Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre gets youngsters OnBoard

Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre signs up to the RYA OnBoard programme

Youngsters in Dorset will  continue to have the opportunity to go sailing at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy (WPNSA)  as the Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre (ASSC) has signed up to RYA OnBoard (OB).

Olympic sailors Sir Ben Ainslie and Iain Percy were presented with the official plaque of recognition at the centre’s official opening ceremony on 09 May.  

RYA OnBoard programme provides low cost sailing and windsurfing opportunities for local school and youth groups, enabling kids aged eight to 18 to learn to sail and stay in the sport.   

Tony Wood, RYA Regional Development Officer in the South West said: “It was an honour to present Ben and Iain with the official OnBoard recognition for the Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre. Youngsters across the county will now be able to enjoy the fantastic equipment and facilities at the centre and experience their first taste of the sport at the London 2012 sailing venue”.  

ASSC Manager Warren Surtees said: “The first of our OB sessions at the centre took place last weekend (17 May) with local youngsters from the local area including Thornlow Prep School, IPACA and Budmouth enjoying a perfect 8 knots on the water sailing Laser Picos”.  

“Becoming an OnBoard centre gives us a familiar name in the sailing industry to push regular participation in the sport and gives our club a real community feeling”.    

RYA OnBoard has got an impressive track record – over 480,000 OnBoard beginner sessions have been run across Britain since 2005, with almost 40,000 young people taking up sailing or windsurfing on a regular basis.

There are over 240 OnBoard clubs and centres nationwide, with several more due to join the programme during 2014.    

Any local schools and youth groups interested in getting involved in OnBoard at The Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre should contact Amy Harvey  or Tony Wood .  

For more information about the Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre click here or learn about OnBoard

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Article Published: May 27, 2014 14:13


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