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  • Get started early & set yourself a target
  • Adopt a determined and planned approach to your fundraising. Carry a sponsorship form with you at all times and tell people what you hope to raise. You can always raise the bar if you start approaching your target!
  • Ask others to help – encourage family, friends and work colleagues to help fundraise on your behalf.
  • For more ideas on how to get your fundraising started, download our Fundraising Pack.

Where is the money being spent?

  • Ensure you know enough about the JST to let your sponsors know where their money is going. The JST fundraising team can send you a DVD which demonstrates our work in more detail
  • Check out
  • Make it easy for your supporters to sponsor you by creating your own, free, personalised online sponsorship page. It’s fast and easy to make your own webpage. Supporters can donate by credit or debit card. Their money comes directly to the Jubilee Sailing Trust AND it’s all tax-efficient – earning the JST even more and making your target easier to reach

Make it easy for sponsors

Use a JST sponsorship form in a table format with easy-to-fill-in sections for your sponsor’s name, address, telephone number and pledge amount. The more information you get, the easier it is for the JST to reclaim gift aid, which means we get 28% back from the tax man.

Be easy to contact

Ensure your name, address and telephone numbers are clear on the sponsorship form. This way, any photocopies should eventually return to you.

Target carefully

Make a list of all your family, friends and work colleagues as well as associates you know through sporting or social activity. If it helps, list them in separate sections and decide how you are going to approach them and what you want to say.

Face-to-face is best

It is more difficult for sponsors to say no if you are stood in front of them. If you can’t meet them in person, send a letter, fax, or e-mail, because they are harder to ignore. A tear-off reply slip at the bottom is also useful. If you do email them, send them the link to your online sponsorship page.

Get it matched

At work, or through colleagues in other businesses, target managers who control budgets. Approach your boss and ask if you can tell sponsors that their donation will be matched pound for pound by your company.

Have a high profile

Meet as many potential sponsors as you can. Contact your local newspaper or company newsletter and tell them about your venture.

For more information please contact the fundraising team via our contact page or telephone: 023 8042 6868

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