YouTube Data API - Guides and Tutorials

The following guides explain commonly used API functions and walk you through the steps of adding those functions to your application:

  1. Implementing OAuth 2.0 authentication – User authentication is a requirement for any API operations that create (POST), update (PUT), or delete (DELETE) resources. This guide explains OAuth 2.0 flows for client- and server-side web applications, installed applications, and devices.

  2. Uploading a video – This guide walks you through a script that uploads a video and sets several metadata fields for the video.

  3. Resumable uploads – This guide explains the series of HTTP requests that an application makes to upload videos using a resumable uploading process. This guide is primarily intended for developers who cannot use the Google API client libraries, some of which provide native support for resumable uploads.

  4. Searching with Freebase topics – This guide explains how you can use Freebase topics in your YouTube Data API implementation to help users find YouTube content related to a certain topic. It describes the ways that Freebase topics are used in API resources and search requests. It also provides sample code for an application that searches for a Freebase topic and then retrieves related YouTube resources.

  5. Working with Channel IDs – This guide explains the move from using legacy YouTube usernames to using channel IDs for uniquely identifying YouTube channels. It covers the implications for developers using both the YouTube Data API v2 and v3.

  6. Moving from ClientLogin to OAuth 2.0 – This guide answers many common questions developers ask when migrating from ClientLogin to OAuth 2.0.

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