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Are you aged between 16 and 25 years? Do you want to challenge yourself, learn how to lead a team and improve your chances on the career ladder at the same time? If you can answer yes to these questions, you should be on our Youth Leadership @ Sea scheme.

JST youth leadership

The Leadership @ Sea programme has been specifically designed to equip you with life skills that will help propel you forward in your future career. The programme builds confidence through experience, giving you the opportunity to lead a team made up of a wide age range and of different physical abilities. The experience challenges your leadership and communication skills and improves your understanding of different people’s strengths and abilities, ultimately enabling you to become a better leader and team player. The JST’s Youth Leadership at Sea is an accredited Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award residential programme:

“During the Leadership @ Sea Scheme I had the opportunity to hold a watch for four hours. I learned some valuable lessons about individual ability and not to brand anyone with the same mark, each person has a threshold of capability.”

Shane Mc’Auliffe

Bursary funding for Leadership @ Sea

Bursary funding is available for Leadership @ Sea places. To be eligible you must be aged between 16 and 25 years. You will be asked to write a 200-300 word statement explaining why you should benefit from a bursary, what you are looking forward to learning on your voyage and what benefits you will bring back to the community, and /or your school, college or university. After you return from your voyage, you will also be required to write a report covering your experience on board.

For more information, or to apply for a bursary please contact Josephine on T: 023 8042 6868 or via our contact page.

“My voyage on the Lord Nelson was truly life changing, an unforgettable journey for which I am thankful to The Rank Foundation and the local employees forum of Wm Grant & Sons Ltd for their financial support. I really am grateful for having had the opportunity to embark on this journey. It has given me so much and allowed me to do things that I never thought I would or could. I have grown in confidence, even whilst on the voyage.

It has been said a few times how much more confident I was and how I was always chatting and having a laugh. Climbing the mast and going aloft really was an achievement for me and I am glad I can say that I have done it. Also the knowledge that I was part of aiding Robert when he went aloft is also a great feeling. Being part of the evacuation team was a big thing, knowing that Andrew felt that I was up to the job. Cleaning the heads was a big thing as the first time I was almost sick but by the third time I never even thought twice about it.

Helping to guide Mark and Anne, our blind friends was a big responsibility knowing that I was their eyes was difficult but worthwhile. I am now a more confident and positive person. I feel proud knowing that I have made all these new friends and although most of them were a bit older than me there weren’t any age barriers.

Age wasn’t an issue, everyone got on really well and I am still in contact with them. Also we are planning a reunion soon which is brilliant as I cannot wait to see them all again. I really am glad that I had the chance to do this and glad that I took on the challenge as I was really nervous before we left and when we arrived, however those feelings were quickly forgotten once aboard “Oor Nelly”.

Rachel McMillan, Student from Rank foundation



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