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Diversity AwarenessDisability is a major work place equality and diversity issue, and forward thinking companies are now embracing the challenges and welcoming the advantages of creating a level playing field for people with and without a disability.

The Disability Discrimination Act has of course been key to changing practices, but real change is not just about applying the letter of the law: real change is about embracing diversity and seeing diversity fostered throughout an organisation’s culture from grass roots to board room.

Embracing Disability, Targeting Ability

Developing and keeping a culture where diversity and disability awareness is a core consideration means equipping staff at all levels with the right skills. Most problems stem from a lack of awareness of the skills and ability of disabled people by able-bodied employees, combined with an anxiety over etiquette and concerns about creating the right working environment. This is where the Jubilee Sailing Trust can help you. The practical experience on board Tenacious and Lord Nelson equips your staff with the soft skills that make a real difference back in the working environment. The result is that you make the most of a diverse workforce, integrating disabled and non-disabled staff more effectively and building stronger, better performing teams.

Diversity @ Sea

The JST’s Diversity @ Sea scheme has been designed specifically for the corporate sector. We provide the opportunity for your employees to gain practical experience of living in a very diverse and challenging environment outside their comfort zone and where their assumptions about themselves and others will often be tested.

“A fantastic opportunity. From working as a team to improving communication skills and confidence, it’s had a positive impact on our employees and our working environment.”

Veronica Schilling, Global Diversity Manager, Allianz SE

No prior knowledge of sailing is needed as they, and the rest of their team, will be guided through the intricacies of sailing a tall ship by our crew of professional British seafarers. They will work closely with a member of the permanent crew who will literally ‘show them the ropes’. This is a scheme specifically tailored for companies serious about fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities.

Alongside Diversity @ Sea, we run a programme designed for people aged 16 – 25 years called Youth Leadership @ Sea. This programme focuses on developing teamwork, leadership and communications skills whilst building confidence and social awareness.

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