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Lord Nelson and Tenacious are the only tall ships in the world designed so they can be sailed by a crew with widely varied physical abilities.

Every aspect of shipboard life is available to all, from setting the sails, going aloft and helming the ship.

Among the many features found on Lord Nelson and Tenacious are:

  • Wide decks for ease of movement
  • Lifts between deck levels
  • Power-assisted steering
  • Signage in braille
  • Guidance tracks, tactile stair strips and raised directional arrows on handrails.

To see a virtual tour of our ships click on the links below:

Lord Nelson Virtual Tour
Tenacious Virtual Tour

tall shipsSince the charity started in 1978, over 39,000 people have sailed with the Jubilee Sailing Trust. Over 27,000 of those have been on Lord Nelson , which was launched in 1986 and 12,000 have sailed on Tenacious which was launched in 2000 – the largest wooden hulled tall ship of her type to be made since the end of the 19th century.

Both our ships have features on board that experience has told us enable people with physical or sensory impairments to take a full and active part in sailing.

To help our voyage crew fully experience and enjoy life at sea, our ships also offer comfortable accommodation. There are eight cabins on each ship for wheelchair users which feature wider bunks. On board Tenacious there is a purpose built sick bay equipped for most medical requirements.

tall shipsPeople are the essential element to sail the ship, as you step on board you’ll be greeted by our permanent crew members and volunteers. This team of highly skilled professional merchant seafarers includes a Master, First Mate, Second Mate, Bosun, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Medical Purser and Cook. Our permanent crew can also include two Bosun’s Mates and a Cooks Assistant who are volunteers.

The rest of the crew is made up of 40 people, from all walks of life. For many, their first voyage with the JST is the first time they have set foot on a tall ship. They may be physically disabled (we take up to eight wheelchair users on a voyage) or able bodied, male or female.

tall shipsIf you’re wondering if you’re eligible to sail with us then look no further. We can cater for people with a wide range of physical disabilities: look at the table on the right to see the range of disabilities or conditions our voyage crew have had. If you would like to talk to someone about coming on a voyage with the Jubilee Sailing Trust, please contact us via our contact page.

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