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Dinghy insurance

Having the right level of dinghy insurance cover is crucial to enjoying your time on the water with confidence. That’s why we created our dinghy insurance specifically for the needs of dinghy owners.

Call us today:
0800 783 8057

Get a quote

With years of experience within our dinghy insurance team, yet with the dynamism to look at how we do things with a fresh approach, so without hassling you for too many details, our dinghy insurance will take your personal requirements into account to provide the level of cover that you need including: 

  • accidental damage including fire and theft 
  • £3,000,000 third party indemnity cover 
  • full racing cover 
  • transit cover 
  • UK and 30 days European use
  • other people using your boat with your permission 
  • driving other boats extension.

Call us today:

0800 783 8057
