UK Opportunities 

Events available within the UK to race officials are listed here.

See below:


Race Officer Opportunities

It is useful for race officers to gain experience at a range of venues and to work with others who manage their racing in different ways.  This gives an opportunity to understand the challenge of running races under a variety of different conditions and some of the ‘tricks of the trade’.  It also gives inland sailors the chance to run races on the sea and vice versa. 

In order to help race officers get this range of experience, through the Race Management Committee, clubs have been identified which are willing to offer opportunities to visiting race officers.  The positions advertised are as Assistant Race Officer (although the duties at the event are at the discretion of the event Race Officer) with one position per event.  No expenses are paid and it is entirely up to the person seeking experience to determine whether the event meets their needs.  Those aspiring to NRO status will be given preference for those major championships listed. The policy for allocation of events to individuals is as follows:

Any RRO or Club Race Officer Plus can take a maximum of three events each year after which all additional assignments are only provisional.  Those additional events can then be confirmed one month before the event.  Until that time, preference will be granted to any other race officers with a RRO or Club Race Officer Plus wishing to attend that event and who has not been assigned to the maximum of three. 

Any IRO or NRO, with the consent of the organising authority concerned, can take one or more of the events on a provisional basis until one month before it is due to happen when it will be confirmed.  Until that time preference will be granted to race officers with a RRO or Club Race Officer Plus qualification.

Download the full list of events on offer, together with the clubs and their contacts, from the link on the right side of this page.  To apply for an event please contact Roger Palmer on 02392484896 or  All applicants must be qualified to at least CRO+.  A summary of what's on offer is detailed in the table below.


Mark Layer Opportunities

As with race officers (see above) the same philosophy applies to mark layers in that it is useful to gain experience at a range of venues and to work with others who manage their racing in different ways.  Learning can only be increased by working outside of your home waters, especially with different tidal conditions, depths and course configurations.  Those who only have access to one discipline racing with their club can expand their repertoire and knowledge by working with other disciplines.  Whilst race management for dinghies, boards and keelboats is similar in many respects, each discipline has its own nuances and these need to be understood by the best mark layers. 

As with race officers the Race Management Committee identifies clubs which are willing to offer opportunities to visiting mark layers.  No expenses are paid and it is entirely up to the person seeking experience to determine whether the event meets their needs.  Those aspiring to NML status will be given preference for those major championships listed. The policy for allocation of events to individuals is as follows:

Any RML  can take a maximum of three events each year after which all additional assignments are only provisional.  Those additional events can then be confirmed one month before the event.  Until that time, preference will be granted to any other mark layers with a RML wishing to attend that event and who has not been assigned to the maximum of three. 

Any NML, with the consent of the organising authority concerned, can take one or more of the events on a provisional basis until one month before it is due to happen when it will be confirmed.  Until that time, preference will be granted to mark layers with a RML qualification.

Download the full list of events on offer, together with the clubs and their contacts, from the link on the right side of this page.  To apply for an event please contact Roger Palmer on 02392484896 or  All applicants must be qualified to at least RML.  A summary of what's on offer is detailed below.  The table for mark layers follows that for race officers.


Judging Opportunities

The Class Judge Scheme provides judges for Cadet, Mirror, Optimist, Topper, RS200, 420 and 29er classes. Racing standards are high and many of the regattas are considered "major events" for NJ qualification. All classes need additional judges for their National Championships. Most of the classes welcome an additional judge for weekend regattas.

Interested? Want to find out more?Talk to the Class Judge Administrator, William Jeffcoate Email:  Tel: +44 1623 882 909 Mob: +44 7900 551 823 DateClass(es)ClubVisiting Judge


ARO opportunities 2014

Just added as a download on the right hand side

Date Class(es)  Club Contact   Visiting RO



Mark Layer Opportunities 2014

Just added as a download on the right hand side

Date Class(es) Club Contact  Visiting RO






Judging Opportunities

Date  Class(es) Club Contact Visiting RO


Umpiring Opportunities

Date Event Contact





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Article Published: June 22, 2009 15:54

Article Updated: March 01, 2014 13:27


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