Pirates Steeled For National Title Challenge 

Team15 Champions Cup looms for Midlands champions

Pitsford Pirates’ team of young windsurfers have already achieved their goal for this season simply by qualifying for the national Team15 Champions Cup for the fourth running year. 

But that won’t stop the Northampton youngsters trying to prove they are amongst the country’s most talented junior rookies when the national Team15 Champions Cup final showdown takes place at Pitsford Reservoir this weekend! (12-13 October)

Pirates, who qualified for the national final after clinching the Midlands regional Team15 title last month, will once again welcome the eight other regional winners to their Northampton home for two days of fierce competition for the national crown.

Although this is the fourth successive year that Pirates have qualified for the Champions Cup, the nature of Team15 as the breeding ground for talented young windsurfers means many of this year’s team will have never competed in the Champions Cup before with some never having even windsurfed at all prior to this summer!

Nevertheless the Pitsford young guns will still be looking to make the most of home advantage to make their mark on this year’s Champions Cup.

Karen Patrick, Pirates Team15 assistant and mum, said: “Apart from the Team15 Champions Cup having a ‘festival fun’ atmosphere it encompasses all abilities from the very new racing windsurfer to the more experienced RYA Zone Squad sailors. 

“The main ‘home advantage’ must be location, location, location! But regardless of outcome it is very rewarding to see the fantastic team spirit evident within the Pirates group. The existing members have welcomed and supported new members both during weekly training and at events.”

Karen highlights the example of brothers Jayden and Brandon Walker as a demonstration of the camaraderie amongst the Pirates ranks.

“The boys attended their RYA Start Windsurfing course in August and only joined in with our last three Team15 sessions before being asked to participate at in our final regional event at Draycote,” she continued.

“Our existing members gave the boys extra coaching during the lunch break at the event and afterwards their Dad commented on what a fabulous day it was and how impressed he was with the support from the existing members and their families. Both boys also got a special mention at prize giving.”

Team15 is the RYA’s youth windsurfing development programme making windsurfing more accessible and appealing to kids aged 15 and under at grassroots level. The regional Inter-Club Challenge Series takes place over the summer adding a competitive edge and race training for those keen to hone their skills.

Amongst the ones to watch for the Pirates at Pitsford include Jack Gibbs (3.5m2 fleet), Ben McCann (5.8m2), Ollie Smith (5.8m2), and David Lett (6.8m2). 

Jack joined right at the end last year and returned this year full of enthusiasm, becoming a fantastic team member and competing his first event Draycote. Ben joined Pirates from Draycote and has fitted in really well, attending two of the four Midland series events. 

Meanwhile, Ollie, who was sailing a 4.5m2 last year and has progressed to 5.8m2 this, is the only Pirate to have taken part in all four of the 2013 Midlands events, while David has moved to 6.8m2 this year and is in the RYA Zone Squad.

There are more than 80 Team15 clubs nationwide. Fun and informal Team15 sessions are held weekly, kit can be borrowed from the clubs and the cost of sessions is kept low. 

For more information about getting involved at Pitsford Pirates visit www.northamptonwatersports.com or contact windsurfing@northamptonsailingclub.org 

More details about Team15 can be found at www.rya.org.uk/programmes/team15 or contact 0845 345 0400.

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Article Published: October 08, 2013 14:56


Tagged with: Windsurfing

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