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June 25, 2014
The dawning of the second week aboard had us awoken with a mandarin Chinese wake up from Johnny and just so we knew what was going on, Izzy gave a more concise wake up in English. There was a race between the fore and aft watches to stow their courses, our unorthodox hauling of the […]

June 24, 2014
VOYAGE 407, POOLE TO SOUTHAMPTON 24.06.2014 Aft Port, the Lovely Watch Poole to Southampton: 45 minutes by train, 6 days by Tenacious. But what days! Saturday was a warm and glorious Pirate Day in Poole, the Town Quay crammed with Johnny Depp lookalikes of all ages, most of whom wanted to come aboard during our […]

June 24, 2014
23rd June The Captain said “It was the best sailing day she had in a long time.” The sun was out, all the square sails were set and the wind and sea were perfect. Aft Port was put through a very severe exercise regime by Charlie. Also, we caught a fish for the impending “crossing […]

June 22, 2014
22nd of June According to Captain Barbara, this is the best sailing day for ages. The sails have been tweaked to perfection and on our 8-12 watch last night we achieved 11.2 knots the record speed for the trip, and we have covered 211 miles in 24 hrs. We are now experienced in sail setting […]

June 21, 2014
Night watches were treated to a sky full of stars and warm winds – it seems odd to be on watch at midnight in shorts and tee shirts… This morning dawned hot again, after breakfast it was happy hour which down below was like working in an oven but medic Vicki’s impersonation of Dolly Parton […]

June 20, 2014
It has been a busy few days for Lord Nelson and her crew. On the 18th the reminder of the voyage crew joined. Some had arrived early to help out during the maintenance period where not only rigging and engineering systems were serviced and repaired but lots of sanding, varnishing and painting got done. In […]

June 10, 2014
10/06/14 Having arrived on foreign shores, Capt Chris and our interpreter Antonio appeased the locals with offerings passports and other shiney objects. After befriending them an expedition was arranged with 11 brave souls lead by Patrick and employing a local guide ventured to explore the beach at Gunga in a search for local firewater and […]

June 7, 2014
Day 12 Just completed 1,000 miles of sailing from Rio at 11.43 am. Yet again glorious day with Azure blue sea. Yesterday Ben and Antonio climbed to the very top of the mast while sailing at 6 knots and most others were taking a sun siesta on the deck below. After our evening watch from […]

June 5, 2014
Day 10 Once upon a time in a land far far away, on a sea of French Blue the good ship Nelly plied her way under full sail en route to Maceio. Under the afternoon tropical sun the team of 5 Brazilian Sea Scouts were challenged with moving a bucket of water up the main […]

June 4, 2014
Day 9 on STS Lord Nelson, South AtlanticBreakfast on deck before another opportunity to get into the boats and visitanother island in the Abrolhos Archepeligo. Another chance to swim and snorkel in the beautiful clear and warm waters. Many marine creatures were spotted, particularly by Edison once freed from his wheelchair. Others from the crew went on tours […]

June 3, 2014
Part  1: Monday 2nd June at the Abrolhos Islands Wow! What a day, we arrived at the Brazilian National Marine Park consisting of five Abrolhos Islands late on Sunday afternoon, having completed four days sailing in the sun. After an alfresco breakfast and a bit of house keeping, the outdoor pool was declared open.  Most folk […]

June 2, 2014
1/2: JUNE 2014. Tenacious, sailed from Southampton,on a Sunday afternoon,to anchor off the IOW, for the night. It gave the Crew a good time to know each other before the week began. Today we have seen, whilst at sea the Last Royal Navy Carrier, and a present Daring Class Destroyer, working together with a FAA, […]

Latest from Lord Nelson:
  • Lord Nelson – 26/06/2014 The dawning of the second week aboard had us awoken with a mandarin Chinese wake up from Johnny and just so we knew what was going on, Izzy gave a […]
Latest from Tenacious:
  • Tenacious – 24/06/2014 VOYAGE 407, POOLE TO SOUTHAMPTON 24.06.2014 Aft Port, the Lovely Watch Poole to Southampton: 45 minutes by train, 6 days by Tenacious. But what days! Saturday was a warm and […]
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