Natural England - Our Work

Our Work

A healthy natural environment is essential for sustainable development, underpinning  successful economies.  As the Government’s statutory adviser on the natural environment, Natural England plays a critical role in finding solutions which secure both long term benefits to our economy and the natural services we are dependent on.

Access and Engagement Strategy

The Access and Engagement Strategyexternal link was ratified by our Board in February 2012. It is primarily intended to guide Natural England’s day to day work in providing opportunities to access, and increase understanding of, the natural environment.

As most of our work is carried out by working with other organisations, as well as individual land managers, we developed it with advice from a group of our external partners. We hope this Strategy will also provide more clarity on our role in our work together and help shape future priorities.

We are now working hard to implement the Strategy across Natural England and this will take a little time. If you want further information please email our Access and Engagement Strategy feedback mailbox.