Natural England - Farming and land stewardship

Farming and land stewardship

We target our funded schemes, knowledge and advice to farmers and land managers throughout the country, whilst giving guidance and leadership to our partners, farming community and government.

On this page:

What's in it for farmers?
Why are we doing this?
How can I get involved?
What else do we offer?

What's in it for farmers?

On our most popular scheme, farmers and land managers could earn £30 per hectare for environmental management at the entry level. Find out more about funding for farmers and land managers.

Why are we doing this?

  • To make sure land is well managed and keeps its traditional character.
  • To protect England's historic features and natural resources.
  • To look after wildlife, species and their habitats.
  • To ensure traditional livestock and crops are conserved for the future.
  • To provide opportunities for you to visit and learn about the countryside.

How can I get involved?

Farmers and land managers

If you are a farmer or land manager you may be able to access funded schemes that work with your farm business. You can also benefit from our farm visits and events to get the best environmental outcome for your land.

Families and schools

If you and your family want to know more and see how farmers are looking after the land you can visit a farm or country estate, get your school involved through Educational accessexternal link, or take your family to Open Farm Sundayexternal link.

FACEexternal link (Farming and Countryside Education) is the leading charity inspiring children to learn more about food, farming and the countryside - where their food comes from, how it is produced, how the countryside is looked after.


Your organisation or business can also work with us to get the best from the countryside and environment, through sponsorship and marketing opportunities. Our land agents page gives updates on what's happeining on land stewardship. 

What else do we offer?

Advice and information

Funding schemes are supported by sound advice and information. Contact us

  • Farm visits and events - provide advice and information through farm walks, workshops, clinics and farm visits

  • Organic conversion advice - free advice on the practicalities of converting to organic production.

  • England Catchment Sensitive Farming Delivery Initiative - aims to reduce the pollution of surface-water bodies caused by farming operations.

  • Cross Complianceexternal link - is the set of conditions which claimants of direct payments under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have to meet. Such payments include those made under the Single Payment Scheme and certain Rural Development schemes.


Regulations have been introduced to encourage better land management practice and to protect the natural environment. We have responsibilities in connection with some of these regulations, for example the Heather and Grass Burning (England) Regulations 2007. Find out more in Regulation and licensing.


Environmental Stewardship

environmental stewardship 
Farmers, land managers and tenants in England can receive payment to deliver effective environmental land management. Some restrictions apply from 1 September 2013.

Celebrating 25 years of agri-environment schemes

Evolution, case studies and key facts

Already in a scheme? You still have options

new hedge
Advice and updates to make sure you are maximising environmental and financial benefits.

Campaign for the Farmed Environment (CFE)

CFE logo
The Campaign, in wide partnership, seeks to increase the uptake of Environmental Stewardship. How to get involvedexternal link.

The Prince's Countryside Fund

Prince's Fund logo
Inspired by the Prince of Wales, provides money to support long term sustainability of the British countryside, raised from Business in the Community projects.