The cost of calling a phone number depends on the digits it starts with, your phone provider and whether you use a landline or mobile.

You may get free calls to some numbers as part of your call package - check with your phone provider.

The costs below are approximate - check with your phone provider to find out the actual cost. Calls from payphones can cost more.

Number starts with Description Cost from landlines per minute (approximate) Cost from mobiles per minute (approximate)
Geographic numbers for specific parts of the UK 2p to 10p 10p to 40p
UK-wide numbers 2p to 10p 10p to 40p
0500 Free service Free Up to 31p
07 Mobile numbers 5p to 32p 8p to 40p
070 Personal or ‘follow me’ numbers regulated by PhonepayPlus 4p to 52p 30p to £1.50
Freephone service Free 14p to 40p
Business rate numbers 1p to 13p 20p to 41p
0845 Business rate numbers 1p to 11p 14p to 41p
0870 Business rate numbers 2p to 11p 14p to 41p
Business rate numbers regulated by PhonepayPlus 11p to 15p 20p to 41p
09 Premium rate numbers regulated by PhonepayPlus 9p to £2.60 50p to £2.50
101 Police non-emergency number 15p (total cost per call) 15p (total cost per call)
111 Non-emergency medical advice Free Free
999 Emergency services Free Free

Get advice from Ofcom if you have problems with call charges or phone bills.

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Please don't include any personal or financial information, for example your National Insurance or credit card numbers.