RYA navigational safety concerns on north-west boundary of Navitus Bay Wind Park recognised 

The RYA is pleased that Navitus Bay Wind Park has recognised a key concern of the RYA and has announced a change to the development area’s north-western boundary which moves it further away from the shore.

This will help to maintain navigational safety for recreational craft into the western approaches of the Solent.  

Line of sight

Speaking today Stuart Carruthers, RYA Cruising Manager commented “ The RYA was particularly concerned that the north-western boundary interfered with the clear line of sight of the Hurst sectored light for commercial traffic approaching from the west because of the ‘cocked-hat’ northern boundary.  

“We believed that this would have increased navigational risk to recreational craft because commercial traffic would have been displaced to the north into traditional recreational craft routes when making its way to the Solent from the west in order to acquire the Hurst Point sectored light.  

“We will examine the revised boundary layout together with other maritime stakeholders in the coming weeks to ensure that commercial traffic is now able to acquire the sectored light without being displaced into areas that are heavily used by recreational craft”.  

Continuing dialogue

The RYA continues its dialogue with Navitus Bay developers on other concerns that it has with the development.  It has made it clear that the export cable is a cause for concern and it will be seeking assurances that it will not pose a threat of underwater collision.

It is proposed that the export cable will come ashore at Taddiford Gap between Barton on Sea and Milford on Sea.  

In addition there has been no mention to date of an application of a safety zone for the operational phase of the wind farm. If the developer subsequently declares that he intends to apply to the Secretary of State for an operational safety zone, the RYA will oppose it unless there is compelling evidence of need supported by a Navigational Risk Assessment.  

As with each wind farm development over the past 12 years, the RYA has been contacted by each Round Three developer and has been involved in the consultation process to date promoting recreational navigational safety.  

You can read more about the RYA’s work on this area here.

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Article Published: December 12, 2012 12:27

Article Updated: September 16, 2013 14:52


Tagged with: Motor Boating, Powerboat Racing, Sports Boats & Ribs, Yacht Cruising, Yacht Racing

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