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For a more in-depth look at life on board our ships check out some of our crew stories. From both able bodied and physically disabled voyage crew, it will give you a brilliant insight into one of our voyages.

Ellen’s Story

This story comes from Ellen who sailed on Tenacious in December 2013…. “Those of you who know me will know that I was born deaf and began to lose my sight about 2 years ago…”

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Ellen and Alice crop


Jess’ Story

This story is about Jess…. It’s very difficult to describe the effect that Jess had on board Lord Nelson in Auckland earlier this year. Very hard indeed.

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The Woodside family’s Story

Our story comes from Philippa who sailed alongside the Woodside family on the Wellington to Nelson voyage on Lord Nelson in November….

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Lilly Helme

Lily’s Story

Spending time on a tall ship in the South Indian seas may not sound like an obvious holiday choice for two sisters to reconnect – but for Lily and Alice Helme, it was the perfect way to spend quality time together whilst fulfilling Lily’s growing quest for adventure.

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Bill’s Story

This story comes from a crew member who travelled on the recent Kochi voyage in India aboard Lord Nelson…

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JST News Bill


Andy’s story

Being the Accounte and Journal of One who sailed aboard the British Tall Ship “Lord Nelson”. On her passage in the Southern Ocean, Tasman Sea and Bays and Waters Hitherto from Hobart towne in Van Diemen’s Landt to Port Jackson in Her Britannic Majesty’s Colony of New South Wales. As seen through the eyes of one of her Impressed crewe who saw strange Sea Monsters and survived storm, tempest, surging seas and Fysh Pye to bring this Accounte.

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David’s Story

So many people that have worked hard all their lives dream about the things they are going to do in their retirement….yet illness may strike just as the time arrives. But it doesn’t mean those dreams have to end – altered perhaps, but not forgotten.

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David's story


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