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There are many ways business can support the life changing work of the Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST).

The charity receives no government funding; the Trust is completely reliant on help from the private sector, individual supporters and groups who recognise the global importance of their work. The JST is the only organisation in the world that can take up to 40 mixed ability crew on a sailing adventure of a lifetime; your support will aid this unique and special cause whose work touches the life of thousands of people each year.

Why support the Jubilee Sailing Trust?

Becoming involved with charitable work can be beneficial to companies and businesses and can have many positive outcomes for both the employers, employees, clients and supporters of your organization.

The benefits include:

  • Increased positive publicity
  • Portraying the company as a caring employer
  • Boosting staff morale
  • Promoting positive teambuilding
  • Improving employee/employer relations
  • Please look at the areas below to see how your company can help the JST.
  • Help with maintenance as a team-building exercise
  • Take part in Diversity Awareness Programme
  • Host events on board
  • Charter a team-building day on board
  • Raise money for the JST through taking part in challenges throughout the year

We offer corporate opportunities in hospitality, diversity awareness and corporate day sails. Please contact Sarah Webb T: 023 8042 6868 or contact us for more information about corporate sponsorship.

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