Making a planning application - a guide for sports clubs

Sport England, in partnership with the Department of Communities and Local Government, has published a new guide to planning applications aimed at sports clubs who want to improve their facilities.

We know that poor quality facilities are a significant barrier to increasing participation in sport at a grassroots level. All too often the planning system is viewed as an obstacle as opposed to a means of securing the best possible outcome, and when approached incorrectly can result in frustration, financial loss and damaged relationships.

Making a planning application provides practical advice that will help clubs across the country prepare their case and application in order to maximise their chances of success.

Step-by-step guidance is provided on the five stages of applying for, and securing, planning permission:

  • Reviewing the options
  • Preparing the application
  • Submitting the application
  • The decision
  • Implementing the decision.

The handbook has been drawn up with help from the Planning Officers Society and a working group that included The FA, the RFU, the ECB and British Tennis.