YouTube Live Streaming API - Revision History

This page lists YouTube Live Streaming API changes and documentation updates. Subscribe to this changelog. Subscribe

May 2, 2014

This update contains the following changes:

  • The descriptions of the liveStream resource and of the liveBroadcasts.bind method have been updated to note that a broadcast can only be bound to one video stream, but a video stream can be bound to more than one broadcast. This change is solely a correction to the documentation; the underlying API functionality has not changed.

  • The liveBroadcast resource's contentDetails.monitorStream.enableMonitorStream property has been updated to explain that if the property's value is true, then you must transition your broadcast to the testing state before you can transition it to the live state. (If the property's value is false, your broadcast cannot have a testing stage, so you can transition the broadcast directly to the live state.

  • The liveCuepoint resource's settings.offsetTimeMs property has been updated to note that you should not specify a value for the property if your broadcast does not have a monitor stream.

  • All of the methods for the liveBroadcast and liveStream resources now support the onBehalfOfContentOwner and onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel parameters. These parameters allow you to use the same authorization credentials to complete API requests for different channels associated with the same content owner.

  • The liveCuepoints.insert method's documentation has been updated to note that you can set a value for the settings.walltime property when calling that method.

  • The error documentation now specifies the HTTP response code for each error type.

  • The API now supports the following error:

    Error type Error detail Description
    insufficientPermissions livePermissionBlocked The liveBroadcasts.insert, liveBroadcasts.transition, and liveStreams.insert methods return this error if the user that authorized the request is unable to stream live video on YouTube. Details explaining why the user cannot stream live video may be available in the user's channel settings at
  • The liveBroadcasts.insert method's invalidScheduledStartTime error has been updated to clarify that the scheduled start time must be close enough to the current date that a broadcast could be reliably scheduled at that time.

December 13, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

  • The liveBroadcast resource's new status.recordingStatus property identifies the broadcast's current status.

  • The liveBroadcast resource's new contentDetails.enableClosedCaptions property indicates whether closed captions can be ingested for the broadcast. The property value can be set when you insert or update a broadcast, but it cannot be updated once the broadcast is in the testing or live state. If you set this property to true, then the liveStream resource that is bound to the broadcast will specify the ingestion URL to use for the broadcast's closed captions.

  • The liveBroadcast resource's snippet.scheduledEndTime property now supports broadcasts that are scheduled to continue indefinitely. With this change, the property is no longer required in liveBroadcasts.insert and liveBroadcasts.update requests.

    If you retrieve a liveBroadcast resource that does not specify a value for this property, then the broadcast is scheduled to continue indefinitely. Similarly, if you call the liveBroadcasts.insert or liveBroadcasts.update method and do not specify a value for this property, the broadcast will be scheduled to continue indefinitely.

  • The liveBroadcast resource's contentDetails.recordFromStart property, which already had a default value of true, can now only be set to false if the broadcasting channel is allowed to disable recordings for live broadcasts.

    If your channel does not have permission to disable recordings, and you attempt to insert a broadcast with the recordFromStart property set to false, the API will return a Forbidden error. In addition, if your channel does not have that permission and you attempt to update a broadcast to set the recordFromStart property to false, the API will return a modificationNotAllowed error.

  • The liveBroadcast resource no longer contains an enableArchive property, which had been mentioned in the descriptions of the contentDetails.enableDvr and contentDetails.enableEmbed properties.

  • The list of valid values for the liveBroadcast resource's status.lifeCycleStatus property has been updated to include a description of each status.

  • The liveCuepoint resource's new settings.walltime property specifies the date and time at which the cuepoint should be inserted. The API returns an error if a request tries to insert a cuepoint that specifies a value for this property and for the settings.offsetTimeMs property.

  • The new contentDetails object in a liveStream resource contains information about the stream. Currently, the object's only property is contentDetails.closedCaptionsIngestionUrl, which specifies the ingestion URL for closed captions associated with the video stream.

  • The list of valid values for the liveStream resource's status.streamStatus property has been updated to include a description of each status.

  • The liveBroadcasts.control method's new walltime parameter lets you specify the date and time when a slate change will occur. The API returns an error if a request specifies a value for this parameter and for the offsetTimeMs parameter.

  • In the API response to a liveBroadcasts.list request, the value of the kind property has changed from youtube#liveBroadcastList to youtube#liveBroadcastListResponse.

  • In the API response to a liveStreams.list request, the value of the kind property has changed from youtube#liveStreamList to youtube#liveStreamListResponse.

  • The eventId property has been deprecated from both the liveBroadcastListResponse and the liveStreamListResponse.

  • The API supports the following new errors:

    Error type Error detail Description
    invalidValue conflictingTimeFields The liveBroadcasts.control method returns this error if your request specifies values for the offsetTimeMs and walltime parameters. A request can either omit both parameters or specify a value for one of the two parameters.
    invalidValue invalidWalltime The liveBroadcasts.control method returns this error if the walltime parameter's value is invalid.
    forbidden enableClosedCaptionsModificationNotAllowed The liveBroadcasts.update method returns this error if you attempt to update the contentDetails.enableClosedCaptions value and the broadcast's status is not created or ready.
    invalidValue conflictingTimeFields The liveCuepoints.insert method returns this error if your request specifies values for the settings.offsetTimeMs and settings.walltime properties. A request can either omit both properties or specify a value for one of the two properties.

    In addition, the liveStreams.update method no longer supports a cdnRequired error similar to the one that the liveStreams.insert method supports.

May 10, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

May 2, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

March 27, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

  • The following properties have changed in the liveBroadcast resource:

    • The startWithSlateCuepoint property has been renamed to startWithSlate.
    • The enableArchive property has been renamed to recordFromStart.
    • The slateSettings object has been deprecated and removed from the documentation. Error messages related to the slateSettings object or its properties have also been removed. Finally, the "Displaying Slates" section of the Getting started guide has been removed.

  • The API no longer supports the ability to insert in-stream slates using the liveCuepoints.insert method. The following documents have been updated to reflect this change:

    • The index page, Getting started guide, and Life of a broadcast tutorial no longer mention this functionality.

    • The liveCuepoint resource's settings.cueType property no longer supports slate as a property value. (The only supported value is ad.

    • The liveCuepoint resource's settings.eventState property has been deprecated and removed from the documentation.

March 18, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

  • All of the API's error messages have been updated to more clearly explain possible errors and, when possible, offer guidance about how to fix them.

  • The API may now return several new errors. The list below identifies the error and the API method that might return that error:

    • liveBroadcasts.insert – A broadcast's scheduled end time must be after its scheduled start time.
    • liveBroadcasts.insert – The broadcast specifies an invalid privacy status.
    • liveBroadcasts.update – The resource does not contain or does not set a value for the contentDetails.enableArchive property.
    • liveBroadcasts.update – The resource does not contain or does not set a value for the contentDetails.enableContentEncryption property.
    • liveBroadcasts.update – The resource does not contain or does not set a value for the contentDetails.enableDvr property.
    • liveStreams.insert – The snippet title must be between 1 and 128 characters long.
    • liveStreams.update – The resource does not contain or does not set a value for the snippet.title property.

  • The liveStream resource documentation has been updated to reflect that multicast and WebM are not supported ingestion methods as previously indicated. The list of formats for the cdn.format property has been updated accordingly, and the cdn.multicastIngestionInfo object and its child properties have been removed from the resource's documentation. In addition, http has been removed from the list of supported cdn.ingestionType values.

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