YouTube API v2.0 – Revision History

Note: The YouTube Data API (v2) has been officially deprecated as of March 4, 2014. Please refer to our deprecation policy for more information.

This page lists YouTube Data API (v2) changes and documentation updates. Subscribe to this changelog. Subscribe

March 21, 2014

This update contains the following changes:

  • The documentation that explains the API's contacts and messaging functions has been updated to explain that we are reworking YouTube's messaging functionality. While the v2 API has already been deprecated, some API functionality related to contacts and messaging will begin returning errors as early as March 31, 2014.

    At that time, the API will return 403 (Forbidden) HTTP responses to requests to add, update, or delete contacts. Similarly, it will return 403 HTTP responses to requests to send or delete messages. The API will continue to support retrieval of a user's contacts or inbox for around six months after that date. After that time, the API will return an empty list in response to requests to retrieve those feeds.

March 4, 2014

This update contains the following changes:

  • This API has been officially deprecated. API functionality will continue to work as per our deprecation policy, but we encourage you to migrate to the new YouTube Data API (v3) as soon as possible.

    While the v3 API offers the majority of functionality available in this API (and a lot of other functionality as well), there are still a couple of tasks that can only be completed with this API. Specifically, applications that manage captions or that work with video comments still need to use the v2 API until v3 API equivalents are available.

  • The API's support for retrieving and managing live events have also been deprecated. These features had been explicitly excluded from the list of API features subject to our deprecation policy and are therefore not supported under that policy.

    API requests for retrieving live events are still working at this time. API requests to create, update, or delete live events return a 403 HTTP response code.

    We recommend that you transition your application to use the YouTube Live Streaming API to create and manage live events and the YouTube Data API (v3) to search for live events. In the Data API, the search.list method's eventType parameter lets you restrict a search to only return either active, upcoming, or completed broadcast events. That API supports other features to help you find and feature live broadcast content, which are explained in the API's release notes for October 24, 2013.

November 6, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

  • YouTube is switching to a new commenting system. As part of this change, you may need to modify some API calls related to comments. Please note the following changes:

    • The new commenting system, which is powered by Google+, supports threading for comments made through that system. With the new system, comment replies are retrieved using the Google+ API's comments:list method. See the article that explains changes to comments in the API for more details.

    • The API no longer supports the ability to add a comment as a reply to an existing comment, though it does still support the ability to add a comment to a video.

    • The API no longer identifies comments that were originally submitted as replies to other comments. Comments that were submitted as replies to other comments now appear as regular comments in an API feed.

    Please review the upcoming changes to comments for a complete explanation of the changes.

September 30, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

  • The API's support for YouTube Insight data has been officially deprecated as of September 30, 2013. This functionality will continue to work as per our deprecation policy, but we encourage you to migrate to the new YouTube Analytics API as soon as possible. If you are building a new application, use the YouTube Analytics API to get the most comprehensive set of API features related to the YouTube Analytics data.

September 12, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

  • All standard video feeds except the most_popular feed have been deprecated. In response to requests for other feeds, the API will return the most_popular feed with a default time parameter value of today. The most_popular feed also supports a time parameter value of all_time, so if you try to retrieve a deprecated feed for that time period, the API will return a feed of the most popular videos of all time. In addition, if your request for another feed specifies a region or category, the API will return the most_popular feed for that region or category.

  • YouTube's video responses feature has been retired as explained in this announcement. While existing video responses are still available, YouTube no longer supports the ability to retrieve a list of video responses for a video, to upload new video responses, or to delete video responses, though you can delete the video that was used in a video response. Consequently, these functions are also no longer supported in the API, and API requests for these operations now return the following responses:

    • A request to retrieve video responses for a video returns an empty list.
    • A request to add a video response returns a 403 HTTP response code.
    • A request to delete a video response returns a 403 HTTP response code.

May 10, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

April 15, 2013

This update contains the following changes:

  • The location-radius parameters have both been updated to reflect the fact that they are temporarily disabled. See the API issue tracker for more information about the status of both parameters.

  • The feature that upgrades an unlinked Google Account to associate it with a YouTube channel has been deprecated. The related API feed that retrieves a list of suggested YouTube channel names based on a user-provided hint has also been deprecated along with the hint parameter that specifies the hint.

    As an alternative, applications running on mobile devices and other installed applications can spawn a WebView or similar object where the user can create a YouTube channel. Learn more.

September 20, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new channel suggestions feed identifies channels that may appeal to the user. YouTube recommends channels to a user based on an algorithm that considers signals from a variety of sources that include the user's subscriptions, favorite videos, ratings, and more.

September 19, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The definition of the time parameter has been updated to note that the only supported parameter values in requests for the most_popular standard feed are today and all_time.

  • The sample show feed entry has been updated to reflect new image sizes that the API may return for shows. The new image sizes include a 243px by 432px (16:9) image for the show as well as 300px by 300px and 600px by 600px versions of the show's square artwork.

September 6, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The most_popular and most_recent trailer charts have been deprecated and will now return empty feeds. Since those were the only two supported feeds for trailers, the Retrieving a trailer chart section has been removed from the documentation.

August 30, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

August 23, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The YouTube EDU feeds are no longer labeled as experimental features.

  • The orderby parameter now supports a value of reversedPosition for playlists, including watch later feeds, which are a type of playlist.

  • The Subscriptions section has been updated to explain that a subscription feed entry contains a <yt:channelId> tag, which identifies the channel associated with the subscription, and a <yt:username> tag, which identifies the display name for the user or channel associated with the subscription.

    In addition, the sample subscription entries have been updated to reflect the presence of the <yt:unreadCount> tag. This new tag shows the amount of activity for the subscribed-to channel since the last time the user was logged in and filtered to that channel via the YouTube channel guide. The guide displays on the YouTube home page.

  • Activity feed entries can now contain a <yt:groupId> tag, which identifies user events in an activity feed that are associated with the same user and resource. For example, if a user rates a video and marks the same video as a favorite, the entries for those events would have the same <yt:groupId> value in the user's activity feed. In your user interface, you can avoid repetition by grouping events with the same <yt:groupId> value.

  • The sample video entry in the Understanding video feeds and entries section has been updated to accurately reflect the elements that appear in a video entry.

August 10, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The standard video feeds section has been updated to reflect the fact that the deprecated most_viewed feed will now return the same content as the most_popular feed. We recommend that you update your code to use the most_popular feed instead of the most_viewed feed.

  • The user activity feeds section now indicates that all requests to retrieve activity feeds must specify a developer key. This update corrects an inaccuracy in the documentation and does not reflect an actual change in API behavior.

  • The list of special metadata fields in episode (and clip) entries has been updated to reflect that those entries now contain a <link> tag that provides the URL of the season entry associated with the video.

August 1, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The API now supports region-specific standard video feeds for Belgium (country code BE), Chile (CL), Colombia (CO), Egypt (EG), Jordan (JO), Malaysia (MY), Morocco (MA), Peru (PE), Philippines (PH), Saudi Arabia (SA), Singapore (SG), and the United Arab Emirates (AE).

July 23, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • Channel search result feeds have been updated to include the following additional tags:

    • The new <yt:channelId> tag appears in channel search result entries and contains a value that uniquely identifies the channel.

    • The <yt:channelStatistics> tag specifies the channel's subscriber count and total view count.

    • The <media:thumbnail> tag contains a thumbnail image for the channel.

  • The documentation no longer states that subscription activity feeds will only return up to 25 events as the feed can return more events that that. The total number of events included in the feed may be limited, however.

  • The most_viewed standard video feed has been deprecated. We recommend that you use the most_popular feed instead.

    Queries for the most_viewed feed may return an empty feed, and if the API does return a feed, the entries may not actually represent the most frequently viewed videos.

July 19, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

July 18, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new YouTube EDU section explains how to use the API to retrieve information about the lectures (videos), courses, and subjects accessible through YouTube EDU.

    In addition, the definition of the category parameter has been updated to explain how to retrieve a list of courses or lectures associated with a particular YouTube EDU category. The API also now supports the course parameter, which can be used to retrieve lectures associated with a particular course that is accessible via YouTube EDU.

July 10, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • Documentation for the deprecated OAuth 1.0, AuthSub, and ClientLogin authentication methods has been moved within the guide to a new page that lists deprecated API features. This update does not reflect a change in functionality but just intends to underscore the fact that those authentication methods have been deprecated. Existing applications should use OAuth 2.0 authentication instead, and new applications using the API should also use OAuth 2.0.

June 5, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The definition of the restriction parameter now explains that the parameter enables the API server to identify the end user's location and apply geographic restrictions based on that location. The definition also notes that a failure to set this parameter's value could cause the API server to apply country restrictions incorrectly by, for example, basing restrictions on the location of your server rather than on the end user's actual location. Finally, the definition points out that YouTube API Terms of Service prohibit lying about an end user's location to circumvent these restrictions.

  • The Deleting a comment section has been updated to note that a comment may be deleted by either the comment's author or the owner of the video associated with the comment.

  • The new Deleting videos from the watch history feed section explains how to delete an individual video from a user's watch history feed as well as how to clear the contents of that feed.

May 2, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The documentation for steps 2 and 4 of the OAuth 2.0 authentication for installed applications has been updated to emphasize that if you are using urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob as the redirect_uri to retrieve an access token, your application should not make assumptions about the number of parameters in the parameter string or about the length of the token. Instead, your application should extract the token from the page title of the page returned in step 4 of the instructions.

    To parse the token, your application should assume that everything that follows the last space character in the page title is a parameter string in the format x=a&y=b. Your code should parse the parameters from that substring, looking for a code= or error= assignment to indicate that the page contains the final title string and the sign-in flow is complete. If the page title assigns a value to the code parameter, then that value is the token.

April 27, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Authentication section as well as the sections explaining OAuth 1.0, AuthSub, and ClientLogin authentication have all been updated to note that those three authentication schemes have been officially deprecated as of April 20, 2012.

    OAuth 2.0 is the recommended authentication scheme for applications that use the YouTube API. If you have an application that uses another authentication scheme, we recommend that you update it to use OAuth 2.0

  • Sample requests throughout the documentation have been updated to show the syntax for the OAuth 2.0 authentication scheme. OAuth 2.0 is the recommended authentication scheme for the YouTube API.

  • The API now supports region-specific standard video feeds for Hungary (country code HU).

  • The Adding a complaint section has been updated to reflect the addition of CHILDABUSE as a valid complaint type.

  • The Contacts section has been updated to reflect the fact that a user can only retrieve her own contacts feed and must be logged in to do so.

  • The documentation has been updated to reflect the fact that the YouTube website no longer classifies contacts into subgroups, such as 'friends,' and that, consequently, API functions to support contact subgroups are also now obsolete.

    Specifically, the API no longer supports an access control setting for comments to let a user specify different comment permissions for 'friends' than for other users. In addition, the API no longer includes friend_added events in activity feeds.

April 19, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Handling usernames and display names in your application section discusses rules that your application should follow to properly handle usernames and display names. These rules were also explained in the YouTube, Google+, the API, and You post on the YouTube API blog (March 15, 2012).

    To briefly summarize the changes, your application should use the <yt:userId> tag value to uniquely identify a user, and it should use the <yt:username> tag's display attribute value to display a username in a user interface.

  • Sample feeds throughout the document have been updated to reflect the addition of the new <yt:userId> tag as well as the <yt:username> tag's new display attribute and the <media:credit> tag's new yt:display attribute. The new tag and the new attribute both contain values that are crucial to the proper handling of usernames and display names.

  • The activity feeds section has been updated to explain the availability of subscription activity feeds, which identify actions associated with the authenticated user's subscriptions. Subscription activity feeds replace friend activity feeds, which are no longer supported. If you try to retrieve a user's friend activity feed, the API will instead return that user's subscription activity feed.

March 16, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The hl query parameter is now supported for retrieving movie charts. The parameter's value is an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code.

  • In addition to mentioning support for the hl query parameter, the movie charts section also provides the URLs for retrieving the top selling or top free movies listed on

March 14, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The sections discussing the user uploaded videos feed and the API's supported custom query parameters have both been updated to explain that you should not include search query parameters in requests to retrieve an uploaded videos feed. By doing so, you are instructing the API to generate a feed from YouTube's search index, effectively restricting the result set to indexed, public videos rather than retrieving a complete list of the user's uploaded videos.

  • The new Shows, seasons, and episodes section explains several new API features related to videos in YouTube's Shows category. This category includes content for television shows as well as original Web shows.

    • The API now supports feeds for shows and seasons:

      • A shows feed contains a list of show entries, each of which describes a show. Each show is associated with one or more seasons.
      • A seasons feed lists seasons for a particular show. Each season is then associated with either full episodes of the show, video clips from the show, or a combination of episodes and clips.
    • Video feed entries for shows content, including episodes and clips, will now contain several additional metadata fields. Episode and clip entries are both types of video feed entries and could be returned in any feed that contains video entries, including search results.

    • The Show charts section explains how to retrieve charts, or standard feeds, for the most popular and most recently updated shows. This section also explains how to use the genre and region parameters when retrieving show charts.

  • The query parameter definitions section also now mentions that the region and genre parameters can be used to retrieve show charts. The genre parameter is new and specifies the genre of shows in the feed.

  • The new Deleting a comment section explains how to delete a comment for which the authenticated user is the author.

February 23, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Displaying a list of videos and Displaying information about a video sections have been updated to reflect more recent versions of the YouTube search results and video watch pages.

  • A best practice for developers working with the API is to use the term default in an API request URL rather than a username when performing an authenticated operation that requests a feed associated with the currently authenticated user. Any examples that did not already reflect this practice have been updated to do so.

  • The 'Developer's Guide adviser,' which had been designed to let you customize the YouTube API documentation to meet the needs of your application, is no longer supported.

February 2, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The watch history feed section has been updated to note that if a user who had a YouTube login cookie watched embedded videos on websites other than YouTube, those videos would also be listed in the watch history feed. (This change does not alter the fact that videos watched on mobile devices are not included in the feed.)

  • The uploading videos section has been updated to no longer indicate that accounts can upload a maximum of 2000 videos.

  • The Understanding the YouTube event lifecycle section has been updated to include a link to YouTube's recommended encoding specifications for live video streams.

  • The Retrieving category-specific standard channel feeds section has been removed from the documentation as the API no longer supports the ability to retrieve those feeds.

January 5, 2012

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new watch history feed lists videos that a specified user has watched on the YouTube website. (It does not include videos watched on mobile devices.) The feed's entries are ordered by the time that the user watched the video, beginning with the most recently watched video.

December 20, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The About this documentation section has been updated to include a definition of the term experimental feature, which is a feature that is still in development and subject to change without notice. Experimental features are not subject to the API's deprecation policy.

    In addition, the documentation has been updated to more clearly identify experimental features. All experimental features are marked with a blue flask icon (This icon identifies experimental features and is shown in this release note, which discusses the manner in which experimental features are identified in the documentation.).

    The following features are currently labeled as experimental:

  • The Batch processing section has been updated to note that submitting requests in a batch does not affect your API quota usage and, therefore, does not affect the likelihood that your application will exceed YouTube's limits on API calls. In addition, that section also now notes that some of the API's client libraries may not support batch processing.

December 19, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new supported API feeds section lists the different types of feeds and feed entries that you can retrieve using the YouTube Data API. It also provides a very brief description of each feed. This new section intends to provide developers with a more thorough overview of the functionality available in the API and to help them to more easily locate information about the API features they want to implement.

  • The retrieving a movie chart section has been updated to note that the paid-content parameter is now optional in a request to retrieve the trending movies feed.

December 14, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The video responses section has been updated to explain that if a video was uploaded as a video response, then its video entry will contain a <link> tag that points to the video that it responded to.The <link> tag's rel attribute will have a value of in-response-to.

December 9, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Managing live events section explains how to use the API to add, update, and delete live events. Since this functionality is not available to all YouTube users or to all API developers, please read the prerequisites for managing live events before integrating these features into your application.

November 30, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new OAuth 2.0 section explains how to use the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize access to private user data. It includes separate instructions for integrating OAuth 2.0 authentication into server-side web applications, client-side web applications, installed applications, and devices.

  • API version 2.1 now supports two additional operations for users who have unlinked Google Accounts. (These accounts are also discussed in the release notes for October 7, 2011.) Those two operations are described below:

    1. You can upgrade an unlinked Google Account to also be associated with a YouTube username. This operation also provisions a YouTube channel with the same name for that user.

    2. Before actually attempting to associate a user's unlinked Google Account with a new YouTube channel, you can retrieve a feed of unused YouTube usernames that are similar to a hint that you provide.

    In light of these new features, the User profiles section has been renamed User profiles and accounts.

  • The new hint parameter can be used to retrieve a list of available YouTube usernames similar to the parameter value. You would use this parameter if your application enabled a user with an unlinked Google Accounts to upgrade that account so that it would be associated with a YouTube username (and channel).

  • The definition of the <yt:username> tag has been updated to explain that in a request to upgrade an unlinked Google Account to be associated with a YouTube username (and channel), that tag specifies the YouTube username that the user would like to have.

October 28, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Retrieving Insight data section has been updated to explain that you can adjust the date range for which an Insight report contains data to a period of up to 31 days beginning no earlier than March 1, 2009.

October 17, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Live events section has been updated to reflect the fact that the API supports live events in production and not just on our staging server. However, please note that this is still an experimental feature.

  • The Troubleshooting common API challenges section has been updated so that it no longer includes the Using "public" and "private" video URLs subsection. That section had indicated that you could only retrieve uncached information for a video by retrieving the video entry from the video owner's uploaded videos feed. However, the API no longer uses different caching rules for uploaded videos feeds.

  • The Updating a video entry section has been updated to emphasize that when updating a video, you need to retrieve the entry from the video owner's uploaded videos feed.

October 7, 2011

This update contains several changes related to API version 2.1, a new minor API release designed to provide support for authenticated users who have a Google Account but who do not have a YouTube channel. For example, a user who has a Gmail account or an Android device is certain to have a Google Account but may not have already linked that Google Account to a YouTube channel. In this documentation, these Google Accounts are referred to as unlinked Google Accounts.

In API version 2, requests that require user authentication are only supported for users who have YouTube accounts. (A YouTube account provides a user with a YouTube channel.

However, on and in API version 2.1, some functions that require user authentication are also supported for unlinked Google Accounts. These changes are reflected in the following updates:

  • The API Versioning section has been updated to explain that API versions 2 and 2.1 are now both officially supported. This section now explains the difference between YouTube accounts and unlinked Google Accounts and the fact that API version 2 only supports YouTube accounts while API version 2.1 supports both account types.

  • A new section, Comparing API versions 2 and 2.1, explains the specific differences between the two API versions.

    • It explains the difference in error responses between the two API versions when a user with an unlinked Google Account attempts an operation that requires authentication.

    • It lists the API features that are and are not supported for users with unlinked Google Accounts.

    • It explains how a user profile entry for a user with an unlinked Google Account differs from a user profile entry for a user with a YouTube account.

  • The Error responses section has been updated to explain the youtube_signup_required service error. This error is returned in API version 2.1 when a user with an unlinked Google Account submits an API request that requires the authenticated user to have a YouTube channel.

October 6, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The API query parameters section includes the following new parameters:

    • The duration parameter lets you filter search results based on video length.
    • The hd parameter lets you restrict a search to only include HD videos, meaning videos that are available for playback in at least 720p.
    • The license parameter lets you filter search results to only include videos with a particular license.
  • The 3d parameter's definition has been updated to note that true is the only supported parameter value and that false is not a valid parameter value. The API's default behavior, which occurs when the 3d parameter is omitted from a search request, is to include both 3D and non-3D videos in search results.

  • The format parameter's definition has been updated to explain that the parameter value lets you specify multiple, comma-separated formats. The API will return videos available in at least one of the specified formats. For example, format=1,5 indicates that the API should return videos that are available in at least one of those two formats.

  • The Video recommendations section has been updated to note that a request to retrieve a user's recommendations feed must specify a developer key. The API will return a 403 Forbidden response if no developer key is specified in such a request.

September 30, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Playlists section has been updated to explain how to retrieve and update a user's Watch Later playlist. It also explains the conditions that determine whether that list can be retrieved or updated. YouTube's 'Watch Later' feature lets users save videos to watch at a later time. Even though the list is stored as a playlist, it is not included in a user's playlist feed.

  • The Adding a video to a playlist section has been updated to note that you can now send a single request to add a video to a playlist and specify the position where the video should appear in that list. Previously, you needed to add the video to the playlist, and then update the playlist entry to specify the desired playlist position.

August 30, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

August 9, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The height and width reported in the <media:thumbnail> tag now reports a width of 480 and a height of 360 for the 0.jpg and hqdefault.jpg images. Other thumbnail images are still 120x90.

  • The Retrieving a single live event section has been updated to note that if a video is associated with a live event, then the video entry will contain a <link> tag that points to the live event entry.

  • The documentation has been updated to reflect the fact that the API now supports HTTPS for all upload requests and all requests to the staging server:

    • Requests to upload videos to the production API servers should be sent to
    • Requests to upload videos to the staging server should be sent to
    • All other requests to the staging server should be sent to

July 21, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new 3d parameter lets you restrict a search to only retrieve 3D videos. You can restrict a search to only retrieve 3D videos by setting the parameter value to true or by including the parameter in a request without specifying a parameter value. The parameter is also supported for related videos feeds and standard feeds.

July 19, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Contacts section has been updated to reflect the fact that contact groups have been deprecated on the YouTube website. Previously, an API request could contain a <category> element, which could add a contact to a group, such as "Family" or "Friends." Now, if an API request uses a <category> tag to specify a contact group, that tag will be ignored when the request is handled.

June 24, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Live events section explains how to retrieve feeds of events that were broadcast, are being broadcast, or will be broadcast on YouTube as they occur. This section explains how to retrieve live event charts, which are standard feeds listing live events that are either featured, upcoming, currently live, or recently broadcast. It also explains how to retrieve a user's live events feed, which lists events created by that user.

    Note: Live event feeds are experimental API features, which mean they may change unexpectedly. Live event feeds are currently only supported on our staging server.

  • The API query parameters section has been updated to list five new parameters that can be used when retrieving live event feeds: starts-before, starts-after, ends-before, ends-after, and status. In addition, the inline and time parameter definitions have been updated to explain how to use those parameters when retrieving live event feeds.

June 17, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The API documentation has been updated to reflect the fact that the API supports HTTPS for nearly all API requests. If you send an API request to, then the API response will also specify HTTPS URLs in element values that point to other API feeds.

    However, please note that HTTPS is not supported for the following requests:

    • Requests to upload videos to the production API servers should still be sent to
    • Requests to upload videos to the staging server should still be sent to
    • All other API requests to the staging server should still be sent to

    In addition, note that AuthSub and OAuth authentication tokens for the and scopes are interchangeable. As such, if you have already obtained an AuthSub or OAuth token for the scope, you can use that same token to authenticate requests to

June 10, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Movies and trailers section explains several new API features related to videos in YouTube's Movies and Trailers categories.

    • Feed entries for movies and trailers will now contain several additional metadata fields. Movie and trailer entries are both types of video feed entries and could be returned in any feed that contains video entries, including search results.
    • The Retrieving a movie chart subsection explains how to retrieve movie charts, or standard feeds, for the most popular movies, the most recently added movies, and the trending (or top) movies on YouTube. This section also explains several new query parameters – movie-genre, paid-content, and region – that the movie charts support.

March 11, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

March 9, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Retrieving Insight data section has been updated to reflect the fact that a profile entry will now contain a link to an Insight report for a channel if an authenticated user is retrieving her own profile. The section also lists and defines the reports and fields that a channel report contains.

  • The Retrieving Insight data section has also been updated to explain the data included in two additional reports for videos.

    • One report indicates whether video views occurred on YouTube channel pages, YouTube watch pages, YouTube's mobile website, or other websites or applications.
    • The other report explains the referrers for a video's views and the number of views that originated from each referrer. For example, a referrer could be a YouTube search page, a related video link, or another website.

March 3, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Retrieving Insight data for a video section has been updated to explain how you can adjust the date range for which an Insight report contains data. With this change, you can retrieve Insight data for a video for a period of up to 28 days.

February 28, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The API now lets you retrieve two new standard feeds, both of which are available as experimental features:

    • The most_shared feed lists the YouTube videos most frequently shared on Facebook and Twitter.
    • The on_the_web feed lists trending videos as seen on YouTube Trends, which surfaces popular videos as their popularity is increasing and also analyzes broader trends developing within the YouTube community.
  • The watch_on_mobile feed has been removed from the list of supported standard feeds.

  • The definition of the fmt parameter, which is used to specify the return format for a caption track retrieved via the API, has been updated. Previously, this parameter was required if you were retrieving a caption track generated using automatic speech recognition (ASR). Now, if you retrieve a track generated using ASR and do not set a fmt parameter value, the API will return the track in Subviewer-compatible format.

  • The Providing captions for a video section has been updated to describe several new features and updates:

    • The new Uploading a video transcript without caption timecodes section explains that if YouTube's Timed Text Service (TTS) does not recognize your caption file format, YouTube will try to automatically sync the caption track to the audio track in your video. This functionality enables you to upload a video transcript without any caption timecodes at all and have YouTube generate a caption track from the transcript.

    • The description of the Slug header, which specifies a caption track's title, has been updated to explain that the value should be URL-escaped and to explain how to specify non-ASCII characters in a track title.

      The description has also been updated to reflect the fact that the API server will no longer automatically assign a caption track title if you do not provide one. This change lets the client application choose how to identify such tracks. Since many user interfaces display track titles and languages, this change prevents tracks from displaying with titles like English: English.

    • The Retrieving a caption track section has been updated to explain the caption file format that YouTube returns when you retrieve a caption track that YouTube synchronized to your video. Specifically, you can use the fmt parameter to specify the format in which the track should be returned, but if you do not specify a format, the API will return the original transcript that you uploaded.

January 31, 2011

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Standard feeds section has been updated to more accurately describe the frequency with which standard feeds are updated.

  • The Technical requirements for uploaded videos section has been updated to reflect the fact that the maximum size for uploaded videos has increased from 2 GB to 64 GB. In addition, many users who have a history of complying with the YouTube Community Guidelines are now allowed to upload videos longer than 15 minutes, though not all users have that capability.

December 14, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The caption parameter's definition has been updated to note that you can restrict a search result set to only include videos that do not have caption tracks by setting the parameter value to false. (To restrict a result set to only include videos that have caption tracks, set the caption parameter value to true or include the caption parameter in your request but do not specify a parameter value.)

  • The Assigning developer tags section has been updated to explain that an individual developer tag must be at least three bytes long and cannot be longer than 25 bytes. In addition, the total length of all developer tags cannot exceed 240 bytes.

  • The Using the staging server section has been updated to explain that the default API version used on the staging server is now version 2. As such, you do not need to use the v parameter or the GData-Version HTTP request header to use version 2 of the API on the staging server. However, you do still need to use the v parameter or the GData-Version HTTP request header to use version 2 of the API on the production API servers.

October 28, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Retrieving and searching for channels section contains a new subsection, Standard feeds for channels, that explains how to retrieve feeds listing channels with the most viewers or subscribers. The new section also explains how to retrieve region-specific, category-specific, or user-type-specific (musician, comedian, etc.) standard channel feeds. In a standard channel feed entry, the <yt:channelStatistics> tag contains statistics like the number of videos uploaded to the channel and the total number of views for all of the channel's uploaded videos.

    Note: Standard channel feeds are only supported in version 2 of the API.

  • The time parameter's definition has been updated to note that the parameter can be used when retrieving standard channel feeds. (The API does not generate a feed of the most subscribed channels for the previous day, so the only supported time parameter values for that feed are this_week, this_month, and all_time.

October 26, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The ClientLogin for installed applications section has been updated to reflect a change to the URL that you use to request an authentication token. The old URL has been deprecated in accordance with the deprecation policy explained in our Terms of Service. The new URL is:
    The changes also reflect the fact that the new URL does not return the user's YouTube account name as the YouTubeUser value in response to a successful ClientLogin request. For any API request that requires you to specify a YouTube username, you can use the term default to identify the currently logged-in user as long as you also send an Authentication token with the request. For example, the following URL will retrieve a feed of videos uploaded by the currently logged-in user:
  • The Technical requirements for uploaded videos section has been updated to indicate that videos may be up to 15 minutes long.

  • The Retrieving region-specific standard video feeds section has been updated to note that region-specific feeds are now supported for Argentina (AR) and South Africa (ZA).

October 20, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

September 16, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Providing captions for a video section now indicates that YouTube may use automatic speech recognition (ASR) to generate a caption track for a video. In a caption tracks feed entry, the <yt:derived> tag will be present and have a value of speechRecognition if YouTube generated the caption track using ASR.

    The sample caption tracks feed in the Retrieving a list of available caption tracks section now contains an additional entry that shows how an ASR track would appear in a caption tracks feed.

  • The fmt parameter definition has been updated to note that you must specify a value for that parameter if you are retrieving a caption track generated using ASR.

  • The API versioning section has been updated to note that the current API version is 2 and that using the most current version allows your application to access API features that are not available in older versions. For example, captions, partial responses, and partial updates are all supported in version 2 of the API but are not supported in version 1.

  • The Adding a rating section has been updated to note that if you include a like rating (or a dislike rating) and a numeric rating in a request to add a rating, YouTube will ignore the numeric rating. (If the <gd:rating> tag, which specifies the numeric rating, or one of its attributes specifies an invalid value, the request will generate an error.)

September 2, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Subscriptions section has been updated to reflect the fact that YouTube no longer supports subscriptions to playlists.

  • The examples for partial updates section have been updated to show the correct value for the Content-Type header in a PATCH request, which is application/xml. Previously the examples showed an incorrect Content-Type header value of application/atom+xml.

August 31, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Providing captions for a video section has been updated to reflect the following changes:

    • The new Retrieving a translation of a caption track section explains how to use the lang parameter to retrieve a translated version of a caption track.

    • The new Retrieving a caption track in an alternate format section explains how to use the fmt parameter to retrieve a caption track in a different format than the one that you originally uploaded.

  • The <yt:statistics> tag's new totalUploadViews attribute specifies the total number of views for all of the user's videos.

  • The examples in the Retrieving a partial response section reflect a change to the query syntax for retrieving partial responses, which is an experimental API feature. The change affects the way that the API handles an element's text content in a partial API response and impacts queries that use parentheses to specify that the API should only return text content for an element or text content and a limited set of attributes for that element.

    Prior to the change, an element's text content would always be included in an API response. Following the change, you must specify that an element's text content should be included in the API response in the same way that you would identify the attributes (or child elements) to be included in the response. The following examples illustrate this change:

    • Under the old syntax rules, the following request returns the <media:category> element's text content and label attribute:
      However, under the new syntax rules, the request above only returns the <media:category> element's label attribute. To also retrieve the text content, you must explicitly request it:
    • Under the old syntax rules, the following request retrieves the <media:category> element's text content:
      However, under the new syntax rules, that request returns an empty <media:category> element. Again, you must explicitly specify that the response should include the tag's text content:

    To prevent existing applications from breaking, we are introducing this change in two phases:

    1. For the time being, text content will continue to be returned in feed responses even if it is not explicitly requested.

      In the meantime, you can determine whether this change will affect your existing applications by adding the fields-language parameter to your API requests with a value of r2. That parameter will force the API server to apply the new syntax rules, enabling you to identify affected areas of your application.

      We encourage you to test your application and fix any issues that arise from this change.
    2. Following a testing period, the new syntax rules will apply to all requests for partial API responses, and the API server will ignore the fields-language parameter.
  • When retrieving a partial response, you can now filter results based on the presence of an element that does not contain text content. This change represents a fix to the partial response feature. For the time being, to use this feature, you must set the fields-language parameter value to r2. For example, the following example only returns entries that contain the <app:control> tag, which has subtags but does not contain text content:[app:control]&fields-language;=r2

    Again, following a testing period, the new behavior will apply to all requests for partial API responses, and the API server will ignore the fields-language parameter.
  • The Retrieving Insight data for a video section has been updated to reflect the contents of the Insight reports that can be retrieved for a video. Specifically, the Referrers that had been described in the documentation is no longer returned. Instead, YouTube returns a Demographics report, which provides a demographic breakdown of the viewers who have watched a video. Note that the link to retrieve the Insight reports only appears in a video entry if the authenticated user retrieving the entry owns the video.

July 20, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • Examples in the Uploading videos, Updating and deleting videos, and Partial updates sections have been updated to reflect a new access control setting that indicates whether a video is unlisted. Unlisted videos are not included in search results or displayed in any other way, and a user can only reach an unlisted video by entering or linking directly to the video's watch page URL.

  • The Retrieving an activity feed section has been updated to note that activity feeds only contain video_rated entries for videos that were given like ratings. As such, videos that were given negative (dislike) ratings no longer appear in activity feeds.

    This section has also been updated to note that activity feed entries for video_rated events include the <yt:rating> tag in addition to the <gd:rating> tag.

July 7, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

June 28, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • In May 2010, we updated the release notes to state that the API changes supporting YouTube's new video rating system had been released to our production API servers. However, the Ratings section still included a note, which should have been removed, indicating that the feature was still not available on production servers. As previously announced, the <yt:rating> element is available in production API responses, and the note stating otherwise has now been removed.

June 24, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Contacts section has been updated. Previously, this section stated that you do not need to submit an authenticated request to retrieve a user's contact list. While this statement is true, the API will only return the contact list for users who display the Friends module on their channel pages. If you submit an unauthenticated request to retrieve the contacts list for a user who does not display the Friends module on his channel page, the API will return a 403 (Forbidden) HTTP response.

  • The Subscriptions section has been updated to reflect the fact that YouTube no longer supports subscriptions to a user's list of favorite videos or to a keyword search.

May 26, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The ClientLogin section has been updated to explain that when supplying login credentials for a user, you can use any of the following combinations of values:

    1. If the user's YouTube account is linked to a Google Account, specify either the YouTube account name or the email address associated with the Google Account as the username and specify the Google Account password as the password.
    2. If the user's YouTube account is not linked to a Google Account, specify the user's YouTube account name as the username and the user's YouTube account password as the password.

May 12, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The metadata requirements for newly uploaded videos have changed so that the only required fields for a new video are category and title.

    In addition, you can include the new <yt:incomplete> element in your upload request to instruct YouTube to automatically generate certain metadata values if they are not otherwise specified in the upload request. If your request includes the <yt:incomplete> element, YouTube will automatically generate a title for the video and associate the video with a category even if that information is not included in the video metadata. See the new Metadata requirements section for uploaded videos for more information.

    Finally, you can upload videos using the resumable uploading process and upload videos without any metadata. In such cases, YouTube will handle the request as if it contained an entry that only included a <yt:incomplete> element.

    The new Updating a video with incomplete metadata section explains requirements for updating a video that was originally uploaded with incomplete metadata.

  • The new inline query parameter lets you specify that an activity feed entries for events that involve videos, such as video_rated and video_uploaded events, should include an embedded video entry that contains information about that video. The default parameter value is false. See the Using the inline parameter section for more details.

  • The API changes announced on April 12, 2010, that support YouTube's new video rating system have been released to our production API servers.

April 12, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The ratings section has been updated to explain how the API will support the new video rating system released on YouTube in March 2010. In the new system, users rate a video by indicating whether they like it or dislike it. (In the old rating system, users rated a video on a 1-5 scale.)

    Note: The API changes that support the new rating system are currently released to our staging server but have not yet been released to our production API servers. As such, you should not yet update production applications to either require API responses to contain the <yt:rating> element or to submit ratings using that element. However, you can test the new functionality on the staging server and then update your applications once the feature is released to the API production servers.

March 22, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Retrieving a partial response section explains how to submit an API request in which you specify the fields that you want to be included in the API response. By only requesting the information that it will actually display, your application can more efficiently use network, CPU and memory resources. The new section explains how to use the fields parameter to submit requests for partial feeds and also describes the format of the API responses to those requests.

  • The new Submitting partial update (PATCH) requests section explains how to send a PATCH request to only update specific metadata fields for an entry in a YouTube API feed. You can send a single PATCH request to add, replace, and/or delete specific fields for a particular resource.

  • The Using a developer key section has been updated to reflect two changes:

    • The description of a developer key has been updated to correctly reflect that the key should uniquely identify a product submitting an API request.
    • The use of client IDs has been deprecated. As such, the X-GData-Client request header and the client request parameter have been deprecated. Examples throughout the documentation have also been updated to no longer provide client ID information. We will continue to support requests that submit client IDs in accordance with the deprecation policy explained in our Terms of Service.

March 3, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Resumable uploads section explains how to upload videos using YouTube's direct, resumable uploading process. Direct uploading lets you add videos to YouTube from your video library. In addition, resumable uploads can be restarted from the point of interruption if the connection between your application and YouTube is lost at any point during the uploading process.

    You should choose a direct-upload implementation if either of the following conditions is true:

    • You have a collection of videos that want to upload to YouTube.
    • You want to host or store videos uploaded through your site and also add those videos to YouTube.
    • You want to upload videos from a device with a low-bandwidth or unstable Internet connection, such as a mobile device.

February 17, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Setting access controls for a video section explains how to set access controls when uploading a video. Access controls specify whether users are allowed to rate a video, add comments about the video, rate comments about the video, add a video response to the video, or embed the video on third-party websites. Another setting indicates whether YouTube can show the video on Youtube properties other than the website. Access controls are returned in the <yt:accessControl> element in API responses, and a video owner can also update the access control settings for her videos.

January 29, 2010

This update contains the following changes:

  • The YouTube API now supports JSON-C as a response format. The Developer's Guide for JSON-C/JavaScript explains the format of the JSON-C feeds and how to request and process those feeds. The API currently supports JSON-C responses for the following types of feeds:

    • Video feeds . This category includes video search results, related videos, user uploads and video responses.
    • Playlist feeds . This category includes playlist search results, feeds that list all of a user's playlists, and feeds that list the entries in a single playlist.
    • Favorite video feeds . This category includes feeds that list a user's favorite videos.
  • The Subscriptions section has been updated to reflect the API's support for a new type of subscription, user activity subscriptions. A user activity subscription provides updates about a variety of activities that a specific user performs on the YouTube site, including uploading videos, rating videos, adding comments and so forth. The Subscriptions section now explains how user activity subscriptions are identified in subscription feeds as well as how to add user activity subscriptions.

  • The orderby parameter now supports a range of values for playlist feeds, allowing you to order playlist entries by playlist position, number of comments, duration, date added to playlist, title, or number of views.

November 5, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new caption parameter lets you restrict a search result set to only include videos that have caption tracks. The parameter is specified without a value, and its presence indicates that all videos in the result set must have captions.

  • The prettyprint parameter, which is a standard Google Data API parameter, is now documented for the YouTube Data API. This parameter, which was already supported, may be useful for testing and debugging your application.

  • The description of the video upload process for browser-based uploading has been updated to note that before allowing a user to submit the form for uploading a video, your application should ensure that the user has selected a file to upload. If the user submits the form without specifying a file, YouTube will display an error page indicating that the file was missing in the request but will not redirect the user to the nexturl specified in the request. By ensuring that the user has specified a file, you can prevent the user from reaching that error page.

August 31, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • The time parameter is now supported for search queries as well as for standard feeds.

  • The definition of the author parameter has been updated to explain how this parameter functions in a request for a standard feed.

  • The Friend activity feeds section has been updated to note that friend activity feed only contain events for contacts who are explicitly labeled as being in the user's Friends group, and that these feeds do not contain events for all of the user's contacts.

  • The definition of the <yt:state> tag's reasonCode attribute has been updated to better describe the meaning of the limitedSyndication code for a restricted video.

  • The sortorder parameter, which had enabled comments to be sorted in ascending or descending order, has been deprecated.

  • The most_linked standard feed has been deprecated. Queries for this feed will now return an empty feed.

July 29, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Video recommendations section explains the new recommendations feed, which contains videos that may appeal to a logged-in user. YouTube selects recommendations for a user based on an algorithm that considers signals from a variety of sources that include the user's favorite videos, recently added playlist videos, recently watched videos, ratings and more.

  • The new Retrieving Insight data for a video section explains how to retrieve Insight reports for a video entry. Note that a video entry only contains a link to an Insight data feed if the authenticated user retrieving the entry owns the video. This section also defines the fields that appear in the Insight reports.

July 21, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Providing captions for a video section explains how to add captions to a video file. Captions can help users to locate and understand a video. The new section provides formatting guidelines for caption files and also explains how to create, retrieve, update or delete caption tracks.

June 17, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • You can now use the Simple Update Protocol (SUP) to monitor user activity feeds for YouTube users. SUP enables an API provider such as YouTube to notify API users when a feed is updated. SUP is particularly useful for API users that want to monitor many different feeds at once. This functionality will likely be most appealing to sites that maintain their own friend graphs or that want to monitor the activities of many users.

    In conjunction with the SUP change, the User activity feeds section has been updated to explain that the API now supports two query formats for retrieving user activity feeds. Only one of these formats contains hash keys that you will need if you plan to use SUP in your application.

  • The new Developer's Guide adviser lets you tailor the YouTube API documentation to meet the needs of your application.

    • You identify the features that you want to implement and then the adviser hides information about any other features from the left menu.
    • The adviser customizes your pagination links so that you can page back and forth between only the features that you want to use.
    • The adviser stores your preferences in a cookie, so even if you can't finish your application in one browser session, your customized documents will not change.
    • The adviser displays links to edit or clear your preferences as well as a link that you can either bookmark or send to other developers.

April 8, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Testing and troubleshooting section explains two resources, an interactive API demo and a staging server, that YouTube provides to help you implement the API. In addition, this section discusses several aspects of an API implementation that developers may find challenging. It provides an overview of each issue and explains how to handle the issue correctly.

  • The Custom query parameters for the YouTube Data API section has been updated to contain a list of parameters used to request any type of feed. The section also now lists parameters that are only used to request a particular type of feed, such as video search results, standard feeds, video feeds or comment feeds. Finally, the API parameter definitions have been updated to highlight cases where a parameter is only supported for search requests.

  • The restriction parameter definition has been updated to note that you should include this parameter in any request to retrieve a list of videos, including search results, playlists, favorite videos, video responses and so forth. If a video in the API response is not playable in the location that you're using to restrict availability of the content, the entry for that video will not contain a <media:content> tag. However, it will contain a <yt:state> tag that indicates that the video is restricted.

March 27, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Searching for playlists section explains how to search for YouTube playlists matching a particular keyword or set of keywords.

March 3, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Retrieving data for a single video section explains how to submit an API request that returns an Atom entry containing information about a single video.

  • The Videos uploaded by a specific user section has been updated to explain how to ensure that you are requesting the most up-to-date information available when requesting a feed of the logged-in user's uploaded videos.

February 24, 2009

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Activity feeds section introduces user activity feeds, which let you retrieve a feed of actions that a particular user or set of users has taken on YouTube. This section also includes information about friend activity feeds, which were released in December.

    The Activity feeds section explains the different types of events that are listed in activity feeds. It also explains how user activity feeds and friend activity feeds are different. Finally, it provides instructions for submitting requests for each feed type.

  • The definition of the author parameter has been updated to explain how the parameter is used in a request to retrieve a user activity feed.

December 10, 2008

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new OAuth for web applications section explains how to authenticate users with the OAuth protocol, a standard way for accessing protected data on different websites.

  • The new Friend activity feeds section explains a new type of feed now available via the API. User activity feeds identify actions that an authenticated user's friends have recently taken on the YouTube site. Through the feed, a YouTube user can learn about videos that the user's friends have rated, shared, uploaded or marked as favorites.

  • The Subscriptions, Retrieving a user's subscriptions and Adding a subscription sections have been updated to explain playlist subscriptions, a new subscription type.

  • The new Searching for channels section explains how to search for YouTube channels matching a particular keyword or set of keywords.

  • The new key parameter provides an alternate way to identify your developer key when submitting an API request. The API client libraries always use HTTP request headers to specify your developer key (and client ID). However, developers who are not using one of the client libraries may find it easier to use the key (and client) query parameters to specify those values. The Using a developer key and client ID section has also been updated to explain how to use query parameters rather than HTTP request headers to provide your client ID and developer key.

  • The Deleting a favorite video section has been updated to note that the ID that you specify to delete a favorite video is not that video's <yt:videoid>, but another value that uniquely associates that video with the user who marked it as a favorite. This change only clarifies existing behavior and does not reflect changes in functionality.

  • The Playlists section has been updated to note that YouTube no longer lets playlist owners define custom titles and descriptions for playlist entries. The API still accepts requests that specify custom titles and descriptions, but it ignores those values. If playlist owners have already set custom titles or descriptions for playlist entries, the API will continue to return those values in playlist feeds as previously documented.

November 13, 2008

This update contains the following changes:

  • The API versioning section has been updated to simplify the instructions for specifying the API version that YouTube will use to handle an API request.

  • The new Backward Compatibility Guidelines document identifies API behaviors that may change even if you do not modify the API version that should be used to handle your API requests. The guidelines also identify API behaviors that are not intended to change for a particular API version. Finally, the guidelines discuss best practices for ensuring that your application properly handles API updates.

October 20, 2008

This update contains changes associated with the release of version 2 of the YouTube Data API. YouTube still supports API version 1. (See documentation for API version 1).

  • The new API versioning section explains how to specify the version of the API that YouTube should use to handle the request.

  • All XML examples in this document have been updated to specify that YouTube should use API version 2 to handle the API request. Similarly, all XML examples have been updated to match the output for API version 2.

  • The list of API query parameters has been divided into lists of standard Google Data API query parameters and custom query parameters for the YouTube Data API. In addition, the following API parameters have been updated:

    • The new v parameter can be used to specify the API version that YouTube will use to handle the API request.
    • The new safeSearch parameter indicates whether YouTube should include restricted content as well as standard content. The safeSearch parameter replaces the racy parameter, which has been deprecated with this API release.
    • The location parameter definition now explains how that parameter, in conjunction with the new location-radius parameter, can be used to request videos associated with a particular geographic area.
    • The new strict parameter can be used to instruct YouTube to reject API requests that contain invalid request parameters.
    • The new uploader parameter can be used to restrict search results to only contain partner videos.
    • The name of the vq parameter has changed to q.

  • The values of <id> tags in feed entries no longer specify a URI. In API version 2, the <id> tag value is a URN in a format like tag:youtube,2008:videos or tag:youtube,2008:video:24Ryj1ywoqw or tag:youtube,2008:favorite:24Ryj1ywoqwji5_MqicxSo.

  • The <summary> tag is a new tag that replaces the <yt:description> tag, which has been deprecated with this API release.

  • The <content> tag has replaced the <gd:feedLink> tag in playlists feeds and subscriptions feeds.

  • The type attribute has been removed from the <title> and <content> tags.

  • The <media:credit> tag is a new tag in playlist and inbox feed entries that identifies the YouTube user who uploaded a video. The <author> tag definition has been updated to reflect the fact that in playlist and inbox feed entries, the <author> tag does not identify the user who uploaded the video.

  • The <feed> and <entry> tags both in API responses now include a gd:etag attribute. Etags are a standard Google Data API feature for version 2 APIs, but the YouTube Data API does not use them at this time. Note that etags are also an HTTP standard.

October 3, 2008

This update contains the following changes:

  • The new Authenticating requests from Flash applications section explains how to use the X-HTTP-Method-Override header to submit a GET, PUT or DELETE request from a Flash application. Since Flash applications must send a POST request to set an Authorization header, the additional X-HTTP-Method-Override header must be set to submit a request that is not actually a POST request.

  • The new sortorder parameter, which is only valid for comments feeds, lets you specify whether the API will return comments in ascending order (oldest to newest) or descending order (newest to oldest).

  • The new Retrieving new subscription videos section explains how to retrieve a feed listing a user's new subscription videos. The feed returns the same list of videos that appears on the Subscriptions page of the user's YouTube account under the New Videos subheading.

August 18, 2008

  • The category parameter now provides an alternate way to search for videos that are in certain categories or are tagged with particular keywords. The examples in the Browsing with categories and keywords section have all been updated to demonstrate how to use either the category parameter or the standard URL notation for searching by category, keyword or developer tag.

  • The Technical requirements for uploaded videos section contains a small correction. Previously, that section incorrectly stated that you could compress video files using the .zip format before uploading them. The guide now correctly states that you can compress API requests, including video uploads, using gzip transfer-encoding.

July 16, 2008

This update contains the following changes:

  • The newly added Using batch processing with the YouTube Data API section explains how to use batch processing to execute up to 50 operations with a single API request.

  • The guide includes a new section that explains how to add a comment in reply to another comment.

  • The Error responses section now describes service errors. A service error indicates that an API request failed because YouTube's services are temporarily unavailable. The only service error that has been defined thus far indicates that a request failed because the YouTube site is undergoing temporary maintenance.

  • The time query parameter now supports the most_popular standard feed in addition to the top_rated and most_viewed standard feeds.

June 12, 2008

This update contains the following changes:

  • The Messages section has been added to the document to explain new API functionality that enables a user to retrieve, send and delete messages from her inbox.

  • The Uploading videos section has been updated to note that the API will not let you upload additional videos to accounts that already contain 2000 or more videos.

  • The Assigning Developer Tags section has been updated to note that developer tags can only be associated with a video when that video is uploaded. In addition, the developer tags assigned when a video is uploaded cannot be changed thereafter.

  • The Standard feeds section has been updated to reflect the addition of a new feed, which is for YouTube's most popular videos. The section also now includes a short description of each feed.

  • The list of YouTube Data API query parameters has been updated to reflect the addition of the location query parameter. This parameter lets you request videos that have a geographic location specified in their metadata. You do not need to specify a parameter value for this parameter.

  • The Technical requirements for uploaded videos section has been updated to reflect the fact that the maximum size for uploaded videos has been increased from 100MB to 1GB. In addition, this section now correctly notes that the maximum length of uploaded videos is 10 minutes.

May 6, 2008

  • The Videos uploaded by a specific user and Direct uploading sections have been updated to clarify the meaning of the term default when that term appears in an API URL. Specifically, the term default identifies the currently logged-in user in a number of API commands. The user is, in turn, identified by the authentication token that you submit with the request.

  • The Handling the Upload API response section, which discusses the API response for partners that use direct uploading, has been updated to explain the format of the API response in more detail. Specifically, the section now explains how to use the self link in the API response to check the status of an uploaded video.

  • In conjunction with the previous update in this list, the Checking the status of an uploaded video section has also been updated to explain that, if you use the direct uploading method, you can use the self link in the API response to check the status of an uploaded video.

May 2, 2008

  • The Retrieving a user's contacts section has been updated to note that the API returns a maximum of 100 contacts for any given contact feed request even if more contacts match the request parameters.

  • The racy parameter definition has been updated to note that feed entries for videos that contain restricted content will contain the <media:rating> element.

  • The restriction parameter definition has been updated with a recommendation that you always include this parameter in API requests, setting the parameter value to the end user's IP address.

April 7, 2008

This document contains the following changes:

  • The newly added Revision History highlights important changes to this document. The revision history will not mention minor changes such as spelling corrections.

  • The API now supports the client parameter, which provides an alternate way of identifying your application. You can also use the X-GData-Client header to identify your application.

  • The Uploading videos section has been updated to note that the API will not allow you to upload new videos to an account that already contains 1000 or more videos.

  • The Playlists section has been updated to note that a playlist cannot contain more than 200 videos.

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