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Did you know you can recycle your old mobile phone or printer ink cartridge and raise money for the JST?

ways to help

If you’ve just got a new mobile phone and you’re not sure what to do with your old one, then look no further! All you need to do is give us a call or send us an email and we will supply you with a freepost plastic wallet. You simply put in the item to be recycled and send it off. The JST can receive up to £30 for some models of mobile phone. You can also include your old printer ink cartridges, and on a regular basis these can help us raise much needed funds too!

To get your plastic wallet today and help the Jubilee Sailing Trust, call our fundraising team on +44 (0)23 8042 6868 or conatct us.




ways to helpDonations in Lieu of Special Events

If you wish to make donations ‘in lieu’ of a special occasion e.g. wedding, ruby anniversary, the JST would be delighted if you chose us. We can supply individual JST gift aid envelopes for you to use at your special occasion.

Please contact Nikki, Fundraising Administrator on 023 8042 6868 who will be happy to supply the number of envelopes you require and leaflets on the JST so you are able to show your guests who you are supporting.

All funds should be returned to the Fundraising department, Jubilee Sailing Trust, 12 Hazel Road, Woolston, Southampton, SO19 7GA.

Let us speak to your Club/Group

If you are involved with a club/group like the Lions or WI, Guides, Scouts, Masons, or Rotary, we would like to come and speak to you. We have speakers ready to tell your organisation about the great work of the Jubilee Sailing Trust, our charitable mission to change lives and the integration of people with a range of physical abilities. Please get in touch on the number below. If you would like to become a speaker for the JST in your area, do not hesitate to contact us on the number below for an informal chat.

Contact Nikki on 023 8042 6868 or by visiting the contact page.

400 Club

Sign up to the Jubilee Sailing Trust’s 400 club today and you could stand a chance of winning £400!
For just £15 per quarter you could be in the running for this fantastic prize. Half the proceeds of the 400 club are donated to the Jubilee Sailing Trust and so far we have raised over £70,000. Each quarter we pull six numbers out of our ‘Lucky Barrel’. The first number to be pulled out wins £400. It’s as easy as that! The next five numbers to be pulled out of the Barrel will receive the remaining amount of allotted prize money between them. The chance of winning with us is 1 in 400 and the chance of winning on the lottery is 1 in 14 million, so join us today for your chance to win!

To join the 400 club, all you have to do is contact us on 023 8042 6868 or contact us for a form, sign it and send it back to us, then you will be allocated a number. You can also download the form here 400 club.pdf

Sponsor a JST Mile

What is a Jubilee Sailing Trust mile? It’s a mile that will change the lives of physically disabled and able-bodied people around the world forever.

In October 2012 , our tall ship Lord Nelson will set sail on a 50,000 mile voyage around the world with a crew of mixed physical abilities; the first time a ship especially designed for this purpose has set out to do this. A JST mile goes a surprisingly long way…..Every mile of this amazing journey will help change the lives of over 1,000 people. This is JST Sail the World and you can help make this dream come true. Click here to sponsor your JST miles.

Every mile will be subsidised through fundraising so please sponsor as many miles as you can at £5.00 a mile. Sponsoring a JST Mile will help create brighter futures. Your donation, whether it’s one mile (£5), five (£25), ten (£50) or more, will make a difference to over a 1,000 people.

CLICK HERE to sponsor your JST miles and see how much has been raised so far. When you make your donation, please add your name so that we can record and thank the many generous people who help JST Sail the World to change lives across the globe.

We began with 50,000 miles to sponsor which will raise a total of £200,000. You can see below the running total of how many have been sponsored so far. Sponsor your miles now and see your name on list!

Miles sponsored so far: 4,026
Miles left to sponsor: 46,654
JST would like to thank:

 Mrs G Berry 20 miles 19 April 2012
 Linda Roth  5 miles 19 April 2012
 Mary Curry 51 miles 20 April 2012
Sandy Taggart 200 miles 25 April 2012
 Peter Donaldson 30 miles 25 April 2012
 Susan Williams 1 mile 25 April 2012
 Elizabeth Akenhead 6 miles 25 April 2012
 Norman Hillier 8 miles 25 April 2012
 June Walters 5 miles 25 April 2012
 Anon 2 milies 25 April 2012
 Katherine Millar 5 miles 25 April 2012
 Brenda Wickham 40 miles 25 April 2012
 Jim Waller 10 miles 25 April 2012
 David Marwood 10 miles 25 April 2012
 Anon 2 miles 26 April 2012
 Emma Hiscox 2 miles 26 April 2012  a couple miles towards having fun
 Susan Kent 20 miles 01 May 2012
 Denise Harding 2 miles 01 May 2012
 Jenny Daniell 6 miles 01 May 2012
 David Somervell 10 miles 01 May 2012
 John Wills 2 miles 01 May 2012
 Anon 4 miles 01 May 2012
 Edward Palmer 20 miles 02 May 2012
 Celia Knight 1 mile 04 May 2012
 Colin Shaw 4 miles 04 May 2012 Hope fully lots of small donations will add up to THE BIG ONE !
 Peter Holtby 10 miles 04 May 2012 Safe voyages to all
 Doccy Morton 4 miles 05 May 2012 Bon Voyage and happy sailing round the world
 Diana Rayner 10 miles 05 May 2012
 Pauline Jones 20 miles 06 May 2012 Have a great trip and spread the JST message to the world!
 Peter Oakes 10 miles 06 May 2012
 Sandra Oxley 4 miles 06 May 2012 Hope you have an exciting and safe journey
 Mary Shaw 20 miles 08 May 2012
 Jen Howell 20 miles 08 May 2012
 Jill Hurn 20 miles 08 May 2012
 Annie Dimock 20 miles 08 May 2012
 Derek Gibbs (Dad) 120 miles 08 May 2012
 Anon 600 miles 09 May 2012
 Jennifer Rees 4 miles 09 May 2012 Have a fantastic voyage.
 Mary Jones 7 miles 10 May 2012
 Derek Gibbs 120 miles 10 May 2012
 Sir & Lady Jephcott 20 miles 10 May 2012
 Stella Gill 10 miles 10 May 2012 I had a fantastic chance to join Lord Nelson during the Girlguiding Centenary, & have many great memories.
 Anon 2 miles 17 May 2012
 Elizabeth Hammick 20 miles 17 May 2012
 Clive Catherall 20 miles 17 May 2012
 J and J M Stickland 10 miles 17 May 2012
 Lizzi Thistlethwayte 400 miles 17 May 2012
 David Mills 15 miles 20 May 2012
 Anon 4 miles 22 May 2012
 John Birkett 5 miles 28 May 2012 Mind the bump as you cross the line!
 Jane Sculthorpe 4 miles 1 June 2012 Here’s to happy sailing and calm seas….have a wonderful voyage!
 Mike Cooper 4  miles 4 June 2012 Good luck and all enjoyment to those planning a journey very soon
 Chris Ballard 4 miles 11 June2012 Thank you for showing us around the ship on Friday at Canary Wharf. Its inspiring to see such a giving spirit.
 Anon 5 miles 14 June2012
 Lady Belinda Montagu 4 miles 6 July 2012
 Shirley, Raj, Michael,
Kyle and Connor
16 miles 17 July 2012 This is to wish Happy 80th Birthday to Ian T. and salute his enormous dedication to making sailing possible for as many people as possible.
 Anon 1 mile 18 July 2012  Thank you
 Dr David Brown 20 miles 18 July 2012  Thank you
 John Toogood 20 miles 19 July 2012  Thank you
 Luticha Andre Doucette 4 miles 20 July 2012  Happy Birthday
 John Ball 5 miles 23 July 2012  Thank you
 Joyce Van den Hoven 5 miles 26 July 2012  On behalf of Fred Normandale for “Ebbing Tide”
 David Tillett 10 miles 27 July 2012  Thank you
 Andrew Smethurst 10 miles 7 Aug 2012  Donated to celebrate my wifes 68th birthday
 Anon 4 miles 8 Aug 2012  Thank you
 Anon 40 miles 9 Aug 2012  Thank you
Janet Cato 20miles 13 Aug 2012  Thank you
James Squire 20 miles 15 Aug 2012 Glad to support a fantastc trip by Lord Nelson around the world.
Ian Wilkinson 5 miles 17 Aug 2012 Fantastic organisation, all the best for your round-the-world adventure.
Eileen Buckley 3 miles 31 Aug 2012 Have a wonderful voyage everyone
Adrian Chinery 10 miles 1 Sept 2012 Thank you
Rear Admiral Roy Clare 20 miles 1 Sept 12  Fair winds, following seas: see you in New Zealand
 Alan Westbury 20 miles 1 Sept 12  Have a great trip everyone!
 David Lawton 10 miles 18 Sept 12 Brilliant event, all credit to JST
 Robert Ludgate 20 miles 2 Oct 2012 WEIGH ANCHOR!! FANTASTIC ORGANISATION
 ANON 10 miles 6 Oct 2012  Thank you
 ANON 10 miles 17 Oct 2012  Thank you
Diane Rayner 10 miles 18 Oct 2012 Will be aboard TNS next week Dublin – Belfast, getting excited!
Peter Snow 500 miles 19 Oct 2012  BON VOYAGE!
Ann MacMillan 100 miles 20 Oct 2012 Fair winds and happy sailing. Ann MacMillan Snow
Marilyn Earland 5 miles 22 Oct 2012 Have a great trip. Goodluck and have fun.
Nigel Davies 4 miles 22 Oct 2012 Bon voyage and look after them BM’s!
ANON 20 miles 24 Oct 2012  Thank you
Piers Cross 80 miles 24 Oct 2012  Thank you
Frances Webb 1 mile 28 Oct 2012 All the best for a fantastic journey to all involved.
Thomas Davison 10 miles 29 Oct 2012 Thank you
ANON 2 miles 2 Nov 2012  Thank you
Barbara and Lizzie Box 4 miles 13 Nov 2012  Fair winds and small waves
Emma Wooldridge 2 miles 18 Nov 2012  Thank you
Girlguiding UK 40 miles 11 Dec 12  Thank you
Michael Godfrey 20 miles 13 Dec 12  Thank you
Phoenix Friends 19 miles 7 Jan 13  Best wishes and good luck with the venture
Secret Giver 2 miles 3 Feb 13  Thank you
Blue Print Education 2 miles 25 Feb 13  Keep up the good work
Barbara Box 23 12/03/13  Thank you
Peter Church 4 miles 30/3/13  Best wishes for an exciting adventure to all the crews.
Jools Graham 2 miles  2/4/13  Thank you
 Anonymous 200 miles  9/5/13  good luck fair weather and have a great time
Secret Giver  2 miles  26/5/13  Thank you
 Margaret Campbell  10 miles  1/7/13 Thanks for the STW4 chart. Bon voyages to everyone who is sailing or is thinking of sailing – go for it!
George Bliss  20 miles  23/7/13 I wish I could sponsor the whole trip! Wishing you fair winds & adventure
 Anon  2 miles  20/8/13  Thank you

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