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sail uk and europe

Our tall ship Tenacious offers a fantastically diverse range of sailing opportunities in European waters for able-bodied and disabled people

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Whilst her sister has been sailing the world, Tenacious has been embarking on her own European adventures. Getting involved in some brilliant events including the Rouen Armada and the Baltic Sea Tall Ships Races, she has plenty more still to come.

After experiencing an unforgettable Christmas and New Year in Barcelona, she’ll be heading further into the Mediterranean to the historical Italian city of Genoa; the birthplace of Christopher Columbus. She will explore the very seas he set sail from over 700 years ago, before sailing along the beautiful Italian and Sicilian coastline to one of the world’s smallest states, Malta.

After enjoying all the delights of the Maltese culture, Tenacious will be sailing for Monaco. Calling in at Sardinia or Corsica on the way, she’ll arrive into the sophisticated and glamorous city of Monte Carlo. After a visit to the famous casinos and spotting a celebrity or two, she’ll be sailing to the southernmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula, where Europe meets Africa, and into Gibraltar.

From the famous Rock of Gibraltar, Tenacious will then be sailing north, exploring the Portuguese and French coastline, before returning to her home port of Southampton, where she will be receiving a warm welcome home!

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or for more information call 023 8042 6849.

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