
About East Anglia FOUR

The proposed East Anglia FOUR Offshore Windfarm development is located in the northern half of the zone and covers an area of approximately 360km2.  The East Anglia FOUR project is likely to include:

  • Offshore wind turbines and foundations (to provide an installed capacity of 1,200MW)
  • Up to three offshore collector stations and up to two offshore converter stations and their foundations to collect the electricity from the turbines and transform it to a form suitable for transfer to shore.
  • Up to four seabed export cables, each around 160km in length, to transfer the electricity to shore.
  • A landfall site with onshore transition pits to connect the offshore and onshore cables (same landfall as East Anglia ONE)
  • Up to four onshore underground cables, each of around 37km in length, to transfer the electricity from landfall to an onshore converter station at Bramford (same onshore cable route as East Anglia ONE)
  • An onshore converter station adjacent to the existing substation at Bramford, Suffolk, to connect the offshore windfarm to the National Grid.

The consent application for East Anglia FOUR is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in 2015. This will be a combined application for both the offshore windfarm and the electricity transmission works.

More detail on these proposals can be found in the East Anglia FOUR Scoping Report which is available on the Planning Inspectorate Website (link will open in a new window). Please note, the opportunity to comment on the document has now closed.  


Latest News

Public Information Days

The East Anglia FOUR Project team held a series of Public Information Days in early October 2013.  See News.

Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)

East Anglia FOUR Limited undertook a consultation process with relevant Local Authorities and has published a Statement of Community Consultation in September 2013. See News.   

Royal HaskoningDHV appointed lead Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) consultant

As lead EIA consultant, Royal HaskoningDHV will co-ordinate assessment of the potential environmental effects of the project - covering both the human and natural environment. Its extensive experience and multi-disciplinary team will play a key role in bringing the project forward to ensure the schemes can be built and operated without significant impact to the environment.