Kieler Woche
21 - 29 June 2014

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Starts, Results, Jury and much more - live.

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Kieler Woche Sailing - all you need to know

29ers29ers European Champions
Adrian Salamon and Julius Hallstrom are European Champions
Press Conference Kiel 17th June“if it won’t be us, who else?”
Kiel’s clear commitment for the application for the Olympics

Who's in charge at the regatta courses?
Tough job: the race committees are responsible for fair conditions for every sailor
DroneKiel Week as a media event
Drones, balloons and on-board cameras are being used to make it possible.
Part of the Flyer for Schilksee Onshore ProgrammeWhat's up onshore?
Live Bands at the Olympic Centre. Join the After-Sail-Party every night.