Download your Google+ data

The parts of your Google+ experience you cherish--your photos, posts, and contacts-- don’t have to live exclusively in the cloud. Using Google Takeout, you can download your data for the following Google+ products to your computer:

  • Picasa Web albums and photos
  • Your Google profile
  • Google Buzz
  • Google Contacts
  • Stream

You can use Google Takeout to back up your data, or if you’re already in Google+, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to Google+.
  2. Click your profile picture at the top > Account.
  3. Click Data tools at the top.
  4. Click Select data to download.
A note about security: Since Google Takeout involves your personal information, we'll sometimes take extra care to protect you by asking you to verify your password even though you're already signed in.