Natural England - Evidence work area: landscape, historic environment and geodiversity

Evidence work area: landscape, historic environment and geodiversity

In this area Natural England’s aim is to ensure that our diverse landscapes continue to provide inspiration and enjoyment for people, and enable our wildlife to adapt to the challenges of the future.

The focus of our evidence programme is in two main areas: firstly, to ensure that we know how England’s landscapes are changing, in both character and quality, and how those changes relate to ecosystem service delivery; and secondly, to develop a landscape-led approach to conserving the natural environment.

Relevant information

Natural England Publications

Evidence projects

The evidence projects related to this work area can be seen below. For a list of the evidence generated by our evidence programme since 2009 see Evidence generated to support our landscape, historic environment, geology and soils work.

Landscape, Historic Environment and Geodiversity


RP0228Geological Conservation Review boundary digitisationGeological Conservation Review (GCR) sites provide the national basis for identifying features of interest in geological and geomorphological Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). This project will digitise all GCR site boundaries in England. This will provide a digitised dataset for spatial comparison with established SSSI boundary datasets strengthening Natural England's ability to provide advice and report on geological and geomorphological SSSIs.

Natural England's financial contribution to this project is currently estimated to be: £10,800.00
Hannah Townley
RP0741Northern SSSI Caves Monitoring Project.A joint project between Natural England and Council of Northern Caving Clubs (CNCC) to undertake specialist Common Standards Monitoring and Integrated Site Assessment work on 500+ features of scientific interest across 4000 hectres of underground SSSI. Also to maintain these 21 SSSIs in favourable condition. In addition to the monitoring work the caving volunteers undertake surface conservation tasks to improve landowner relations and the biodiversity around cave entrances.

Natural England's financial contribution to this project is currently estimated to be: £5,000.00
Andrew Hinde

Landscape, Historic Environment and Geodiversity


RP0225UK Geodiversity Action Plan (UKGAP)The UKGAP provides a framework planning and recording the delivery of geoconservation across the UK. The aim of this project is to provide evidence (through a range of case studies) to illustrate how the UKGAP is currently being delivered across its objectives. It will also undertake new research on existing delivery monitoring measures for Local Geodiversity Action Plans (LGAPs) in order to develop a standard mechanism for measuring progress that can be adopted by the UKGAP and LGAPs. The work is supported by a wide range of partners across the UK.

Natural England's financial contribution to this project is currently estimated to be: £22,400.00
Hannah Townley
RP0229Soils data projectThis is long term project improving the availability of soils data derived from Agricultural Land Classification surveys to Natural England staff and the general public. In addition securing the associated ALC archive of which Natural England has guardianship on behalf of Defra. Current phase of project involves scanning remaining paper Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) maps and associated information. Also updating Gi ALC layer. - continuation of 2008/09 2009/10 projects. Gill Shaw
RP0522Review of large-scale conservation in Great BritainWe are studying existing large-scale nature conservation initiatives in England, Scotland and Wales. The project has four broad aims: (1) To gain a better overview and understanding of the large-scale conservation projects in Britain. (2) To explore the scientific principles that are being used. (3) To explore the social, institutional and community aspects (4) To analyse the environmental outcomes that have been achieved. It is a joint project with Defra, Scottish Natural Heritage and the Countryside Council for Wales. Work is being done by the University of Southampton, the University of Cambridge, and Natural England.
  • Workshop/conference/event (Completed)
  • Peer-reviewed paper (30/09/2013)
  • Natural England Technical Publication (30/06/2014)

Natural England's financial contribution to this project is currently estimated to be: £145,638.00
Nicholas Macgregor
RP0934ECOLAP (ECOnets, Landscape & People)The main aim of the ECOLAP study is to find effective ways of integrating the public's perception of landscape change, and the socio-cultural values of landscape in the design and implementation of ecological networks. The hypothesis is that increased awareness and integration of landscape and socio-cultural values supports more sustainable ecological networks. Bringing natural evidence & cultural needs together, ecological networks can aim to conserve and enhance landscapes to be better connected and resilient ecologically and reinforce people's connection with them, increase the benefits they bring and encourage longer-term care.

Natural England's financial contribution to this project is currently estimated to be: £48,195.00
Andy Wharton

Landscape, Historic Environment and Geodiversity


RP0890Formative Evaluation of Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs)The aim of the project is to undertake initial formative evaluation of Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs), and recommend options for future outcome and impact evaluation. Evaluating LNPs will help Defra, Arms Length Bodies (ALBs) and LNPs themselves to understand their potential to achieve the aspirations of the Natural Environment White Paper locally and to deliver positive outcomes for their area. The outputs will inform the further development of LNPs, as well as being of great relevant to wider sustainable land management, biodiversity, and local partnership programmes in Defra and ALBs. The project is being led by Defra.Alison Darlow