Meeting the Standard

Your Tailored Path to Better Business

We are paving the way to a brighter business future, with a Framework that fits your needs.

Your Investors in People journey to better people management is what you make it. And it all starts with a conversation. 

By talking with one of our Specialists, you’ll discover the key challenges you want to address today and pin down the vision of where you want to be tomorrow.

We’ll help you identify what you want to focus on, how you want to work with Investors in People and what level of Accreditation you are aiming for. Once you’ve set your targets in this way, you can tailor how you use the Framework to reach your business goals.

To meet the Investors in People Standard you’ll need to hit 39 requirements of great people management practice. That’s how we benchmark what good looks like.

And because we know every organisation is different, we’ve kept things flexible – so the way you reach these 39 requirements is up to you.

From here, you can go on to gain the Standard, which recognises your achievement and commitment to developing people. You can even reach higher for Bronze, Silver or Gold Accreditation, or become an Investors in People Champion to share your insight about great people management with others. 

Wherever you want Investors in People to take you, we’ll make the journey count. 

Ready to take your first step?