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Vote for the JST in the National Lottery Awards!

The JST have been selected as one of the 7 finalists to win The National Lottery Award out of 750 entries. Please vote for us here now!

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New winter brochure

Available now! A fantastic programme that has some brand new destinations and some of our old favourites too.

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wheelchair user on tall ship

About us

The Jubilee Sailing Trust is a registered charity whose mission is to promote the integration of people of all physical abilities through the challenge and adventure of sailing tall ships on the open sea.

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History Lord Nelson

Sailing Adventures

Whatever kind of sailing experience you are looking for, the JST has something for you. Whether you choose a day sailing out in the Solent or up to a month long passage voyage.

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Your adventure starts here...
Our mission…

to promote the integration of people of all physical abilities through the challenge and adventure of sailing tall ships on the open sea.

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