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When people sail with us they don’t just learn about life at sea. With the chance of actively working as part of team in a physically and mentally challenging environment, catering for all types of disabilities, we open their eyes up to a world of possibilities.

Many voyage crew participants leave our ships with a far greater level of confidence – not only in themselves, but in their understanding of the people they have met – be it able-bodied or disabled.

The results below show how we help people in a variety of ways – whether it’s an increase in their own self-esteem and personal development, or in their ability to work with different types of people and their attitudes towards people who have different physical abilities to themselves.

Your confidence before and after your voyage?

With over a 130% increase in the number of voyage crew who described their confidence as very good or excellent after they had participated in a voyage, this demonstrates that when customers are in a supported and a positive environment, where they get the opportunity to meet new friends and learn new skills, their self-confidence is greatly improved.

Your self-esteem before and after your voyage?

The impact of self esteem can be significant where all areas of life can be affected in some way and confirm your core belief that you have no value. With an increase of over 130% of people who rated their self-esteem as very good or excellent, we can show that people who have taken part in one of our voyages have felt their ability to cope with day to day situations has improved and their general happiness has increased.

Your personal development before and after your voyage?

Personal development includes activities such as improving self-awareness, improving self-knowledge, developing strengths, improving health, improving social abilities and fulfilling aspirations. With over 90% increase in voyage crew participants who rated their personal development as very good or excellent, our figures indicate that one or more of these areas have improved.

Your awareness of what can be achieved in a mixed ability team in a well-designed environment?

We have seen a 60% increase in the number of voyage crew who now rate their awareness of what can be achieved in a mixed ability group as very good or excellent. These results show that once people have taken part in a voyage, they gain an understanding and a greater awareness of what can be achieved and so people’s perceptions change.

Your attitudes towards people with different physical disabilities before & after your voyage?

Learning that people with disabilities are fundamentally no different from people without disabilities helps reduce fear and avoidance. With an increase of over 25% of voyage crew who rated their attitude as very good or excellent, shows that attitudes do change and provides people with a greater understanding of what can be achieved.

Your understanding of the obstacles faced by people with disabilities before & after your voyage?

With over an 80% increase in the ratings of very good and excellent on how voyage crew understand the obstacles faced by people with disabilities, indicates that people’s perceptions change when placed in a mixed environment. People become more educated.

Your ability to work with people more or less able than yourself before and after your voyage?

With a 40% increase in voyage crew who rated very good or excellent as their ability to work with people more or less able than themselves, shows that whilst on our voyages people’s awareness of disability changes. Everyone has their own individual strengths be it in a physical way or strength of character. The buddy system allows people to operate together as a single unit so that they are able to monitor and help each other.


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