
How does a new educational institution increase enrollment leads?


Increase awareness and engagement around Mount Washington College while generating enrollment leads.


Used Promoted Tweets with Lead Generation Cards to target adults aged 24-55 and encourage them to sign up to receive information about the school’s programs.


  • 101% increase in conversion rate
  • 55% decrease in cost per lead

  • 3X increase in followers

Adobe Systems, Inc. (@Adobe) is an American multinational computer software company headquartered in San Jose, California, United States. Adobe Media Optimizer is its ads management platform, used to drive paid media results for Adobe customers.

Adobe Media Optimizer for Social uses the Twitter Ads API to manage Promoted Tweet campaigns for a variety of clients in a range of industries including retail, financial services and education.

The challenge

Mount Washington College (@MW_College) is part of the Kaplan Higher Education group. Kaplan worked closely with @Adobe to develop an integrated marketing plan for the school that had three main goals: increase awareness of the school’s affordable programs, create engagement around the Mount Washington College brand and generate leads for enrollment.

The solution

Twitter played a large part in the marketing plan. Using Adobe Media Optimizer and Twitter’s Ads API, @Adobe created a Promoted Tweets campaign with Lead Generation Cards for @MW_College. The target audience included men and women ages 24-55 who may be contemplating going back to school, but are concerned with the cost and accessibility of classes.

Based on previous Promoted Tweet campaigns, @Adobe knew that pricing information in particular resonated with users. Given that insight, this lead generation campaign focused on the affordability of @MW_College classes. The brand also wanted to spotlight the self-service nature of the school’s courses, which can be taken online or at night – an appealing feature for the target audience of working adults.

To reach the right users, @Adobe used a combination of keyword, interest and @username targeting. Promoted Tweets were targeted to keywords like “online degrees,” “cheap online school,” “business degree” and “business school.”

Other Promoted Tweets were targeted to interest segments like business, careers, job search and adult education. @Username targeting was used to reach people similar to the followers of accounts like @educationweek, @edutopia, @CareerBuilder and @ResumeInterviewHelp.

As the campaign progressed, @Adobe monitored performance of Promoted Tweets to see what was working. The @Adobe team noticed that Promoted Tweets using interest and @username targeting had particularly good results, as did Tweet copy with the exact price of a specific course. @Adobe used these findings to optimize the campaign as time went on.


“Twitter’s Lead Generation Cards give customers an easy way to provide basic information to a brand, without interrupting the user experience and all within a Tweet. From an advertiser’s perspective, it’s the first time real lead qualification can occur through Twitter and arguably through ‘social advertising’ over­all – which equates to a powerful inventory source.”

Paul LangtryAccount Director, Adobe

The results

This campaign exceeded expectations and accomplished two big goals for @Adobe and @MW_College: it drove enrollment leads and increased brand awareness and engagement.

Promoted Tweets with Lead Generation Cards helped increase @MW_College’s conversion rate by 101% while decreasing the cost per lead by 55%. The brand’s follow rate was also up by 3X.

“Adobe Media Optimizer and Twitter’s Ads API produced initial results that gave @MW_College the confidence to significantly increase spend on Twitter as it is now a viable direct marketing channel,” says Paul Langtry, Account Director at Adobe.

3 keys to success

  1. Tailor content to your audience.

    Find out what’s important to your audience before you start a Promoted Tweet campaign. @Adobe knew its target group of working adults were concerned with affordability, so it created Promoted Tweets highlighting the low cost of an education through @MW_College.

  2. Capture user interest via Tweet

    The Lead Generation Card makes it easy for users to express interest in what your brand offers. Users can easily and securely share their email address with a business without leaving Twitter or having to fill out a cumbersome form.

  3. Target the right people

    Use Twitter’s targeting capabilities to reach beyond your follower base and connect with the most relevant audience. Promoted Tweets can be targeted by keyword, interest, geography, gender, device and similarity to followers of a specified @username. @Adobe used @username targeting to get Promoted Tweets in front of people similar to the followers of education and job-seeking brands like @edutopia and @careerbuilder.