
An activity resource contains information about an action that a particular channel, or user, has taken on YouTube. The actions reported in activity feeds include rating a video, sharing a video, marking a video as a favorite, commenting on a video, uploading a video, and so forth. Each activity resource identifies the type of action, the channel associated with the action, and the resource(s) associated with the action, such as the video that was rated or uploaded.


The API supports the following methods for activities resources:

Returns a list of channel activity events that match the request criteria. For example, you can retrieve events associated with a particular channel, events associated with the user's subscriptions and Google+ friends, or the YouTube home page feed, which is customized for each user. Try it now.
Posts a bulletin for a specific channel. (The user submitting the request must be authorized to act on the channel's behalf.)

Note: Even though an activity resource can contain information about actions like a user rating a video or marking a video as a favorite, you need to use other API methods to generate those activity resources. For example, you would use the API's videos.rate() method to rate a video and the playlistItems.insert() method to mark a video as a favorite. Try it now.

Resource representation

The JSON structure below shows the format of a activities resource:

  "kind": "youtube#activity",
  "etag": etag,
  "id": string,
  "snippet": {
    "publishedAt": datetime,
    "channelId": string,
    "title": string,
    "description": string,
    "thumbnails": {
      (key): {
        "url": string,
        "width": unsigned integer,
        "height": unsigned integer
    "channelTitle": string,
    "type": string,
    "groupId": string
  "contentDetails": {
    "upload": {
      "videoId": string
    "like": {
      "resourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "videoId": string,
    "favorite": {
      "resourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "videoId": string,
    "comment": {
      "resourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "videoId": string,
        "channelId": string,
    "subscription": {
      "resourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "channelId": string,
    "playlistItem": {
      "resourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "videoId": string,
      "playlistId": string,
      "playlistItemId": string
    "recommendation": {
      "resourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "videoId": string,
        "channelId": string,
      "reason": string,
      "seedResourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "videoId": string,
        "channelId": string,
        "playlistId": string
    "bulletin": {
      "resourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "videoId": string,
        "channelId": string,
        "playlistId": string
    "social": {
      "type": string,
      "resourceId": {
        "kind": string,
        "videoId": string,
        "channelId": string,
        "playlistId": string
      "author": string,
      "referenceUrl": string,
      "imageUrl": string
    "channelItem": {
      "resourceId": {


The following table defines the properties that appear in this resource:

Property name Value Description
kind string Identifies the API resource's type. The value will be youtube#activity.
etag etag The Etag of this resource.
id string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the activity.
snippet object The snippet object contains basic details about the activity, including the activity's type and group ID.
snippet.publishedAt datetime The date and time that the activity occurred. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format.
snippet.channelId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel associated with the activity.
snippet.title string The title of the resource primarily associated with the activity.
snippet.description string The description of the resource primarily associated with the activity.
snippet.thumbnails object A map of thumbnail images associated with the resource that is primarily associated with the activity. For each object in the map, the key is the name of the thumbnail image, and the value is an object that contains other information about the thumbnail.
snippet.thumbnails.(key) object Valid key values are:
  • default – The default thumbnail image. The default thumbnail for a video – or a resource that refers to a video, such as a playlist item or search result – is 120px wide and 90px tall. The default thumbnail for a channel is 88px wide and 88px tall.
  • medium – A higher resolution version of the thumbnail image. For a video (or a resource that refers to a video), this image is 320px wide and 180px tall. For a channel, this image is 240px wide and 240px tall.
  • high – A high resolution version of the thumbnail image. For a video (or a resource that refers to a video), this image is 480px wide and 360px tall. For a channel, this image is 800px wide and 800px tall.
snippet.thumbnails.(key).url string The image's URL.
snippet.thumbnails.(key).width unsigned integer The image's width.
snippet.thumbnails.(key).height unsigned integer The image's height.
snippet.channelTitle string Channel title for the channel responsible for this activity
snippet.type string The type of activity that the resource describes.

Valid values for this property are:
  • bulletin
  • channelItem
  • comment
  • favorite
  • like
  • playlistItem
  • recommendation
  • social
  • subscription
  • upload
snippet.groupId string The group ID associated with the activity. A group ID identifies user events that are associated with the same user and resource. For example, if a user rates a video and marks the same video as a favorite, the entries for those events would have the same group ID in the user's activity feed. In your user interface, you can avoid repetition by grouping events with the same groupId value.
contentDetails object The contentDetails object contains information about the content associated with the activity. For example, if the snippet.type value is videoRated, then the contentDetails object's content identifies the rated video.
contentDetails.upload object The upload object contains information about the uploaded video. This property is only present if the snippet.type is upload.
contentDetails.upload.videoId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the uploaded video. object The like object contains information about a resource that received a positive (like) rating. This property is only present if the snippet.type is like. object The resourceId object contains information that identifies the rated resource. string The type of the API resource. string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the rated resource is a video. This property is only present if the resourceId.kind is youtube#video.
contentDetails.favorite object The favorite object contains information about a video that was marked as a favorite video. This property is only present if the snippet.type is favorite.
contentDetails.favorite.resourceId object The resourceId object contains information that identifies the resource that was marked as a favorite.
contentDetails.favorite.resourceId.kind string The type of the API resource.
contentDetails.favorite.resourceId.videoId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the favorite video. This property is only present if the resourceId.kind is youtube#video.
contentDetails.comment object The comment object contains information about a resource that received a comment. This property is only present if the snippet.type is comment.
contentDetails.comment.resourceId object The resourceId object contains information that identifies the resource associated with the comment.
contentDetails.comment.resourceId.kind string The type of the API resource.
contentDetails.comment.resourceId.videoId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video associated with a comment. This property is only present if the resourceId.kind is youtube#video.
contentDetails.comment.resourceId.channelId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel associated with a comment. This property is only present if the resourceId.kind is youtube#channel.
contentDetails.subscription object The subscription object contains information about a channel that a user subscribed to. This property is only present if the snippet.type is subscription.
contentDetails.subscription.resourceId object The resourceId object contains information that identifies the resource that the user subscribed to.
contentDetails.subscription.resourceId.kind string The type of the API resource.
contentDetails.subscription.resourceId.channelId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel that the user subscribed to. This property is only present if the resourceId.kind is youtube#channel.
contentDetails.playlistItem object The playlistItem object contains information about a new playlist item. This property is only present if the snippet.type is playlistItem.
contentDetails.playlistItem.resourceId object The resourceId object contains information that identifies the resource that was added to the playlist.
contentDetails.playlistItem.resourceId.kind string The type of the API resource.
contentDetails.playlistItem.resourceId.videoId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video that was added to the playlist. This property is only present if the resourceId.kind is youtube#video.
contentDetails.playlistItem.playlistId string The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist.
contentDetails.playlistItem.playlistItemId string The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the item in the playlist.
contentDetails.recommendation object The recommendation object contains information about a recommended resource. This property is only present if the snippet.type is recommendation.
contentDetails.recommendation.resourceId object The resourceId object contains information that identifies the recommended resource.
contentDetails.recommendation.resourceId.kind string The type of the API resource.
contentDetails.recommendation.resourceId.videoId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the recommended resource is a video. This property is only present if the resourceId.kind is youtube#video.
contentDetails.recommendation.resourceId.channelId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel, if the recommended resource is a channel. This property is only present if the resourceId.kind is youtube#channel.
contentDetails.recommendation.reason string The reason that the resource is recommended to the user.

Valid values for this property are:
  • unspecified
  • videoFavorited
  • videoLiked
  • videoWatched
contentDetails.recommendation.seedResourceId object The seedResourceId object contains information about the resource that caused the recommendation.
contentDetails.recommendation.seedResourceId.kind string The type of the API resource.
contentDetails.recommendation.seedResourceId.videoId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the recommendation was caused by a particular video. This property is only present if the seedResourceId.kind is youtube#video.
contentDetails.recommendation.seedResourceId.channelId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel, if the recommendation was caused by a particular channel. This property is only present if the seedResourceId.kind is youtube#channel.
contentDetails.recommendation.seedResourceId.playlistId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist, if the recommendation was caused by a particular playlist. This property is only present if the seedResourceId.kind is youtube#playlist.
contentDetails.bulletin object The bulletin object contains details about a channel bulletin post. This object is only present if the snippet.type is bulletin.
contentDetails.bulletin.resourceId object The resourceId object contains information that identifies the resource associated with a bulletin post.
contentDetails.bulletin.resourceId.kind string The type of the API resource.
contentDetails.bulletin.resourceId.videoId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video featured in a bulletin post, if the post refers to a video. This property will only be present if the value of the bulletin.resourceId.kind property is youtube#video.
contentDetails.bulletin.resourceId.channelId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel featured in a bulletin post, if the post refers to a channel. This property will only be present if the value of the bulletin.resourceId.kind property is youtube#channel.
contentDetails.bulletin.resourceId.playlistId string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist featured in a bulletin post, if the post refers to a playlist. This property will only be present if the value of the bulletin.resourceId.kind property is youtube#playlist. object The social object contains details about a social network post. This property is only present if the snippet.type is social. string The name of the social network.

Valid values for this property are:
  • facebook
  • googlePlus
  • twitter
  • unspecified object The resourceId object encapsulates information that identifies the resource associated with a social network post. string The type of the API resource. string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video featured in a social network post, if the post refers to a video. This property will only be present if the value of the social.resourceId.kind property is youtube#video. string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel featured in a social network post, if the post refers to a channel. This property will only be present if the value of the social.resourceId.kind property is youtube#channel. string The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist featured in a social network post, if the post refers to a playlist. This property will only be present if the value of the social.resourceId.kind property is youtube#playlist. string The author of the social network post. string The URL of the social network post. string An image of the post's author.
contentDetails.channelItem object The channelItem object contains details about a resource that was added to a channel. This property is only present if the snippet.type is channelItem.
contentDetails.channelItem.resourceId object The resourceId object contains information that identifies the resource that was added to the channel.

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