Wave and tidal

We are committed to working with industry and stakeholders to successfully exploit the UK's significant wave and tidal energy resources.

We are committed to working with industry, government and other stakeholders to help realise the UK's renewable energy and carbon reduction targets. A key part of this aim is to successfully exploit the country's significant wave and tidal energy resources.

Building on our experience in offshore wind energy and in response to increasing market interest, we have leased a number of areas of seabed for wave and tidal projects over the last few years. We are actively supporting development of these projects and considering investing in first arrays. We are working closely with stakeholders, engaging with industry forums and co-ordinating our activities with other public bodies.

Wave and Tidal Knowledge Network

Collaboration is important for industry growth. Turning new technologies into commercial generation assets is needs specialist input spanning multiple disciplines which is often beyond the ability of any single organisation.

To this aim we have developed the Wave and Tidal Knowledge Network to facilitate the exchange of data.

Wave and Tidal Knowledge Network