View from Undercliff Drive Bournemouth

Current status

On 8 May 2014 the Planning Inspectorate accepted for examination Navitus Bay Development Limited's development consent application for the Navitus Bay Wind Park. In accordance with Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 we will publicise this acceptance decision and make the application documentation available for public viewing.
The registration period for interested parties is now open and will run from 13 May to 23 June 2014. Registration details are available on the Planning Inspectorate's website

About Navitus Bay

The proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park is an exciting 50-50 Joint Venture between Eneco Wind UK Ltd (Eneco) and EDF Energy Renewables. If the wind park goes ahead, it would be located off the Dorset and Hampshire coasts, to the west of the Isle of Wight. The project is being proposed by Navitus Bay Development Ltd.

The proposed wind park is a renewable energy project, vital in the generation mix to help build a secure energy future from clean, sustainable sources. Wind turbines placed out to sea will capture the wind and produce electricity for transmission to the UK's national electricity network.

To find out more about what the proposals may mean for you please click on the markers below.
Bournemouth pin
Christchurch pin
Isle-of-Wight location pin
Milford-on-sea location pin
Poole location pin
Swanage location pin
Onshore pin

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013. Map not to scale, for illustrative purposes only.


This multi-million pound project will bring a range of benefits both nationally and locally, including:

  • Enough renewable energy to power up to 700,000 homes each year. Read more
  • Offsetting approximately 1,290,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. Read more
  • Potentially a minimum of 1,700 local jobs during the four year construction phase and 140 local permanent jobs annually for the 25 year operational life of the project. Read more
  • Significant opportunities for local businesses to become part of the project’s supply chain by providing their services and products. Read more


  • Of the different renewable technologies the majority of the job creation potential is in offshore wind power. Offshore wind power combines both a large global and domestic market with the potential for the UK to develop a strong base, building on existing skills and attracting key manufacturers. The UK could be a global market leader.
    The Carbon Trust
  • We have a responsibility to our citizens to get a low-carbon energy mix that’s affordable.
    Rt Hon Edward Davey MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
  • Wind energy is projected to be the cheapest form of electricity by 2020.
    Sustainable Development Commission
  • Energy made in Britain means diverse jobs. It means safe and secure energy; a rebalancing of our economy; new manufacturing and export opportunities and a better balance of trade.
    Renewable Energy Association
  • Climate change is one of the gravest threats we face and we have to confront it…the process of decarbonising our economy is not just an obligation, it is also a massive opportunity: an opportunity for each of us to get our homes better insulated, making them warmer and cheaper to heat; and an opportunity to strengthen Britain’s energy security and create jobs.
    Coalition Government Mid-Term Review 2012
  • The burgeoning offshore wind industry is set to become a major UK manufacturing activity, bringing significant new inward investment, businesses and jobs.
    The Crown Estate
  • Getting more renewable energy across the UK can give us much more security and a greater degree of energy independence – helping to shield us from global fossil fuel price fluctuation.
    UK Government’s Renewable Energy Roadmap 2011
  • The burgeoning offshore wind industry is set to become a major UK manufacturing activity, bringing significant new inward investment, businesses and jobs.
    The Crown Estate
  • With renewables we can pay now for the investment in new technology and save money later, but with gas we pay almost the same now but face rising costs well into the future. And when you throw in the huge economic benefits from new jobs and a potential new export industry in goods and services, renewables are the smart option for bills, the economy and the environment.
    John Sauven, Greenpeace

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