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       Contact WebMaster       Copyright            Charitable Status          Version 3.0 Updated 29 April 2014

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 “Because I am disabled, I spend 6 days a week dependant on others.  But on Thursdays, I regain my self respect, confidence and self esteem – Thank you Sailability.”


 Mike Baumber

 "Sailability is the charity I work hard for because I believe I can use the skills and experience I have gained through my working life to help so many people less fortunate than me.  Sailability is my passion and to see so many people enjoying their time on the water gives me a great deal of satisfaction……."

   Ros Mulholland Gullick

 "Out on the water you become engrossed in the very essence of what it means to be able to sail.  You are an achiever, an equal participant in a world-class sport.  You do not need assistance once you are on the water.  You are independent.  You are truly free….."

 Simon Harle

 “On land I totally depend on other people but in a boat away from the jetty I become my own man.  I have control of what I want to do and where I want to go – I’d like you to know how much being free, feeling capable and self reliant means to me.”

   Quotes from some of our members:

   No Saturday Sailing 10th May

 Friends Reception 18th June 2014

 Pictures of Launching of Peggy Too

 Pictures of the Launching of The Penny Wake

 Election to Trustees

 Princess Royal Names ‘Penny Wake’

 New Sailability Boat-RS Venture Keel

 Sailing on Thursdays & Saturdays has Started!

                                                                                    Welcome to Rutland Sailability   Join In The Fun!  You’ll Be Made Very Welcome

   We know that if you have a disability your life isn’t as free and easy as you would like it to be. Outdoor sporting options in particular seem pretty limited. At Rutland Sailability we can offer you an activity which brings some of the freedom your disability seems to have taken away.

 We have been doing this for 15 years and now have well over 200 members. 

 We are a registered Charity and in 2010, in recognition of the work carried out by our volunteers, we were awarded The Queens Award for Voluntary Service.

 We are also recognised as a Centre of Excellence and Foundation Site by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA).

 We operate from Rutland Sailing Club,  on the southern shore of Rutland Water,under approved training and operating guidelines set by the RYA and the Sailing Club.

 We have no age, ethnic, social, cultural or gender barriers.

 We provide training, support and equipment to enable our members to enjoy the challenge of this physical activity in a safe, welcoming and friendly atmosphere and we also have a strong social side to our club.


 Able bodied helpers are welcome to join us. Half of our members are able bodied and without them the club could not operate.

 Most of our members were not sailors before they joined us, so why not give it a try yourself?

 To find out more have a look at Our Boats, if you're thinking of giving it a try have a look at the First Visit page or, to arrange a visit, go to our Contacts page.  To view videos of Rutland Sailability try these links:  Rutland Sailability and RYA Sailability TV-Rutland Sailability

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