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Tenacious blog

June 24, 2014
VOYAGE 407, POOLE TO SOUTHAMPTON 24.06.2014 Aft Port, the Lovely Watch Poole to Southampton: 45 minutes by train, 6 days by Tenacious. But what days! Saturday was a warm and glorious Pirate Day in Poole, the Town Quay crammed with Johnny Depp lookalikes of all ages, most of whom wanted to come aboard during our […]

June 2, 2014
1/2: JUNE 2014. Tenacious, sailed from Southampton,on a Sunday afternoon,to anchor off the IOW, for the night. It gave the Crew a good time to know each other before the week began. Today we have seen, whilst at sea the Last Royal Navy Carrier, and a present Daring Class Destroyer, working together with a FAA, […]

May 30, 2014
Last full day of TNS403! We set sail off the anchor and steamed into The Solent passing the Needles off the Isle of Wight, usual fine fare served up for breakfast and lunch from Micah and the galley crew. Lots of sail stowing and going aloft by the more active of the VC and the […]

May 27, 2014
0931 – Tuesday. We left Dartmouth bound for Warbarrow Bay! Virtually the whole day spent under sail. Evening revelries in Dartmouth beginning to show with one or two members of the VC!!! Anchored for the night and spent an amiable evening comparing our childhood encounters with ‘the Cyrils’ of this world and our lucky escapes. […]

May 26, 2014
TNS403 blog Watch AS. Today is the morning after the night before. A run ashore in Dartmouth was greeted by the resident population with a grand chorus of traditional sea shanties led by Martin accompanied by the TNS403 Choir. As a qualified Welshman I must say the rendition and choral accompaniment was quite superb. Definitely […]

May 25, 2014
Coming to you from the Bridge of the glorious Tenacious – we are currently anchored in Dartmouth. After a beautiful days sailing we then cruised under the stars past the Isle of Wight. This morning the officers of the watch expertly practiced recovering our dummy (Penelope) from the sea. Reece was nominated as the swimmer, […]

May 24, 2014
Its 1 in the afternoon watch as we sail on Tenacious through beautiful clear blue green water 15 miles south of Littlehampton with the tide taking us along at 6 knots due west. We can just see the English coast on the horizon through the haze. Last night we motored through the night against the […]

May 23, 2014
After a seemingly successful few days of corporate entertaining for some of JST supporters it was back to the reality and organised chaos of joining day. Special thanks to the office staff and the galley crew for their sterling efforts over the past few days , (you know who you are). Anyway back to TNS […]

May 19, 2014
Tenacious is sitting at South Quay, Canary Wharf, her yards and rigging reflected, many times over, in the surrounding glass of office blocks, so we are attracting plenty of passers by. Yesterday saw the end of the voyage from Southampton, which had been sunny and calm. The voyage crew left at noon, and sortly afterwards […]

May 16, 2014
Left Southampton Monday 12th May en route to France. Anchored first night to a most beautiful sunset. Acquainted with our Watch Leaders and now understand safety procedures on board ship and practised evacuation procedures. Tuesday morning left for France. Beautiful weather and good sailing. Wednesday not a lot of wind for sailing, arrived in Calais […]

May 5, 2014
Greetings from Tenacious, sitting alongside in Southampton, in glorious sunshine. There are a good number of volunteers on board, all working very hard to maintain the ship, and to get her ready for the day sails and voyage TNS402. Most of the volunteers are “old hands”, the oldest hand being “dad” Derek, who is stuck […]

April 29, 2014
TNS 401 The voyage came to an end on Sunday 27th April. But not before another anchorage. The voyage crew enjoyed the chance to go ashore in Sark; they were pre-warned to beware of the Sark Shark. Whilst at anchor some crabs were brought off a passing fishing boat. We weighed anchor in the evening […]

Latest from Lord Nelson:
  • Lord Nelson – 26/06/2014 The dawning of the second week aboard had us awoken with a mandarin Chinese wake up from Johnny and just so we knew what was going on, Izzy gave a […]
Latest from Tenacious:
  • Tenacious – 24/06/2014 VOYAGE 407, POOLE TO SOUTHAMPTON 24.06.2014 Aft Port, the Lovely Watch Poole to Southampton: 45 minutes by train, 6 days by Tenacious. But what days! Saturday was a warm and […]
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