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In October 2012, the Jubilee Sailing Trust tall ship Lord Nelson set off on a voyage around the world: 4 times across the Equator, 7 continents, 50,000 miles, and 30 countries!

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Join us for the adventure of a lifetime

Lord Nelson is the first disability-accessible tall ship to sail around the world. This epic voyage is partnered by Norton Rose Fulbright. This global law firm supports the JST’s values of diversity, inclusion and integration – where physically disabled people, including wheelchair users, will sail side by side with able-bodied people every sea-mile of the way.

The firm has offices in many of Lord Nelson’s stopover ports and they are enabling disabled people from those ports to take part in the Norton Rose Fulbright Sail the World Challenge.

The Norton Rose Fulbright Sail the World Challenge is about giving you the chance to take part in an adventurous ocean passage. It is also about taking the JST ethos of mixed physical ability sailing to new countries around the world. Lord Nelson will make history by being the first accessible tall ship in the world to visit the South American, African and Asian continents and to sail around Cape Horn!

To download a PDF of all the passages and in-country voyages of The Norton Rose Fulbright Sail the World Challenge click here.

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or for more information call 023 8042 6849.

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