
Secure Trading has an unrivalled reputation within the payments industry for excellent customer service and support. Should you need to contact us with a support query we know how important it is for you to be able to speak to someone quickly, to receive personalized, knowledgeable communication and to resolve your problem as efficiently as possible. That’s why when you call us we answer with our own qualified and experienced staff.

In this section of the website you will find comprehensive support documentation, frequently asked questions, tutorials and a glossary to assist with the setup and ongoing management of your Secure Trading account.

If you need to speak to a member of the team directly, we are available to answer your questions from 06:30-23:30 Monday to Friday. Our systems are also monitored 24 hours a day 365 days of the year and in the unlikely event of there being any issues, our emergency on-call staff respond and deal with the situation.

Top Documents

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Payment Pages Setup Guide

The STPP Payment Pages system allows you to process e-commerce transactions safely and securely through Secure Trading’s servers. There is no need for you to store or capture card details on your own servers, as Secure Trading will handle this. The same holds for processing 3D Secure Transactions or transactions with 3rd parties, such as PayPal.


STPP Testing Document

During integration with Secure Trading’s systems, the merchant can perform tests on the system using the details supplied within this document.


Top FAQs

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I am seeing AUTH CODE: TEST when processing payments.

Either you are still utilising the test only account, or you have not yet requested your account to be switched into live mode. First, check the site reference you are sending to our system in your order page and change it to the right account if necessary; otherwise email to request we switch your account into live mode.

Can I update my own system when an order is placed through Secure Trading?

This can also be done via notifications. As above, please refer to the MyST User Guide for information on how to do this.