Club leaders - Better business for sport 

Club Leaders is part of the Olympic Legacy programme, Places People Play. It provides free training and support to those involved in the day-to-day running of sport, and can help clubs no matter how big or small.

Club Leaders is for sports clubs to get help with the business side of things, it’s admin made easy. Covering finance, marketing, governance and facility management, there is something for everyone and it’s up to you to decide how to use it and what’s best for your club.

Training and support is being delivered by PwC, who are working with Sport England to bring their knowledge and experience in this area to the programme, via;

  • A dynamic Club Leaders website with e-learning modules, downloadable toolkits and templates, and discussion forums. Online modules currently available through the website:
    - Simpler Finance
    - Budgeting, get on track, stay on track
    - Managing capital projects
    - Effective facilities management
    - Organisation structures
    - Developing a marketing strategy
    - Evaluating marketing options
    - Good governance
    - Get your cash flowing
  • Face to face seminars led by subject matter experts across the country. These include case studies, topical issues, exercises and a discussion section. Seminar topics covered:
    - Understanding your club’s finances
    - Developing a marketing strategy
    - Budgeting and cash flow
    - VAT and sports clubs
    - Financial policies and procedures
    - PAYE and employment status
    - Developing a business plan
    - Organisation structures
  • One-to-one mentoring with an experienced business professional, to deliver a more intense and personalised form of learning over an extended period of time. This will focus on those clubs most in need to get them on the right track. You can nominate your club via the website.

Sport England Chief Executive, Jennie Price, said: “We asked the people who run clubs what they needed most, and their advice has guided every aspect of the Club Leaders offer: simple, flexible training and advice, delivered locally, and completely free. They are the unsung heroes of grassroots sport, and I am delighted we are able to offer them support as part of the legacy of London 2012.”

For more information on Club Leaders and to find out how your club could benefit click here

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Article Published: April 02, 2013 13:20

Article Updated: April 02, 2013 15:09


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