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Kameleoon is an A/B testing solution developed by optimization and web analytics experts. Their mission is to enable the merchant or marketing team to easily design and run A/B tests without writing a single line of code or modifying the existing code base.

Module Features

This module includes the necessary JS tag allowing the testing to be accomplished via drupal. You need only activate it and sign up to utilize the following functionalities:

  • Create variations of your site pages by modifying content, themes and layouts.
  • Execute multiple simulation tests simultaneously
  • Fully control which audiences/segments see which variations (or variant combinations) of your site.
  • Monitor the progress of your tests with powerful analytics tools.
  • Many other features (css modification, browser testing, mockup sharing, etc etc)

Getting Started & Module Set Up

After signing up with Kameleoon you can obtain a code by visiting the "Technical" and "Sites" tab in the administration interface.

Project Information
