
Becoming an OnBoard club... 

Maintaining or growing your club membership is a challenge faced by most clubs. One successful strategy for growth, which many clubs have employed, has been to focus on providing a strong base for ongoing junior activity in order to generate increased family membership. OnBoard is about sailing and windsurfing clubs and centres teaching more children to sail and about keeping them involved in sailing, for life. Actively bringing more young people into sailing and windsurfing, OnBoard is providing clubs (that are dinghy or windsurfing RYA Training Centres) with the opportunity to adopt a local school or youth organisation. You decide who to adopt, when you'll run activities and how you will integrate young people into your club. By taking sailing to young people you are opening up access to the sport and securing the long term future of sailing in your area.

What are the Benefits?
·  Sustain or grow your membership base by attracting new sailors
·  Develop or further develop existing junior club activities for your club
·  Underpin current youth race training activities
·  Increase your volunteer base
·  Improve your club's chances of securing public funding
·  Improve your club's profile in the local area
·  Become a successful and vibrant club

Clubs signed up to OnBoard will receive:
·  An allocation of Gill clothing for volunteers running OB youth activities
·  Local expert advice on junior activities, club facilities and equipment

Plain Sailing

Does OnBoard mean our club has to run sailing during school hours?

No, not unless your club wants to. Most clubs run evening and weekend sailing sessions as part of normal club activities and sometimes during school holidays.

Do we have to be an RYA Training Centre to be involved?

Yes, even to signpost sailing sessions through a school, the teachers need to be happy that you are running safe and credible activities. By being recognised by the RYA you are working within accepted national standards.

How can my club get involved?
If you’re interested in getting OnBoard then your club can complete an application form working with the Sailing Development Officer. Contact either your Regional Development Officer or Sailing Development Officer for more details.

If none are listed for your area then contact the OnBoard team on to find out what opportunities are being developed.


Contact Us

Article Published: May 19, 2009 12:03

Article Updated: September 06, 2013 11:30


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