel = $listResponse[0];

     // Call the API's channels.update method to update branding settings of the channel.
     $updateResponse = $youtube->channels->update('brandingSettings', $responseChannel);

     $bannerMobileUrl = $updateResponse["brandingSettings"]["image"]["bannerMobileImageUrl"];

     $htmlBody .= "<h3>Thumbnail Uploaded</h3><ul>";
     $htmlBody .= sprintf('<li>%s</li>',
     $htmlBody .= sprintf('<img src="%s">', $bannerMobileUrl);
     $htmlBody .= '</ul>';

    } catch (Google_ServiceException $e) {
      $htmlBody .= sprintf('<p>A service error occurred: <code>%s</code></p>',
    } catch (Google_Exception $e) {
      $htmlBody .= sprintf('<p>An client error occurred: <code>%s</code></p>',

    $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
    } else {
      // If the user hasn't authorized the app, initiate the OAuth flow
      $state = mt_rand();
      $_SESSION['state'] = $state;

      $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
      $htmlBody = <<<END
  <h3>Authorization Required</h3>
  <p>You need to <a href="$authUrl">authorize access</a> before proceeding.<p>

    <!doctype html>
    <title>Banner Uploaded and Set</title>

Python #1

The code sample below calls the API's channels.update method to set invideoPromotion properties for the channel.

This example uses the Python client library.


import httplib2
import os
import sys

from apiclient.discovery import build
from apiclient.errors import HttpError
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.file import Storage
from import argparser, run_flow

# The CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE variable specifies the name of a file that contains
# the OAuth 2.0 information for this application, including its client_id and
# client_secret. You can acquire an OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret from
# the Google Developers Console at
# Please ensure that you have enabled the YouTube Data API for your project.
# For more information about using OAuth2 to access the YouTube Data API, see:
# For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, see:

CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = "client_secrets.json"

# This variable defines a message to display if the CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE is
# missing.
WARNING: Please configure OAuth 2.0

To make this sample run you will need to populate the client_secrets.json file
found at:


with information from the Developers Console

For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, please visit:
""" % os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),

# This OAuth 2.0 access scope allows for full read/write access to the
# authenticated user's account.

# If offsetMs is not valid, the API will throw an error
VALID_OFFSET_TYPES = ("offsetFromEnd", "offsetFromStart",)

def get_authenticated_service(args):
  flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE, scope=YOUTUBE_SCOPE,

  storage = Storage("%s-oauth2.json" % sys.argv[0])
  credentials = storage.get()

  if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
    credentials = run_flow(flow, storage, args)


def add_featured_video(youtube, options):
  add_video_request = youtube.channels().update(
    # You can use the API Explorer to test API requests:
      "invideoPromotion": {
        "items": [{
          "id": {
            "type": "video",
            "videoId": options.video_id
          "timing": {
            "offsetMs": options.offset_ms,
            "type": options.offset_type
      "id": options.channel_id

if __name__ == '__main__':
  argparser.add_argument("--channel-id", required=True,
    help="Channel ID of the channel to add a featured video")
  argparser.add_argument("--video-id",  required=True,
    help="Video ID to feature on your channel")
    help="Offset in milliseconds to show video.",
  argparser.add_argument("--offset-type", choices=VALID_OFFSET_TYPES,
    help="Whether the offset is from the beginning or end of video playback.",
  args = argparser.parse_args()

  youtube = get_authenticated_service(args)
    add_featured_video(youtube, args)
  except HttpError, e:
    print "An HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s" % (e.resp.status, e.content)
    print "Added featured video %s to channel %s." % (
      args.video_id, args.channel_id)

Python #2

The code sample below calls the API's channelBanners.insert method to upload an image. With the returned URL, the sample calls channels.update method to update channel's banner to this image.

This example uses the Python client library.


# This sample sets a custom banner to user's channel by:
# 1. Uploading a banner image with "youtube.channelBanners.insert" method via resumable upload
# 2. Getting user's channel object with "youtube.channels.list" method and "mine" parameter
# 3. Updating channel's banner external URL with "youtube.channels.update" method
# @author Ibrahim Ulukaya

import httplib
import httplib2
import os
import random
import sys
import time

from apiclient.discovery import build
from apiclient.errors import HttpError
from apiclient.http import MediaFileUpload
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.file import Storage
from import argparser, run_flow

# Explicitly tell the underlying HTTP transport library not to retry, since
# we are handling retry logic ourselves.
httplib2.RETRIES = 1

# Maximum number of times to retry before giving up.

# Always retry when these exceptions are raised.
RETRIABLE_EXCEPTIONS = (httplib2.HttpLib2Error, IOError, httplib.NotConnected,
  httplib.IncompleteRead, httplib.ImproperConnectionState,
  httplib.CannotSendRequest, httplib.CannotSendHeader,
  httplib.ResponseNotReady, httplib.BadStatusLine)

# Always retry when an apiclient.errors.HttpError with one of these status
# codes is raised.
RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES = [500, 502, 503, 504]

# CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE, name of a file containing the OAuth 2.0 information for
# this application, including client_id and client_secret. You can acquire an
# ID/secret pair from the APIs & auth tab at
# For more information about using OAuth2 to access Google APIs, please visit:
# For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, please visit:
# Please ensure that you have enabled the YouTube Data API for your project.
CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = "client_secrets.json"

# An OAuth 2 access scope that allows for full read/write access.

# Helpful message to display if the CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE is missing.
WARNING: Please configure OAuth 2.0

To make this sample run you will need to populate the client_secrets.json file
found at:


with information from the APIs Console

For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, please visit:
""" % os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),

def get_authenticated_service(args):
  flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE,

  storage = Storage("%s-oauth2.json" % sys.argv[0])
  credentials = storage.get()

  if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
    credentials = run_flow(flow, storage, args)


def upload_banner(youtube, image_file):
  insert_request = youtube.channelBanners().insert(
    media_body = MediaFileUpload(image_file, chunksize=-1, resumable=True)

  image_url = resumable_upload(insert_request)

def resumable_upload(insert_request):
  response = None
  error = None
  retry = 0
  while response is None:
      print "Uploading file..."
      status, response = insert_request.next_chunk()
      if 'url' in response:
        print "Banner was successfully uploaded to '%s'." % (
        exit("The upload failed with an unexpected response: %s" % response)
    except HttpError, e:
      if e.resp.status in RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES:
        error = "A retriable HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s" % (e.resp.status,
      error = "A retriable error occurred: %s" % e

    if error is not None:
      print error
      retry += 1
      if retry > MAX_RETRIES:
        exit("No longer attempting to retry.")

      max_sleep = 2 ** retry
      sleep_seconds = random.random() * max_sleep
      print "Sleeping %f seconds and then retrying..." % sleep_seconds

  return response['url']

def set_banner(banner_url):
  channels_response = youtube.channels().list(

  if "brandingSettings" not in channels_response["items"][0]:
    channels_response["items"][0]["brandingSettings"]["image"]["bannerExternalUrl"] = []

  channel_brandingSettings = channels_response["items"][0]["brandingSettings"]

  channel_brandingSettings["image"]["bannerExternalUrl"] = banner_url

  channels_update_response = youtube.channels().update(
      id = channels_response["items"][0]["id"]

  banner_mobile_url = channels_update_response["brandingSettings"]["image"]["bannerMobileImageUrl"]
  print "Banner is set to '%s'." % (banner_mobile_url)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  argparser.add_argument("--file", required=True,
    help="Path to banner image file.")
  args = argparser.parse_args()

  if not os.path.exists(args.file):
    exit("Please specify a valid file using the --file= parameter.")

  youtube = get_authenticated_service(args)
    upload_banner(youtube, args.file)
  except HttpError, e:
    print "An HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s" % (e.resp.status, e.content)
    print "The custom banner was successfully uploaded."


The table below identifies error messages that the API could return in response to a call to this method. Please see the error message documentation for more detail.

Error type Error detail Description
badRequest (400) brandingValidationError One of the values in the brandingSettings object failed validation. Use the channels.list method to retrieve the existing settings for the channel, and update the property values following the guidelines in the channels resource documentation.
badRequest (400) channelTitleUpdateForbidden When updating a channel's brandingSettings part, you must set the property's value to the channel's current title or omit the property. The API returns an error if you change the property's value.
badRequest (400) invalidBrandingOption One of the branding settings that you specified does not exist. Use the channels.list method to retrieve valid values and make sure to update them following the guidelines in the channels resource documentation.
badRequest (400) invalidCustomMessage The request metadata specifies an invalid custom message. Check the value of the invideoPromotion.items[].customMessage property in the resource that the request sent.
badRequest (400) invalidDuration The request metadata specifies an invalid duration in the invideoPromotion part.
badRequest (400) invalidDuration The request metadata specifies an invalid position type for determining how the promoted item is positioned in the video player. Check the value of the invideoPromotion.position.type property in the resource that the request sent.
badRequest (400) invalidRecentlyUploadedBy The request metadata specifies an invalid channel ID. Check the value of the invideoPromotion.items[].id.recentlyUploadedBy property in the resource that the request sent.
badRequest (400) invalidTimingOffset The request metadata specifies an invalid timing offset in the invideoPromotion part.
badRequest (400) invalidTimingOffset The request metadata specifies an invalid timing offset for determining when the promoted item should be displayed in the video player. Check the value of the invideoPromotion.timing.offsetMs property in the resource that the request sent.
badRequest (400) invalidTimingType The request metadata specifies an invalid timing method for determining when the promoted item should be displayed in the video player. Check the value of the invideoPromotion.timing.type property in the resource that the request sent.
badRequest (400) tooManyPromotedItems Number of allowed promoted items exceeded in the invideoPromotion part.
forbidden (403) channelForbidden The channel specified in the id parameter does not support the request or the request is not properly authorized.
forbidden (403) promotedVideoNotAllowed The channel that the API request is attempting to update cannot be found. Check the value of the id property in the channel resource that the request sent to ensure that the channel ID is correct.
forbidden (403) websiteLinkNotAllowed The specified website url is not allowed.
notFound (404) channelNotFound The channel specified by the id parameter cannot be found or does not have branding options.
notFound (404) unknownChannelId The specified channel ID was not found.
notFound (404) unknownChannelId The specified recentlyUploadedBy channel ID was not found.
notFound (404) unknownVideoId The video ID specified as a promoted item cannot be found.
required (400) requiredItemIdType The request metadata must specify an item type in the invideoPromotion part.
required (400) requiredItemId The request metadata must specify an item id the invideoPromotion part.
required (400) requiredTimingOffset The request metadata must specify a default timing offset so that YouTube can determine when to display the promoted item. Set the value of the invideoPromotion.defaultTiming.offsetMs property in the resource that the request sends.
required (400) requiredTimingOffset The request metadata must specify a timing offset so that YouTube can determine when to display the promoted item. Set the value of the invideoPromotion.timing.offsetMs property in the resource that the request sends.
required (400) requiredTimingType The request metadata must specify a timing method so that YouTube can determine when to display the promoted item. Set the value of the invideoPromotion.defaultTiming.type property in the resource that the request sends.
required (400) requiredTimingType The request metadata must specify a timing method so that YouTube can determine when to display the promoted item. Set the value of the invideoPromotion.timing.type property in the resource that the request sends.
required (400) requiredTiming The request metadata must specify a timing for each item in the invideoPromotion part.
required (400) requiredVideoId The request metadata must specify a video ID to identify the promoted item.
required (400) requiredWebsiteUrl The request metadata must specify a website url in the invideoPromotion part. Set the value of the invideoPromotion.items[].id.websiteUrl property in the resource that the request sends.

Try it!

Use the API Explorer to call this method on live data and see the API request and response.

Authentication required

You need to be signed in with Google+ to do that.

Signing you in...

Google Developers needs your permission to do that.