Dogger Bank Teesside A&B

About this project

Dogger Bank Teesside A & B (previously part of Dogger Bank Teesside) is the second stage of Forewind’s offshore wind energy development of the Dogger Bank Zone (Zone 3, Round 3). Dogger Bank Teesside A & B will comprise up to two wind farms, each with an installed capacity of up to 1.2GW, which are expected to connect to the national grid at the existing national grid substation at Lackenby, near Eston Therefore, Dogger Bank Teesside A & B could have a total installed capacity of up to 2.4GW

Dogger Bank Teesside A & B is located within The Dogger Bank Zone which comprises an area of 8660 square kilometres (km2) located in the North Sea between 125 kilometres (km) and 290km off the UK North East coast. The onshore elements of the development will be located in the Borough of Redcar and Cleveland

Visit developer’s website

What happens next

The application is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate 4th quarter 2013.

After receipt of the application, there will be 28 days to review the application and decide whether or not to accept it.

If the application is accepted, we will advise the timescales when interested parties can register to make a representation.

If the application is accepted, we will:

  • Publish all the application documents on this project page
  • Publish the date from which you will be able to register to put your case on the application
  • Publish the date on which registration will close.